beth_books_123's review

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I liked this book better this year as I didn't read it continuously four times.
Summer 2019 update: we could never find the other one in the series.

The Y5 teacher borrowed On the Case and now we can't find it but we too interested in Dinkin to care. I've upped it to a 3.5* because that was my fault last time and this time as I've got such a wide range of ability, I'm going to have two grey A books on the go and I'm just going to alter children dependent on that so I won't get sick again.
Do you know how sick of this book I am? - 3*

So as a baseline book, I used Pet Finders: Underground, which meant I have read this with four different groups and I am sick of Nelson the one-eyed cat, who had unfortunately went missing. My class actually enjoyed it but because we had curriculum morning, a trip to Danby and mass, this book has took FOREVER to read. So I'm done with it. A lot of my class realised it was part of a series and they want to read the next one so I'll be meeting the two leads again. I think we'll be reading it in the summer term ish.

The plot was actually well-thought out and the children really responded well to it - especially the lemurs.