
Dragon Moon by Carole Wilkinson

lidy_ugh's review against another edition

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I am so melancholic. When I tell you I teared up reading the end of this. Each time I finish a series that I read in my childhood I cannot help but feel an overwhelming sense of wonder and nostalgia and sadness and finality and this series was particularly significant to me because I still recall now how my dad took me to the local bookstore on my 9th birthday and asked me close my eyes as he goes up to the lady at the register and gets me this bag of books and Dragonkeeper was one of the first books I had ever held in my hand that was a gift from someone and that would be one of my first tastes of the transportive power of fiction. At this point I can't remember if I hastily consumed the rest of the series down promptly or if it took me years to finally conclude my reading but either way I'm here again and its jsut as bittersweet as the first.

I just wanna say. I love Ping. She is good and kind and caring and selfless and hardworking and has put everyone else in front of her for the entirety of her life. I didn't pick it up when I was younger, but now that the patriarchy and societal pressure has made its mark on me, seeing her be just a genuine, powerful, capable female character not because the author had to but just cause she is makes my heart swell. She either leaves all of her family or they leave her and she's come close to death, and has seen it, and those she loved been subjected to it but yet she is not afraid to love more, to let people in and form new relationships. Her maturation was something I greatly admired and there is a particular kind of satisfaction in seeing good people be loved and cared for. This is the kind of series that will stay me for as long as I live.

toryp's review against another edition

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This whole story is just so well written and moving.
I cried just as much reading this as a 22 year old as I did when I was 8, reading this for the first time. It's a flawless book from beginning to end. Ping and Kai are my favourite pair ever. And Ping is just a perfect main character. The way she is such a respectful, determined, unstoppable, quiet achiever is just the most moving thing in the world.
So happy I reread this series! What a way to end the month.

teri_b's review against another edition

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This book brings the story ark that started in book one to an end. And what a story Carole Wilkinson tells in this third book.

I would have thought that by now I would have seen quite a bit of stories about dragon. These books take dragon tales to another level.

Luckily, I was able to discover this books in my local library as otherwise they are difficult to get hold of here in the UK. If you are lucky enough to do so, get hold of them. I would consider them to be worth a read for an age.

They are though not so much rich in action, but in contemplation and inner growth and understanding of oneself and the world outside.

These three books have become all time favourites for me.

critter's review against another edition

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Dragon Moon has a lot of the same issues that the rest of the series has. There are a lot of times when the pace was very slow. While I loved learning about the dragon haven and the dragons there, Ping spent a lot of time there not doing much. The conclusion to this series was bit satisfying and really wrapped up all the character arcs very well.

cindyc3689's review against another edition

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"Sekarang kau menyesal, setelah terbaring di sini, dalam kegelapan, jauh dari para pelayanmu, dekat dengan maut yang masih siap menjemputmu. Kau tidak akan semenyesal ini setelah nanti kembali ke istanamu!"

Gooooo.... Ping!!!
Puas sekali mendengar (eh membaca maksudnya) Ping mengomeli Kaisar seperti itu. Dan aku merasa kata-kata itu pas sekali. Memang penyesalan selalu datang terlambat. *eh jadi alay jablay gini ripiunya* ;p Kebawa mood-nya Sang Kaisar siihh...
"Aku juga bukannya menawarkan pekerjaan padamu. Aku.... menawarkan hatiku." *Gubraaaaks...* *HAALAAH!!*

Hehehe.... Ya, tapi ini masih cerita Ping dan Kai, si naga kecil. Meski sedikit beralay-alay di awalnya, Ping tetap pada keputusannya untuk membawa Kai ke surga naga. Berbekal peta berteka-teki dari Danzi, Ping menelusuri wilayah kekaisaran dari Beibai terus ke barat, melewati Tembok Besar, menyeberang ke wilayah-wilayah padang rumput, kembali ke wilayah kekaisaran, dan terus mengurai petunjuk arah Dataran Tinggi Naga. Dalam perjalannya Ping kembali dipertemukan dengan Jun, yang sekarang sudah tumbuh tinggi besar dan menjadi saudagar sutra kaya, namun tetap masih merasa bersalah dan berhutang budi padanya. Dengan pertolongan Jun, Ping dan Kai berhasil menemui 8 naga yang masih tersisa. Namun Kai ternyata tidak dengan mudah dapat diterima oleh para naga tersebut, mengingat ia lahir di kandang Kaisar dan memiliki pengasuh seorang perempuan.

