
Eat, Drink, and Be Married by Rebecca Bloom

daylafm's review

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Review first appeared on my blog: Book Addict 24-7

I received a copy for review

Rebecca Bloom's Eat, Drink, and Be Married is a sweet adult fiction novel that explores the relationships between four women. I'm a sucker for a good chick lit novel, simply because I like the drama and the path to redemption that women in these novels encounter. Though fairly well written, Bloom's story starts off shaky, but picks up shortly after the midway mark.

The characters are diverse and each have their own issues to overcome by the end of the novel. My greatest issue with Bloom's characters is their believability. Most of the characters have successful lives that feel unrealistic and over-the-top--An example would be celebrity status success and name-dropping to add a "wow" factor.

The first half of the novel is where Bloom emphasizes the success of her characters to the point where her story lacks credibility. But the novel quickly bounces back as the girls finally get together for Hannah's wedding, due to the story switching from a show-and-tell of who's done what, to four friends and their bond. This portion of the novel was, in my opinion, the better half of the novel. This is where readers can relate to the characters.

The beautiful aspect of Bloom's novel is how each woman surpasses a problem in their lives, whether it is a romantic, familial, or personal struggle. Eat, Drink, and Be Married is full of redemption and acceptance. The reader is shown how a past does not determine the future and how everyone deserves a second chance, no matter where s/he comes from and what his/her situation is.