
Haunt Me by Liz Kessler

coala's review against another edition

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Magische und nachdenklich stimmende Geschichte

Ein magische Liebesgeschichte präsentiert und Liz Kessler mit "Meine Liebe ist jetzt". Wir erleben eine spannende Geschichte um Erin, die auf einen Neuanfang hofft und irgendwie doch wieder in einer neuen Situation hängen bleibt. Dazu kommen mit Joe und Ollie zwei sehr interessante Protagonisten hinzu, die viel verbindet und dennoch unterschiedlicher nicht sein könnten. Und Erin muss sich auf einmal entscheiden zwischen einer Liebe, die unerwartet und dennoch so tief daher kommt und den Abenteuern, die einem im realen Leben erwarten.

Die Autorin hat einen unterhaltsamen Jugendroman geschrieben, der durch einen flüssigen und leicht zu lesenden Schreibstil punktet. Die Perspektive wechselt dabei zwischen den 3 Hauptprotagonisten und hält die Dynamik so hoch. Nachdem die Geschichte anfänglich etwas braucht, um in Schwung zu kommen, wird sie zunehmend spannender und man lacht und leidet zusammen mit den Protagonisten. Zudem werden wichtige und ernste Themen wie Mobbing, Selbstmord angesprochen, die jedoch nicht zu plakativ daher kommen, sondern gut in die Geschichte eingewoben sind.

Ein beeindruckender Jugendroman, der einfühlsam und mitreißend ist. Die Liebesgeschichte kann man sehr gut nachvollziehen. Aber er stimmt auch nachdenklich, denn es ist erschreckend, in welche Abgründe Menschen fallen können

mkschoen's review

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(this is a review of an ARC from NetGalley.) Joe wakes up in his room with gaps in his memory, and sees his family moving away, ignoring his cries. Erin feels an instant connection to the bedroom in her new house, even though she hates the move that led her there. How are these two connected (duh, Joe is a ghost).

This looked like it was going to be a supernatural ghost story, but at heart it's a romance. It just didn't hold my interest past the first few chapters.

piperbunny's review

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Very predictable, girl likes boy, boy likes girl, oh no boy is a ghost. Given stars mainly for the mental health/bullying storyline. Not very spooky.

charis_reads's review

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I was a huge fan of Liz Kessler when I was little. I read all the Emily Windsnap and Philippa Fisher books, and her standalones as well! So I was really excited to see her expand into the young adult genre.
I think this book had a pretty good handle on mental health, grief, bullying, and even addiction. I sped through this book, and the plot pushed forward well. Sure, there was a major love triangle, and I know that’s not for everyone, but this book accomplished what I wanted it to for me. It was entertaining, it was cute, there was good hurt/comfort material.
Of course, I do understand when people say that Erin is pretty flat and a bit of a Mary Sue. But I didn’t completely hate her. In fact, I kind of liked her a bit. And that’s a pretty great accomplishment for an author writing a teen, female character.
The end was satisfying, and I’d recommend this as a good teen paranormal romance book.
However, I didn't think that the frequent use of the exclamation "AAARRGGGGHHHHH!" is really a scream of fear, but author's preference, I guess.

ellemo1's review

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I received an eARC edition of this book courtesy of Orion Children's Books/ Hachette Children's Group via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book made me rather uncomfortable at times, my mind did not bode well with Joe and Erin's relationship. I just couldn't fully comprehend why on Earth it happened, because apart from artistic/writer's license, I could not picture why one could and would come up with a human being falling for a ghost like some weird Caspar the Friendly Ghost remake...

Because that's what this book felt like, with a side of bullying, and suicide and OD. It was all rainbows and sunshine. However, I do have to say that Kessler did a good job of presenting all of these topics in a non-pretentious way.

In saying that, though, I thought that Erin was too reckless nearing the end of the book. I mean okay, she was introverted and had been bullied for the majority of her life, but going to the lengths she tried to; to be with the only human being her age (if one may even call Joe that, because I honestly don't think so) who cared enough to show her affection was incredibly childish and thoughtless.

But I do guess that the above also explains the plentiful insta-love which occurred within this novel, which of course I found rather pathetic; but I am going to put it down to the MC's unstable psyche, and excuse her from both incidents.

