
Ascension by Michelle Bryan

momwithareadingproblem's review

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I received an eARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

I had the pleasure of beta reading Ascension by Michelle Bryan back in April and I have been dying to share my thoughts with you all since! Ascension picks up just a few weeks after the events of [b:Awaken|25970470|Awaken (New Bloods, #1)|Michelle Bryan||40206664]. Tara is trying to learn more about her powers, Jax is gone, and Ben has been taken to the Prezedant’s city.

Please note that if you have not read book one of this series there may be minor spoilers in this review.

Tara is still one of my favorite heroines. She’s determined, fiercely loyal, and brave. She loves her little family: Mack (new character that I love, more on him in a minute), Tater, Finn, and Jax. AND she will get her other family back: Ben and the kids. Her fault is that she is so focused on finding Ben and the kids that she misses the bigger conflict and what her new blood status will mean to the Prezedant. Tara has no regard for her own safety and risks her life many times to save those she loves.

What I love about this series is the side characters. Michelle Bryan is awesome in that she’s created a great set of secondary characters that are fully developed and compliment the story and Tara. Mack was introduced near the end of [b:Awaken|25970470|Awaken (New Bloods, #1)|Michelle Bryan||40206664] and I fell in love with him! He’s a general for the Prezedant but also works within the rebellion, feeding them information and helping prisoners escape when he can. Now he’s training Tara to fight and I love it! Jax….*swoon* He’s perfectly annoying and unavailable and everything that would drive any girl of the same age crazy. I easily picked up on his feelings for Tara during the first book, but the author delves into it more this time and yes I most definitely swooned!

My biggest complaint during the first book was that there wasn’t a lot of world-building. While the author did create a magnificent dystopian world for our characters, there wasn’t much information about how that world was created. Michelle answered those questions in this book AND it was well worth the wait! I love the background to how society became so underdeveloped, how the new bloods were created, and how the Prezedant seems to never age. Those questions are answered in such detail and it adds SO much to the story that I’m on pins and needles waiting for the conclusion!

Overall I enjoyed this addition to the New Bloods Trilogy. I love Tara, I LOVED the little triangle the author sets up among Tara, Ben, and Jax, AND I adore the series arch. I can’t wait to read more and find out what all Tara is capable of. If you enjoy young adult, science fiction, dystopians, than this series is for you!

bec_sherman's review

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Ascension was a fantastic second book in the New Bloods Trilogy. I enjoyed this one more than the first in the series probably because I had fallen in love with the characters by this book. Plenty of Tara, Jax, Finn and Cat. Tara is still out to find Ben and learns more an more about her powers. In this book they get right into the heart of in in Skytown in an attempt to beat the Prezedant. Plenty of action, plenty of drama, page turning from page 1. I'm really looking forward to the last book in the series (I hope it's out soon)!

I received a complimentary copy in exchanage for my honest review.

veereading's review

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I'll be honest, I still didn't like Tara. But there were a lot more redeeming points that kept this book in my good graces. For one, I really liked the involvement of the different secondary characters; they weren't just filler, they actually had a role to play and they had different personalities. I also liked that the author took the time to explain more of the backstory of how things came to be and who the Prezedant is. It helped make the story more cohesive and enjoyable. Just like the first novel, the story was fast-paced with lots of action that kept it an interesting journey. I think I quite liked this novel, in comparison to its prequel. I would recommend this trilogy to pre-teen/teens who like science fiction.

I received this novel as an advanced copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.