
Southern Sass and a Battered Bride by Kate Young

kimdavishb's review

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SOUTHERN SASS AND A BATTERED BRIDE, the third book in the Marygene Brown Mystery series by Kate Young, grabbed my attention from the very first and captivated me until the last page was read. The quirky, loveable characters pulled me in and the twisty-turvey plot made this book a “just one more chapter” read through the night story. Protagonist Marygene, is as southern as they come. Despite her longtime sweetheart marrying her detested nemesis, Marygene and her sister agree to cater the wedding after being asked and do so with more grace than what seemed possible. When the bridezilla is found murdered, just after the ceremony, Marygene and her best friend/cousin, Betsy, become prime suspects. To make the scenario even more intriguing is Marygene’s ghostly mama, who shows up to lend support and an occasional clue in solving the crime. I’ve enjoyed watching the growth of the characters over the course of this series, and that includes Marygene’s Mama’s ghost. The creative and quirky twists on the characters adds to the overall entertainment.

The plot flowed at a quick pace which kept me turning pages. With action galore and snippets of humor to lighten the scenes, Ms. Young weaves in clues to keep the reader guessing. While I had my suspicions about the culprit, I wasn’t quite sure and I waffled back and forth as I was sucked in by misdirection. The heart pounding reveal contained another unexpected twist and has me waiting impatiently for the next book in this Southern Sass cozy series!

Marygene and her sister own the Peach Diner and whip up multitudes of mouthwatering dishes and desserts. With Marygene’s father experiencing some health issues, she’s determined to bake up healthier treats so he doesn’t feel deprived. I couldn’t help but be intrigued by the author’s recipes at the back of the book, which incorporate some of her healthier desserts.

I was provided with an advance copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

katreader's review

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The Third Marygene Brown Mystery

Marygene Brown once thought she'd be marrying her first love, Alex, not catering his wedding. Although any romantic notions she had regarding Alex are history, she can't help being a bit emotional, especially as Alex is marrying Lucy, a much despised nasty piece of work. The wedding is unusual, with Alex's fried dough requirement and a murder mystery themed reception. Seeing the bride splayed out by the wedding cake after the service Marygene and Betsy believe Lucy is really getting into the part. When Alex becomes distraught seeing his new wife Marygene soon realizes that Lucy isn't playing. But how could she be dead? Things take an even stranger turn when the body disappears. As Alex goes off the deep end, blaming his cousin and Marygene, Marygene knows she has to help before his family is irreparably damaged and she and Betsy are arrested for murder!

I absolutely love this series, which although it doesn't seem possible, just keeps getting better. The concept of the third Marygene Brown mystery series is brilliant, with enough twists and turns to make me dizzy! An apparent murder, a missing body, an attempted bank robbery, and a family turned against each other make for an exciting read. There are plenty of laughs as well, especially with Betsy whose unfiltered commentary and wacky antics can't be contained. I love how Marygene's mama is growing in her afterlife and how she does whatever she can to help her loved ones. And as for Betsy said, "he's a hunk of burnin' Latin love". I know he has me swooning.

SOUTHERN SASS AND A BATTERED BRIDE is a laugh out loud, exciting read that will keep you guessing. Plenty of thrills and quite a few chills will keep you on your toes as Marygene embarks on another mystery with the help of her zany best friend and her mama's spirit.

FTC Disclosure – The publisher sent me a copy of this book in the hopes I would review it.

amberweirdo's review

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adventurous emotional funny hopeful lighthearted mysterious relaxing sad fast-paced


thisandthatwithkaren's review

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Southern Sass and a Battered Bride“ by Kate Young the 3rd instalment in the "A Marygene Brown Mystery" series. I love this series so much!
I really enjoy visiting Peace Cove Island, Georgia and the Peach Diner. I love the island setting and Marygene and her diner family. The story is filled with quirky characters, like Betsy and Aunt Vi they are such a hoot! I was surprised by what happened and drawn in for the ride of finding out what happened to the bride.

I found myself so engrossed in the story that I read it in one sitting. It was entertaining, full of twists and turns and I didn’t completely guess whodunnit until Marygene did.

I highly recommend this series to all my cozy loving friends and I can’t wait for book 4 to come out!

I requested and received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from Kensington Books and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my OWN.

bookwife's review

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So good! There are so many twists and turns and I love the characters so much. If you enjoy cozy mysteries with a bit of romance, pick this series up!

peggyemi's review

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This is my first five-star cozy mystery review of 2021, which for me is rare. As a reviewer, my five-star reviews are not all that frequent because it takes something really special to warrant that review. For me, Southern Sass and a Battered Bride is that something special. This is a fun series and I've enjoyed the first two books but this third book just exceeded all of my expectations. Ms. Young has created this fun, quirky, warm, loving, outspoken, outlandish, tight-knit group of characters that just speaks to me. They are full of wit and humor but are flawed and complex, with more layers for the reader to uncover. I love that Marygene is getting stronger as she heals from the abuse in her past. Her family and friends are her rock, so when she and Betsy are being framed for the murder of Alex's wife, Marygene goes into action to try and help solve the mystery.