The relationship itself , well... it annoyed me. Joe and Erin felt like the same person sometimes and I think a bit of the whole "opposites attract" thing that most books have going on nowadays would have worked better, which was why I was quite relieved when Olly came into the story, which was coincidentally also when the pace of the book picked up for me and reading became more bearable.I honestly have no clue why this book didn't work for me like it seemed to for the majority of its readers, but I do have to say that Kessler's writing style kept this book from falling into the depths of hell with all the other books that had somewhat displeased me this year. It was fresh, and original and honestly worked perfect with the story and was a pleasure to read

My Rating: A Generous 2/5 Stars

laurenla's review

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Ghost story + relationship drama + good writing = a very popular YA book. A story that brims with sympathetic characters, mysteries and love triangles. As much about sibling rivalries as romance, everyone will find someone to identify with in this emo(tional) thriller. While I was initially sceptical, Liz Kessler's writing brought me along to the point where I was shedding tears on the train.

rebecca_hedger's review

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I was intrigued by how the story would develop and how the ending would wrap up, but I didn't like the writing style.

junkyardigan's review

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This was depressing. It is really sad, but not particularly good. I don't like it.

serendipity_viv's review

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My favourite Liz Kessler book EVER! I'm not sure how she will top this one. If you loved Ghost, Truly Madly Deeply and or A Certain Slant of Light, you will love this book.

amberswitch13's review

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The idea behind the book was fantastic, but I caught myself (more than once) thinking "We already know that you don't have to keep saying it!" It honestly just felt like somethings were being said because the author thought you didn't grasp it the first 100 times, which makes since she is known for her children work... but to be honest it was quite annoying the only thing that kept me going was that fact that stories like this with a ghost love interest can be a rarity especially in the YA section...

I almost didn't pick the book up because I hated both covers, but you can't get picky with ghost YAs when they are hard enough to stumble on. And one of the lines that really stood out to me in the book was "He loves me? He has no right to love me. I never said he could." I just about lost it with laughter when I read that sentence.

The story itself I believe is set to be in the United Kingdom but honestly I'm not 100% sure if I'm right about that, the country wasn't really discussed in the book.

The main characters are Joe, a young boy who died months prior. Erin, a young girl with a troubled past who's family moved to get away from it all, and Olly, Joe's older brother who might also be the reason Joe is dead.

Now with that idea of the book, of course I see love triangle but I also see thriller and thats not really what this book is... there are moments where its like "oh my gods" but they kind of have a disappointing turn out to be honest... I won't mention which two in particular I'm referring to in order not to spoil any readers but you'll know them when you read them, trust me.

Through most of the first third of the book (If you haven't read the summary like I tend not to do) you think the story is simply about Erin and Joe, done deal right? WRONG! A third of the way through the story the author basically throws Olly out a window and screams for you to catch him as she slaps you (not that she would). On one hand, I liked the timing that Olly's POV was put into motion but on the other hand I felt like it was going a bit far that the story was just turning into a complete mess because right before she introduces Olly's POV she makes you question your whole life as a reader... I had absolutely no reaction for what she did aside from my mouth wide open and at that moment I considered returning the book and marking it as DNF because and now keep in mind I'm a fan of Taran Matharu and Rick Riordan who are both quite cruel not only with cliffhangers but to their characters and I just was not into what Liz Kessler had done it just made me feel like she wrote the book then decided a month before publication that she needed to rip up the last two thirds and start from scratch...

I honestly don't know how I expected the story to end but not like that... It kind of felt like it was too happy and at the same time unfair to all of the main characters really...

I did enjoy the idea and plot line of the book, but many times I felt Liz Kessler built up a part of the story into this suspenseful thing just to tear it down just to show you a ripped piece of paper which is what the scenes truly felt like.

I can't say I would 100% recommend this book, it wasn't amazing but it wasn't completely horrible... I feel like it could have been much better if Liz Kessler had worked with another author to write it.

I was into the story from the beginning but just before Olly really got a part in the story was where Liz started to loose me as a reader, to be truthfully honest I don't think I would have finished it if I knew how it ended...