
Alterant by Dianna Love, Sherrilyn Kenyon

kathydavie's review

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Second in the Belador urban fantasy series set in a contemporary Atlanta, Georgia and revolving around an Alterant-Belador, Evalle Kincaid.

My Take

It's a complex cast of characters and took a bit before I started to remember events from Blood Trinity. And I remembered that I had been fascinated. Now I'm bummed that Alterant is a 2011 publication as it means I have to wait for #3!!!

Kenyon and Love are blending old ideas of gods, goddesses, and Native American beliefs with a whole new series of cultures of Alterants, Beladors, and witches. The series incorporates a ruling court with the autocratic approach of the gods and uses our prejudice of the unknown to create a spellbinding story even as they solicit our compassion for Evalle—Feenix cracks me up. I just don't want him cooking my pizzas!

Amazingly enough, I haven't any quibbles unless you count wanting to know more than what Kenyon or Love have told us so far.

The Story

Evalle has been summoned to the Tribunal to defend herself against charges of colluding with Tristan, an Alterant, and to provide proof that humans are at no risk from her. A proof she doesn't have seeing as she's been kinda busy saving the world. Of course, that won't cut it with the Tribunal. They tend to favor a scorched earth policy.

There's another little wrinkle that will affect Evalle's defense—Alterants are appearing all over the country and killing humans. But to Evalle's shock and delight, Brina steps up and defends her, pledging her own life that Evalle will be successful in this next task the Tribunal sets for her. A task that sets her up for failure because Evalle must gain Tristan's cooperation. A man, an Alterant, whom she put back into prison and who believes she will kill all other Alterants. A policy diametrically opposed to what he plans. And he has hidden the three Alterants she must locate and produce for the Tribunal.

The Characters

Evalle Kincaid is a half-breed—Belador and Alterant. It's the Alterant half that makes everyone want to kill her as everyone believes they are unstoppable monsters. To stay alive, Evalle has sworn to uphold the code of the Beladors and to work for VIPER, a policing organization protecting humans from the non-humans. Vladimir Quinn and Tzader are also with VIPER as well as being her best friends. Feenix is a two-foot tall gargoyle and her friend and pet.

Native American Storm is a tracker and shapeshifts into a jaguar. He has recently arrived in Atlanta and is working temporarily with VIPER and with Evalle as her partner; there's some personal things he wants from Evalle and he's very willing to protect her.

Former Special Ops Isak Nyght has assembled a team of ex-Special Ops, the Nyght Raiders, who patrol the city hunting for non-humans—Alterants they shoot on sight. Evalle keeps hoping that Isak never finds out what she is—he's a good kisser.

Based in the Nether Realm, the Tribunal governs all non-humans and is the court of last resort, usually without any input from its, the accused. It consists of Pele (Polynesian goddess), Ares (Greek god of war), and Loki (Norse trickster god). Each non-human species answers to a particular god/goddess. The Belador answer to Macha with Brina as the warrior queen of the Belador based on Treoir Island. Sen is the absolute bane of Evalle's existence. He lives to destroy her and in his position as go-fer for the Tribunal, he's in a good spot to do it.

Tristan is another Belador-Alterant. Unfortunately for him, however, he's been caged in a section of South American jungle by Brina. He claims it's a wrongful jailing; Brina isn't saying anything. His original crime seems to be wanting freedom for himself. For his fellow Alterants. A perspective with which Evalle agrees. But conspiring with a Kujoo warlord to destroy the world (Blood Trinity) is just not the way to change anyone's minds.

The Medb are witches currently ruled by Queen Flaevynn who has imprisoned her husband, Cathbad the Druid, and using her daughter, Kirzia, to further her own plots to prolong her life. Contrary to the prophecy. Both parents will use Kirzia to get what they want although Flaevynn a sadistic perv whom Kirzia is very careful about allowing thoughts of the enemy she loves from surfacing where the queen can read them. Seems the Medb are the only ones to know about a species, the Rias, descended from a beastline traced back to Cú Chulainn. A species that very closely resembles the Alterant.

The Cover

The cover is smokin' from red to black with the holographic silver hilt of a beautiful sword. The title and authors' names are in the same silver and is the focus of the story.

yodamom's review

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This was one of those couldn't put down books. It hit all my story loving nerves, in all the right ways. Intense action, strong women, heroism, hot men with undefined motives, witches, magics, monsters, gods, goddesses, shifters and even a cuddly gargoyle. It all fits together in this unique world that seems similar enough to our reality that I could fall into the story. I found myself on high alert for every page, the dust never settles. I was brought to tears, and to laughter several times and the plot twisted. The ending had the dreaded cliffhanger... but it's okay there was an e-mail.- read the book you'll get it.
Much better than the first book in the series, the first book set up everything for this one.

witchylevy's review against another edition

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Macha is confusing. I think all of her manipulation is to help stop the curse Kizara keeps referring to. I hope so because separating soul mates and being a general b to one of her own, half Belador or full should not be a qualifier. But Gods are fickle and temperamental.

jazzrizz's review against another edition

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First off . . . can I say how much I love Storm!!

