
Ari Goes To War by P.J. Sky

wittyandsarcasticbookclub's review

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Thank you to the author for providing me with this book in exchange for my honest opinion. Ari Goes to War will be available on April sixth.

Ari Goes to War is the sequel to A Girl Called Ari. It continues to follow Ari (and Starla), although this book focuses a lot on Ari’s relationships with others, and how her past affects them. Starla finds herself in a precarious situation and Ari goes to rescue her.

The book continues the story quite well. Ari is a tough-as-nails character most of the time, so it was nice to see a little bit more of what makes her tick, so to speak. There were a couple of other characters for her to interact with, which was interesting, the main one being a girl named Keshia. Keshia lives on the streets and is just trying to get by. Her fingers tend to get a little sticky and she finds herself running from trouble a lot. She makes some bad choices, but it’s either in the interest of survival or in a misguided attempt to help. She was by far my favorite character. To Ari’s credit, she doesn’t ditch Keshia, despite the several occasions when things would have been easier if she had.

I was a little bummed that Starla was once again in need of rescue. It would have been nice to see her character be a little more active. However, the group (dare I say ‘cult’?) that kidnaps her is all kinds of interesting. I really liked seeing how that all played out.

While this book is a sequel, the events of book one are explained throughout in a way that would make it completely possible to read as a stand-alone. I appreciated the references to what went on in A Girl Called Ari, since it helped freshen my memory.

Ari Goes to War is a quick read and an entertaining one. Look for it when it releases: in the meantime, A Girl Called Ari is available now and it’s a good time to jump in.

popthebutterfly's review

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Disclaimer: I received this book from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Ari Goes to War

Author: P.J. Sky

Book Series: The Adventures of Ari #2

Rating: 4/5

Recommended For...: Dystopian

Publication Date: January 14, 2021

Genre: Dystopian

Recommended Age: 16+ (gore, violence, PTSD)

Publisher: Indie Published

Pages: 342

Synopsis: In a distant future… A world divided… A wasteland at war…

In trouble with the Jackroller crime syndicate, and with the warlords of The Black Mulga on her tail, Ari must confront her past when she sets out across the war-torn wasteland to rescue Starla from the clutches of the infamous Bone Pointer.

Review: For the most part I really like this sequel. I thought that it was a very good with green and I noticed throughout the reading that this book can be read as a standalone which is always a plus to any reader I really like the world building of this book and I also really enjoyed the pacing.

However, I do feel like the book is a bit repetitious in its story. I felt like but kind of repeated some of the same events from the first book and I also felt like we didn't really get to see any substantial character development especially from Starla.

Verdict: It was good!