The mystery and the plot are complex with a lot of different layers. This was a fast read that kept me turning the pages because I wanted to know who killed the bride. Ms. Young weaves plenty of clues throughout the story, laying down plenty of bread crumbs that will lead her readers in the wrong direction if they follow them. At one point I had my suspicions about the killer's identity, but I hadn't really appreciated all of the nuances to the clues to give me confidence that my theory was correct. In the end, the author wraps up the mystery with an exciting conclusion that will leave the readers satisfied but wanting more.

This is a terrific series and I can't wait to read more. It hits all the right notes in what I look for in a cozy mystery - strong, interesting, and likable characters, strong mysteries that keep me guessing, a plot the flows and keeps me turning pages, and witty dialogue with added humor. I will definitely be back for more in this series.

I voluntarily read a digital advanced reader copy provided to me by the publisher, Kensington, through NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

asanford's review

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Such a fun series with good twists and turns. And I love the island spirit.

jen_baroness_mom's review

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I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy from the Great Escapes Book Tours. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.Southern Sass and a Battered Bride by Kate Young is spectacular. Marygene and Betsy are the best. The mystery keeps you guessing and has wonderful recipes that I can't wait to try at the back.

Who killed Lucy, and why are they framing Marygene?

Marygene Brown

Honestly, I had to pop back into the last book. I was so shocked that Alex was marrying Lucy, I hoped that Marygene and Alex would patch it up. Alas, that is not happening. However, Marygene seems to be in a better space mentally in this installment, well, part of it. She has way more strength than she thinks she does. I also enjoyed her relationship with her mom, and they are getting along better now.

Marygene seems to have moved beyond how she defined herself before. She has a truly great bunch of friends and family around her that love her. Although, she does go through some scary things in this story, especially with her dad, Eddie. Oh, and Javy, is he turning into her newest love interest? Only time will tell.

Betsy Myers

Betsy is the best friend that anyone could ever have. Seriously, she is always there for Marygene. Betsy is scary funny. She packs a gun that she can't shoot; she has style and is a foodie. Who wouldn't want her for a best friend? These two are the perfect sleuth partners, Betsy is the comedian of the two, and Marygene figures it out.
Clara Brown

Clara is Marygene's mom; even though she isn't a tax-paying citizen anymore, don't count her out. She is there when Marygene needs her. Really you could say that they are there for each other in the only way they can be.

These are two quotes that tell you a little bit about Clara.
"Ugly words shouldn't come out of pretty mouths. No matter how much paint you put on the barn, the ugly taints the whole structure,"

"Marygene, my word, wipe that ugly look off your face. Your eyes are bugging out like a Pekinese. It's mighty unbecoming."

The Mystery

Southern Sass and a Battered Bride CRI will tell you that Ms. Young spins quite a tale. She had me guessing all the way up to the end. I thought I had it, and then I dismissed it as speculation. I should know to stick with my gut.

Anyway, Alex is marrying Lucy because she is supposedly knocked up. Marygene and the Peach Diner cater their wedding. Oh, and it's a murder mystery reception, and the bride wants to be the victim. Do you see where this is going? So, she is presumed murdered, but her body disappears. Then Marygene and Betsy are almost killed when their van has a cut brake line and a pipe bomb under it. Alex is distraught over losing his bride and their unborn child. Marygene and Betsy are then accused of the murder. It doesn't stop there, but you will have to read the book for the rest. It is so worth it. Believe me.

Five Stars

My rating for Southern Sass and a Battered Bride is five stars. I finished this book in a matter of a few hours. Marygene is fabulous, and their island is filled with the greatest characters. They make me laugh out loud and tear up too. Ms. Young is an awesome author. I highly recommend this book and the first two in the series.

Marygene Brown Mysteries

Southern Sass and Killer Cravings by Kate Young Southern Sass and a Crispy Corpse by Kate Young


Prize:  (1) - $20 Amazon Gift Card and (1) U.S. CANADA - An autographed copy of all three books in the series. Southern Sass and Killer Cravings, Southern Sass and a Crispy Corpse, and Southern Sass and a Battered Bride.

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Until the next time,

Jen Signature for BBT


This review was originally posted on Baroness' Book Trove

zarafray4's review

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I have been getting into the "cozy mystery" genre lately, so I was super excited to read this book. I admit, I was a bit confused at the beginning with her "talent" and why she was taken aback by the Detective being there. However, I chalked that up to my fault. This was the first book of Kate Young that I have read, and if I had read the others first, I wouldn't have been so confused.

I enjoyed the family and island dynamic. It seemed quite atmospheric and charming. The author made me want to visit. I also liked that I thought I knew who the killer was, but then there was a twist, so I thought it was someone else. It ended up being an outcome that I did not guess, at all! The only negative that I have is it seemed a bit repetitive at times. Other than that, I really enjoyed this book and I look forward to reading others by this author.

sbays23's review

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I really enjoyed this book! I kept thinking I knew who the murderer was but I was genuinely surprised at the end.

I’m on team Javy!