What a great book. Evalle is once again caught up in situations beyond her control. So many twists and turns in this book. I did want to choke a lot of characters in this one. Brina . . . Tzader . . . Macha (especially her!!) . . . Quinn . . . Tristan . . . even Evalle at times.

. . . and the ending! Geesh, I cannot wait for the next book to come out!!

parabatai_mountains's review against another edition

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I couldn't stand it. The pacing feels weird to me, and I'm already not a huge fan of the characters. I didn't enjoy how the main girl just met this storm fella a few days ago, (cited TWICE) and was already in love with him (?) and getting all jealous over how he was  looking for this girl in south America for a few months and wanted main girl to help him. unbearable. I couldn't even start chapter 3.

The cover art is stunning though.

dom_tbrmenace's review against another edition

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Warning: this book will give you tons of anxiety and keep you on the edge of your seat the whole way through

bibliofiendlm's review against another edition

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I do like this series by Kenyon and Love. It's a departure from some of their other urban fantasy/paranormal romance. Good action, just enough angst.

auntblh's review against another edition

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There were a couple of times during this book (especially towards the end) where I wanted to smack Evalle for being stupid. I will still need to read the next one when it comes out to find out what happens next. However, I don't know if I can hold on through a lot more books without more resolution on some of the story line.

witandsin's review against another edition

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Blue Ribbon Rating: 4 out of 5
Original Review Link

Evalle Kincaid has always been loyal to her fellow Beladors, even though many of them see her as a threat waiting to happen. She’s an Alterant – half Belador, half something unknown. Even though she recently saved humanity, she’s still looked on with suspicion. And when three Alterants escape their prison, Evalle is blamed for it.

To clear her name and keep her freedom, Evalle has to hunt her own kind. But finding the escaped Alterants isn’t easy, particularly when the only person who can help her sees her as a traitor. Not to mention the fact that the Beladors’ enemies are also hunting Alterants – and Evalle in particular. The clock’s ticking for Evalle, and the future of her race depends on her succeeding when the odds are stacked for her to fail.

Enter the fantastic urban fantasy world of the Beladors with ALTERANT. In the second BELADOR book, powerhouse authors Sherrilyn Kenyon and Dianna Love have built on the complex, engaging world they introduced readers to in BLOOD TRINITY. ALTERANT is even better than its predecessor, with its twists and turns, complicated loyalties, star-crossed lovers and action-packed plot.

At the center of ALTERANT is Evalle. She’s a kick-ass heroine that readers are sure to enjoy, but it’s her giving heart and hidden vulnerabilities which have me invested in her journey. Mses. Kenyon and Love have made me care about Evalle, and I desperately want to know more about her history, and that of all the Alterants.

There’s also a wealth of secondary characters in ALTERANT that I am fascinated by. I fell in love with Evalle’s best friends, Tzader and Quinn, in BLOOD TRINITY, and with what happened to these two in ALTERANT, I definitely want to see more of them – Tzader, in particular, because Mses. Kenyon and Love broke my heart with his forced separation from the woman he loves. Then there are Storm and Isak, two potential love interests for Evalle – though in ALTERANT it’s clear that Storm has an edge in that area. Both men have depths the authors have only begun to touch on, and oh boy, am I hooked on both of them. I could go on, but I’ll only add one more; Feenix. I don’t know anyone who can resist Evalle’s too-cute-for-words pet gargoyle whose impact on Evalle brings about some surprisingly emotional moments in ALTERANT.

ALTERANT is the second BELADOR book, and readers new to the series really should start with the first book, BLOOD TRINITY. If ALTERANT is any indication, the exciting BELADOR series is just going to get better and better. There are SO many things in this series that I want to learn more about; there’s no way I could list them all. Mses. Kenyon and Love have me on tenterhooks waiting for the third BELADOR book. As Evalle would say, “Bring it on.”

Note: My review was written for Romance Junkies and is cross-posted here courtesy of Romance Junkies.

aquariandancer's review against another edition

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Beladors Book Two

Evalle's meeting with the Tribunal does NOT go well. She is accused of freeing three Alterants and tasked with finding them or being locked up herself. Not only will she face the Tribunal's wrath if she fails, Brina will also pay the consequences. After being thrown into the jungle at the mercy of Tristan, Evalle begins searching for the Alterants who could save her. Meanwhile, the Medb sorceress, Kizira, is up to more sinister plans.

If you're looking for an urban fantasy series with kick, this is it!