minosh's review

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I was super excited to find out this book exists. It is truly an amazing anthology which showcases trans, intersex, and GNC Two-Spirit Indigenous writers who are often passed over by mainstream publishing. There's a wide range of identities among the authors but Indigenous Latinx/Latina trans women are particularly centered. It also has a really nice variety of work--a lot of poetry, but also personal essays, historical/theoretical essays, photos and art, and theater works.

Some of my favorite pieces: Ahanu's haiku. Jas Battle's photography. Jei Herald-Zamora's poems (which do really cool things with rhymes). Jimena Lucero's "Silver Femme" ("the moon is trans" YESSSS). Emmelia Talarico's artwork "Why We Riot," which connects trans sex work, Indigenous genocide, and border "control" through police violence and resistance to it. Xemiyulu Manibusan Tapepechul's two plays (I especially appreciate the difference in genre/tone/subject between the two).

I have not seen this book get the attention it ought to get as possibly the first collection dedicated to Native TRANS 2spirit people (as opposed to just generally 2spirit people, cis and trans). Because it is self-published it will likely be overlooked. I hope more people will give it the time it deserves.