
Beguiling Trickery by Chani Lynn Feener

melreads1126's review

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~~I was given this book in exchange for an honest review (Lop or Lovers of Paranormal)~~

Oh my goodness!!! This was SUCH an awesome book!!! I'm so mad I finished it!! UGH!!!

This book really sucked me in. Everything built up nicely to a crescendo, then petered out to a sweet ending with a slight hint that there might (key word here... MIGHT) be more to come. Especially with the whole Fiske thing.

I loved Kenna. At times (the romantic times) I wished I were in her shoes with the sexy Luka... The two of them are so good together. With him being an alpha male and her being every bit the alpha female, they butt heads a lot, but they also fit each other well.
The whole backstory of Luka and Kenna's past lives (well Kenna's past lives with Luka [you'll have to read the book to know what I mean]) was pretty good too. It seemed like her past characteristics came together in her present self. She's sweet, smart, quick-to-anger, can fight with the best of them, fiercely loyal, and so totally independent. And Luka just loves it.

I highly, HIGHLY recommend this book (you see that?? 2 highly's?? IT'S THAT GOOD!!! Lol). There are a few typos and grammatical errors in there, but not enough to throw the story off. Everything flowed together well making it very easy to get lost in the story. You definitely won't regret reading this one.

shereadsbookssometimes's review

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review LoP (Lovers of Paranormal)

I've put off reading this book for a while, while i was doing exams and now that i've finished it i honestly dont know why i did that. This book is amazing the story is so intriguing and unique that theres no questioning how much i adore it.

Kenna/Kari who ever she is, is a feisty yet emotional character that you cannot help but read about. Her snappy comebacks an drastic mood swings are hilarious as well as her estranged relationship with Luka.

Luka, this guy is my new book crush, i have no idea what is so appealing about this guy, he's a jerk, annoying, possessive (jealous, but dont tell him i said that) but i guess that is what pulls you towards him. His sarcastic and argumentative personality is what every teen girl secretly looks for in a book. So Luka is the perfect bad boy.

The book had a slow beginning i will admit that and there was some places where i had to but my tablet down or i would die of exhaustion of reading the boring parts but as soon as the story picks up pace there was no putting anything down, forget tv and another other story's this is the one to read. Plus, how original? I've never read a book of Norse legends and myths, to be honest i didn't even know what that was until reading this and now i'm really intrigued to know more, this isn't a storyline you would've read before.

So, without a doubt, this book deserves 5 stars for its unique storyline, lovable and admirable characters and for having a Luka.

bronwyndearden's review

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I was given a free copy of this ebook in return for a honest review. Tempest C Avery always has been one of my favourtite authors. She's an extremely talented author, but she's a person, too. Like Kenna, she is down-to-earth and has 'spunk'. I really loved this book. Tempest, you have outdone yourself.
I'm going to try to review this book without revealing anything too 'spoilery'.
When I started this book I immediately knew that I wouldn't be able to predict the ending. Which was true. Beguiling Trickery kept me thinking and even had me doing some research on the mythological component of the story. I couldn't figure out which Norse God Luka was, despite the many many clues (which I now see).
I rate this book 4 / 5 because there were one or two grammatical errors but nothig I don't do myself.
I really enjoyed this book (having read it in just a few days) and I would rely love for it to be published (publishers, hurry your asses up. This masterpiece will be claimed someday).
I recommend BT to anyone interested in Norse myth as well as paranormal stories. You definitely won't regret reading it.
Well done, Tempest.

keyapaha16's review

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*I received this ebook for free in exchange for an honest review*

Actual rating: 4.5

I have to say that this book surprised me from the get go! Kenna's character was one that I admired for her spunk, strength, and wit. She was someone I was able to follow and get to know as the story went on, instead of wishing she would make different decisions, especially around guys, as I've seen in other YA and NA books I've read lately. Kenna wasn't afraid to speak her mind to Luka or stand her ground when she felt like she was betrayed by Fiske and Parker. I also enjoyed how she was a strong female lead who didn't let adversity keep her down.

The Norse mythology connection was one that was a bit confusing at the beginning, but started to make more sense the more of the story I read. The idea of the Mara was an interesting one that I want to research a bit more to see how much of it is a part of Norse mythology. I correctly figured that Luka was Loki earlier in the story, but was not prepared for his relationships with Kenna's alter egos in her memories. Sometimes, I felt that the flashbacks/visions didn't fit in quite right with the current topic of the storyline and I wasn't sure why there was so much about Kari, but I enjoyed her "Seer" gift. While I have read some Norse mythology, this book helped remind me that I wanted to delve deeper into the history.

