
Commanded by Stacey Kennedy

romancejunkie1025's review against another edition

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a very good story with lots of heart and sweetness along with some sensual and sexy fun between two people made for each other.

hannas_heas47's review against another edition

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Thanks Wicked Reads for a copy to read and review.

This has to be the sexiest series ever! Fanning myself! Whew! It's hot in here. Exciting book as Sawyer and Chloe ignite... Sexually charged atmosphere as Sawyer hires Chloe to look for the man that beat up his younger sister. Chloe has a profound innocence about her that attracts the Dom in Sawyer. Love this bdsm series even though this book was tame compared to others in this series. I really enjoyed it. Five stars!

crisly's review against another edition

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**ARC provided via NetGalley for a honest review**

Actually 4.5 Stars!!!!

So, first of all I really liked this book. It’s the first book that I read from this author.
We have Sawyer, he's a Las Vegas SWAT Team member and a Master at Club Sin, And we have Chloe, a private investigator, a woman that has been with her boyfriend Josh since High School... Until now, cause when she met Sawyer for a bit a month ago, she felt passion, lust and all the things that she didn't have felt with anyone, even not with Josh.

The heat of his body overwhelmed her, pulsating against her, threatening to take over her thoughts. “You, sweetheart,” he growled, stepping toward her, “need to shut off that busy mind of yours.”
She backed away until she hit the wall by the door. “Oh, Jesus,” she breathed.

So, when Sawyer hires Chloe for a case that involves his sister that had been assaulted by her boyfriend. They work together to find this motherf*cking asshole.

His eyes softened. “How do you stay so . . . pure?”
“Pure?” She snorted. “You think I’m pure?”
“I know you are.” His intense eyes searched hers for a long moment. “You have this light about you that’s unusual. I’ve never seen anything quite like it before. So tell me, how do you not allow all this shit to taint you?”

And he fall in love with her. Simply as that.

The secondary characters are clearly explained, so even if u don’t have read the previous books you don’t get messy.

It’s a great history; we have action, love, lust and passion.

jasmyn9's review against another edition

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Commanded really took a different look at the BDSM lifestyle and how it works with different relationships. Chloe is about as vanilla as they come, so Sawyer is a bit surprised when he finds himself attracted to her. He feels the need to claim her as his woman and teach her the ways of his world. But instead, he finds himself changing in subtle ways that surprise everyone around him

Chloe is blown away by the total hotness that is Sawyer Quinn. But when she finds out he's in the BDSM lifestyle, she has some very serious reservations about pursuing a relationship with him. Things are a bit dicey between them for awhile as she becomes more and more convinced that she could never be what he really needed.

This was something far different than what I had expected, but that ended up being a wonderful thing! A completely different look at the Masters of Club Sin that gives you such a good look at what it truly means to be with someone.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

aboutthatstory's review

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This was so great. I loved Sawyer and Chloe together!

I've been curious about Sawyer from the beginning and I loved getting to learn more about him. I loved seeing this other side of him outside of Club Sin. He was just so sweet and super sexy but he seemed to have a different vibe than the other guys which was refreshing. I liked Chloe as well and I loved her innocence in respect to the bdsm lifestyle and how she perceived things. The two of them had a wonderful relationship and I loved watching it grow. They had really good chemistry but I never felt a major pull between the two.

This story brought about some big changes which was such a wonderful thing, even though I was sad one thing was ending I was happy the direction everything was going. I liked getting to see all the couples from previous stories and catch up with them. I really like seeing Porter protective side of Chloe as well. I was wondering what was up with Dmitri and Presley, their encounters seemed to provide bits of foreshadowing for the final book.

I thought this was a really great, smooth read. It had a steady pace and flowed nicely. A good mix of sexy times and emotion as well as a solid story. It did have a different feel for me than the others stories, maybe because the majority it took place outside of Club Sin. I thought it was an excellent edition to the series.

Complimentary copy received for honest review.

whiskeyinthejar's review against another edition

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3.5 stars

****Full Review****

I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Chloe has felt like something was missing in her life for the last couple months and it seems to stem from her relationship with her high school sweetheart. After years of dating, they both decide that their relationship has become stale because they are first and foremost just friends. After Chloe's boss introduces her to his friend Sawyer, she learns what sexual chemistry is really all about. Sawyer is instantly drawn to Chloe but knows she isn't into the BDSM lifestyle him and all his friends are and is nervous of scaring her away. These two want each other but will changes be too much for either?

