
Marvel Super Hero Adventures: Captain Marvel by

aelurus's review

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Plutôt déçue par cette lecture à destination des vraiment très jeune.
Pourquoi déçue ? parce que je m'attendais à lire des histoires mettant en scène Captain Marvel et même si elle apparaît dans la première histoire en co-star avec Spider-Man, elle ne fait qu'une brève apparition dans deux autres (sur les 6 présentes). 
J'ai plus eu l'impression de lire des récits sur Spider-Man (stripes inclus) que sur Captain Marvel. Donc oui, j'ai été déçue.

Par contre graphiquement c'est mignon, cela plaira au plus jeune vers qui cet ouvrage convient le mieux et les histoires sont facilement compréhensible.

gallaghergirl12's review

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Super cute! I especially loved the bumper shorts that were parodies of classic newspaper strips.

jbrooxd's review

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Fun graphic novel collecting short comic adventures with Captain Marvel and other characters from the Marvel Universe. Includes comic interludes starring Captain Marvel and other heroes done in the style of classic comic strips like Peanuts, Cathy, Dilbert, etc. There is one story in here that is also in the Spider-Man collection from Marvel Super Hero Adventures.

bluehairedlibrarian's review

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This book is delightful! Despite the cover, Spider-Man is really the star of this book, appearing in all the stories even when Captain Marvel does not, but there are a lot of supers contained in this book. The cartoon style is very reminiscent of Super Hero Squad with big rounded faces and oversized eyes. The stories are silly fun and between each short are a series of old-school comic strip-style cartoons that are based off of old school styles like Snoopy, Family Circus, and Garfield. It's adorable. This whole thing is adorable. I will be pushing it into the hands of all small children who will allow it.