
I'll Be Here by Yesenia Vargas

taylorfennerwrites's review

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My rating: 3.75 of 5 Stars

I received a copy of I'll Be Here in exchange for an honest review.

Katia's life is just starting to get back to normal after Brian left with his family to go back to Mexico. Adam is back in school and she's trying to get back her friendship with him. Then Brian returns... again.

Both guys make it clear that they want to be with her and Katia finds herself in the middle of her worst nightmare... a love triangle. How is a girl supposed to figure things out while juggling school, SATs, and college decisions all at the same time?

Can Katia trust Brian again? Or will he end up breaking her heart and leaving again? Is it possible for Katia to feel more than just friendship for Adam? Or will she dash his hopes and hurt him and break their brittle friendship - possibly forever this time?

I wasn't sure what to expect from I'll Be Here but I have mixed emotions about it. Katia spends like the first chapter and a half of the book whining about how much she misses/loves Brian but then when he shows up she doesn't want anything to do with him. Then she spends the rest of the book being kind of wishy-washy and complaining about both guys liking her but at the same time a whole school year passes before she can make a decision. If Katia were a real person instead of a fictional character she seems like the type of girl guys get annoyed with for never just saying what they want.

This played a major factor in me disliking the first half to three-quarters of this book. The end redeemed the story and I'm satisfied with how Katia's story wraps up but it was touch and go there for me for a while.

Overall, I liked this book but because of the way the heroine of the story acted I didn't love it. I do recommend reading this book if you read book one and want to see how things wrap up.

aldoregan's review

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I voluntarily reviewed a copy from the Rachel E. Carter YA Book Club on Goodreads.

Before anything, I just want to give a big shoutout to Yesenia Vargas for sending me copies of books from her Matters of the Heart series. Thank you so much! Really appreciate it.

To be honest, this story was kind of aggravating because of Katia's indecision between Brian and Adam. Especially since it was what comprises the story. 75 percent of the book, we read about how Katia doesn't know who she'll choose. It just became repetitive as we read further and it became more and more annoying.

The plot was a bit predictable. Some of the "twists" the story has didn't catch me by surprise
(except for that last part with Brian running off)
. And I'm pretty sure all of us knew who she was gonna end up with from the very start.

But some of the scenes were cute and adorable, so I guess that kinda makes up for it. And I love that part when Katia chases Brian
(although I wish it would've ended dramatically)

kellila's review

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I voluntarily reviewed a copy from the Rachel E. Carter YA Book Club on Goodreads.

Before anything, I just want to give a big shoutout to Yesenia Vargas for sending me copies of books from her Matters of the Heart series. Thank you so much! Really appreciate it.

To be honest, this story was kind of aggravating because of Katia's indecision between Brian and Adam. Especially since it was what comprises the story. 75 percent of the book, we read about how Katia doesn't know who she'll choose. It just became repetitive as we read further and it became more and more annoying.

The plot was a bit predictable. Some of the "twists" the story has didn't catch me by surprise
(except for that last part with Brian running off)
. And I'm pretty sure all of us knew who she was gonna end up with from the very start.

But some of the scenes were cute and adorable, so I guess that kinda makes up for it. And I love that part when Katia chases Brian
(although I wish it would've ended dramatically)