Mirip dengan buku pertamanya, buku ini lebih mengkisahkan tentang perjalanan Ping dan seekor naga asuhannya. Jika di [b:Dragon Keeper|3061977|Dragon Keeper (Dragon Keeper, #1)|Carole Wilkinson||1149808] ada Danzi, maka di buku ini ada Kai, anak Danzi. Bedanya di buku pertama, Ping dan Danzi menemui beberapa musuh yang mengejar-ngejar mereka, sedangkan di buku ketiga ini Ping dan Kai malah bertemu beberapa teman lama dan beberapa teman baru yang membantu perjalanan mereka. Cerita juga lebih difokuskan pada bagaimana Kai mendapatkan tempat di antara para naga, bagaimana Ping juga membantu Hei Lei si naga Halilintar Hitam meninggalkan kepedihannya terhadap manusia dan bagimana Ping merelakan perpisahan yang harus terjadi. Mengharukan memang, tapi tetap harus terjadi dan meninggalkan kenangan indah. *alay lagi*

Aku suka bagian Ping di Istana Beibai di bawah perlindungan Bangsawan Yan yang berakal sehat. Aku suka bagian Ping menemukan Kaisar yang terluka. Aku suka bagian Ping diselamatkan Hou Yi dan bangsa Ma Ren. Aku suka saat Jun membantu Ping dan Kai. Dan aku suka saat Ping membela Hei Lei dengan mengatakan bahwa lebih baik ia yang mati daripada melihat seekor naga lagi menemui ajalnya. Tapi yang paling aku suka adalah bagian di mana kisah ditutup dengan percakapan tentang masa depan antara Ping dan Jun. Tentang rumah yang nyaman dan daun-daun mulberry yang tumbuh subur dalam hujan yang turun. Dibandingkan "lamaran" sang Kaisar yang rada alay, tawaran Jun sederhana dan sungguh-sungguh terdengar tulus.
"Kai sudah berada di tempat yang seharusnya-di dunia para naga. Sekarang sudah waktunya bagimu untuk mengambil tempatmu si dunia manusia."
"Aku tidak pernah punya tempat di dunia manusia. aku sudah mengurus naga-naga sejak umurku empat tahun."
"Kau suka mulberry?"

Dan Ping-pun menemukan tempatnya di dunia walau masih bermimpi tentang seekor naga yang berpendar lima warna. TAMAT. #sigh

nb: sayang ya, cover dari terbitan Matahati ini tidak seperti dua buku sebelumnya, yang didominasi ukiran gambar timbul naga berwarna emas dan perak. Meski font judulnya masih sama dan image naganya juga serupa dengan buku-buku sebelumnya, tapi tetap tidak serasi jika dijajarkan seperti ini :p
[bc:Dragon Keeper|3061977|Dragon Keeper (Dragon Keeper, #1)|Carole Wilkinson||1149808][bc:Garden of the Purple Dragon|3337977|Garden of the Purple Dragon (Dragon Keeper, #2)|Carole Wilkinson||1877676][bc:Dragon Moon|6096283|Dragon Moon (Dragon Keeper Series, #3)|Carole Wilkinson||2209582]

teawolf's review against another edition

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Carole Wilkinson's writing style feels somewhat stilted. Her sentences usually run pretty short and aren't very complex syntactically. This may be because she's writing for a younger target audience, but it couldn't be too young because she certainly isn't afraid to write about gore.
While the sentences don't flow together very well, she knows how to convey ideas and emotions well. The nature of the writing made it hard for me to get into the story at first, but soon enough I was really into it. She has strong ideas that carry throughout the novel. The climax was brilliant, and I couldn't put the book down.
"Dragon Moon" doesn't have quite as much action as its prequels. The only real battle happens at the end. I did feel kind of bored at the beginning of the book, even though Wilkinson wrote about Ping's journey well and in very good detail. I was also expecting it to be a simpler story, though I'm not entirely sure why. The plot we are given was surprisingly complex, and there were a great number of twists I didn't see. Something would happen, and I thought "Oh, that must be this!" I would gawk at this realization, and then something else would happen instead. It made me immensely happy.
A very good conclusion to a very good trilogy. It left me wishing there were more. Oh well.

On the side, I wish the cover to this one felt more like the others. It just doesn't feel as... pleasing. I like the mist and detailed backgrounds of the other covers. But that's just me.
(The scene on the cover, though, is a very good scene in the book.)