
Catalyst by Brad Green

popthebutterfly's review

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Rating: 3/5

Genre: Thriller

Pages: n/a I read this on ebook and for some reason the page numbers don't show on my Kindle.


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I was provided a free copy of this book from the author. Thank you so much! All opinions are my own.

All it took was a claim.

A claim that C11, a wonder drug, could cure any disease. The media lapped it up, the people applied pressure, everyone wanted to see the results.

Before they knew it, C11 was on the shelf. By the time the side effects were truly realised, too many had changed.

From the chaos, Mutant Suppression Squads were born. Squads of soldiers trained specially to take down any kind of mutant. The soldiers fought for an uneasy truce between mutants and humans, a truce that is beginning to crack.

With a trail of intel leading them to Mumbai, MSS Oscar are in for the fight of their lives.


Catalyst, inspired by action/thriller author Matthew Reilly, contains the gripping blockbuster like action of modern day novels making it a read you just can't put down. -

So while I'm not a big thriller fan I do have my spells where I want to read them. This book looked really cool and so I chose to read it. I thought that the book was pretty good. The characters were pretty well developed and interesting and the writing was really well done.

However, I did feel that the plot and storyline was a bit weird, especially with the origin story of the wonderdrug. I also feel that the story was a bit predictable and it has that "been done before" feeling. I also felt the pacing was off with the majority of the book.

Verdict: If you're into thrillers and action, this book is for you. If you're a fairweather thriller reader then this may not be the book you're looking for.