I am looking forward to another book. I love Kenna and Luka's relationship and how everything isn't always perfect. I am also looking forward to seeing how Parker helps Kenna grow and hone her gift.

pavi_fictionalworm's review

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The review was first posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Actual Rating 4.5 Stars

I received a digital copy of the book via the author in exchange for an honest review.

To be very honest, I have Uncle Rick to thank for my interest in mythology be it Greek or Egyptian or lately, Norse Mythology. So when I saw the author's post on Goodreads requesting for reviews - I basically without thought jumped on the bandwagon and never really looked back! :P

"Lying to liar makes for an interesting game."

Kenna has an ability - not a gift - but an ability to see in the future, but only about seconds into the future - not exactly the hotbed of activity nor is it useful. She has only two friends - Fiske, her best friend and his girlfriend, Parker.

"Last I checked, being superior, even in every way shape and form, did not necessarily make someone a god."

Everything changes when Luka enters the scene. He is arrogant, sarcastic little (not really) dweeb that you can't help but adore. He is rude, irritating, narcissistic know it all with a body that a hotness level of the sun! And he has the answers that Kenna need to understand what exactly is happening in her life.

"No one with hair this cool reads."

"No one cool enough to read needs to give a shit about their hair."

Kenna is an amazing protagonist.. She is not the simpering female who needs someone to hold her hand and walk her through life. She has been dealt with the harshest of hands, and yet comes out with her dignity and self respect intact. In fact, it is hard not to like her. She acknowledges that Luka is hot, yet seems to ignore that aspect when interacting with him (Girl, has amazing self - control! Just saying :P).

She has been dealt blow after blow and thrust into a world she doesn't understand nor she wants to, at first! Yet she shows incredible intelligence when dealing with each situation she is thrust into - from betrayals, to fights, to a curse that she doesn't have clue about!

"I introduced myself because of what you are. I stayed because of who you are. It's that simple."

Luka and Kenna's interactions are downright hilarious, not to mention adorable. They are amazing together - not because of their chemistry, but because they are the anti-thesis of each other. Besides, I give you one guess as to which Norse god Luka is supposed to be :P

The writing is perfect and I absolutely flew through the whole book in less than 3 hours (admittedly it was the middle of the night and there were no interruptions). The only problem is that the book ended on quite an ambiguous tone - which begs me to ask, Ms. Avery pleas tell me there is going to be a sequel, because if there isn't, I don't think you would want hordes of bookworms (lead by me!) camping on your doorstep :P

fortheloveoffictionalworlds's review

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The review was first posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds

Actual Rating 4.5 Stars

I received a digital copy of the book via the author in exchange for an honest review.

To be very honest, I have Uncle Rick to thank for my interest in mythology be it Greek or Egyptian or lately, Norse Mythology. So when I saw the author's post on Goodreads requesting for reviews - I basically without thought jumped on the bandwagon and never really looked back! :P

"Lying to liar makes for an interesting game."

Kenna has an ability - not a gift - but an ability to see in the future, but only about seconds into the future - not exactly the hotbed of activity nor is it useful. She has only two friends - Fiske, her best friend and his girlfriend, Parker.

"Last I checked, being superior, even in every way shape and form, did not necessarily make someone a god."

Everything changes when Luka enters the scene. He is arrogant, sarcastic little (not really) dweeb that you can't help but adore. He is rude, irritating, narcissistic know it all with a body that a hotness level of the sun! And he has the answers that Kenna need to understand what exactly is happening in her life.

"No one with hair this cool reads."

"No one cool enough to read needs to give a shit about their hair."

Kenna is an amazing protagonist.. She is not the simpering female who needs someone to hold her hand and walk her through life. She has been dealt with the harshest of hands, and yet comes out with her dignity and self respect intact. In fact, it is hard not to like her. She acknowledges that Luka is hot, yet seems to ignore that aspect when interacting with him (Girl, has amazing self - control! Just saying :P).

She has been dealt blow after blow and thrust into a world she doesn't understand nor she wants to, at first! Yet she shows incredible intelligence when dealing with each situation she is thrust into - from betrayals, to fights, to a curse that she doesn't have clue about!

"I introduced myself because of what you are. I stayed because of who you are. It's that simple."

Luka and Kenna's interactions are downright hilarious, not to mention adorable. They are amazing together - not because of their chemistry, but because they are the anti-thesis of each other. Besides, I give you one guess as to which Norse god Luka is supposed to be :P

The writing is perfect and I absolutely flew through the whole book in less than 3 hours (admittedly it was the middle of the night and there were no interruptions). The only problem is that the book ended on quite an ambiguous tone - which begs me to ask, Ms. Avery pleas tell me there is going to be a sequel, because if there isn't, I don't think you would want hordes of bookworms (lead by me!) camping on your doorstep :P