
Luna Station Quarterly: Issue 018 by Jennifer Lyn Parsons

nancyotoole's review

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Issue 018 of Luna Station Quarterly actually features a story by me, so it feels self serving to assign it a rating. Still, I did end up it, so it only feels fair that I should mark it read and review it. My story, Gretel, is a modern retelling of the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale.

Issue 18 of Luna Station Quarterly covers a lot of ground with the ten stories found inside. My favorite by far (which also happens to be the featured story) is The Sacrifice by Robin L. Martinez. The Sacrifice features a great mixture of sci-fi worldbuilding, character drama, and a genuinely surprising storyline. If you're going to only read one story this issue, I would make it this one. Also worth looking into are Tourist Attraction by Nina Shepardson, which gives a very different story about dragons, and Tunbi by Chikodili Emelumadu, which delivers a tale of sweet, sweet revenge. Not all of the stories found here necessarily clicked for me, but I found a lot to enjoy with issue 18. I'm quite pleased to have my work included here.