Commanded is book six in the Club Sin series and all your favorite couples make appearances with little updates on how everyone is doing. This story holds up on its own as this is fully Chloe and Sawyer's story and somewhat different from the rest. There was an interesting take on why and how Sawyer got into the BDSM club life, when he was honorably discharged out of the military he missed the camaraderie, giving orders, and being looked up to. With his natural dominant personality, he transitioned what he was missing from his past military life into becoming involved in a BDSM club and finding fulfillment there. Showing all the rhymes and reasons individuals get involved with this lifestyle is what makes this series so good and keeps things feeling fresh.

Chloe was a good character in that she felt completely normal, from her fear to not being what Sawyer needed, to her strength to not compromise who she was. Sawyer was the calm, cool, and level headed Dominant that oozes sexual confidence. Our couple meets in the previous book so when they reconnect here, it doesn't take long before they decide they should be together because both have wanted it for some time. I really enjoyed how nothing was forced in their relationship and how Sawyer introduced Chloe to not the club lifestyle but to what he individually needed from her. These two talk and while there may be a few hiccups in the beginning, they have a pretty smooth joining; I found myself missing a little bit of the angst and drama.

There is a side action story that involves Sawyer's sister, her spiraling down MMA boyfriend, and then a Chloe kidnap scene that allowed for Sawyer to show off his badass SWAT sniper side but seemed a little forced. It gave me the drama I was missing but the resolution was wrapped up very quickly. There are also no club scenes between this couple, remember how I mentioned this was a bit different from the rest of the series? This story really is all about Sawyer and Chloe growing individually and what that means for their growth together. The resolution to Sawyer and Chloe's relationship and what their BDSM relationship looks like for them felt natural and real.

If needing a break from drama and angst then Commanded would be a great choice with its sexy scenes and level headed characters.

nean's review against another edition

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Sawyer meets Chloe and he instantly feels the buzz between them, although Chloe has a boyfriend and she’s Vanilla.
Chloe can’t help what she feels whenever she sees Sawyer, and starts to realise that she wants more, the relationship with her boyfriend is more of best friends.
When Sawyer finds out Chloe is single, he knows he wants her, he also knows he as to let her know he’s a Dom, but see that Chloe has some submissive tendencies.
Chloe has never felt anything like she does with Sawyer, but she learns he’s a Dom and attends a BDSM club and starts to doubt that she can be everything he wants and needs.
Can Sawyer convince Chloe that she is what he wants, that he wants to explore everything with her at her pace, he shows her that she does have submissive traits and wants to explore them with her but not at a club. Will Sawyer give up being a Club Sin Master to explore a connection he has never felt before; can they make it work.

lulyslibrary's review against another edition

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I have to say I’m kinda disappointed with this book. While I really love them as a couple, I felt a bit disconnected from the story as a whole. A big part as to why I gave it a 3.5 is because I loved how Sawyer never pushed Chloe to get into the lifestyle because deep down he knew she would never be able to handle it and respected that truth.

seeingnight's review against another edition

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review to come

readermonica's review against another edition

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COMMANDED was a nice change in the CLUB SIN series. Sawyer actually seeks out Chloe for help in finding the man responsible for attacking his sister. It was nice to see an alpha male lead needing his love interest to help him with something so important and possibly dangerous outside of a romantic suspense story. Chloe is a private investigator and very good at her job. Calm, clear thinking, and determined she is the perfect person to help Sawyer. Chloe is able to use contacts outside of the strictly legal police channels that Sawyer himself would have to adhere to. With all of her strengths and abilities Sawyer still sees her as a woman with a submissive side that he would love to help her explore and enjoy.

There is plenty of steaminess in COMMANDED but the scenes are not over the top and reads more as sensual and stimulating instead of outright erotically graphic. The story itself is nicely paced and the relationship and romance between Sawyer and Chloe develops quickly but believably. I enjoyed the respect and care Sawyer had for Chloe from the beginning. Sawyer never saw Chloe as just someone he wanted to see kneeling at his feet and obeying his commands. Chloe is not part of the BDSM lifestyle and Sawyer has to walk a fine line between what he wants sexually and what he wants in a relationship overall which is another interesting twist.

COMMANDED is an enjoyable quick read. It was nice to have a couple in this series that didn't fall into the BDSM world as intricately as the couples in the previous books.

**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**

You can find more from me at Monlatable Book Reviews