
Soulsnatcher by Kerry Alan Denney

chelseaj91's review

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Children with extraordinary psychic powers are being used as pawns in a deadly supernatural way. Jasmine "Jazz" Tandy and her nine-year-old son Chaz, who can heal people with his touch, are fleeing from a ruthless organization that kidnaps these children. Kaylee Daley can manipulate plant life. Mara Fleming can see into the future. Their only hope for salvation is a covert group called the Guardians, who protect the children from the organization's merciless hunters.

Dr. Larssen Sossnacher--called "Soulsnatcher" by the remarkable children he abducts and exploits--believes Chaz is the miraculous prodigy who will grant him the immortality he craves...and he'll stop at nothing to get him.

Guardian and martial arts and weapons expert Cody Jackson rescues Jazz and Chaz from Soulsnatcher's hunters and takes them to Homestead, a safe haven where the children learn to use their powers to help others. But Soulsnatcher's hunters raid Homestead and battle the Guardians in a deadly surreal showdown--with the souls of all the children as the ultimate prize

What a wild ride!! Kerry Alan Denney has created a wonderful sci-fi world that pulls you in from the start and doesn't let go until the last moment.

I think this was a great story that did a good job of showing that there are always good and bad people in the world. The bad people are willing to do what they have to in order to make others think they're good, acting as a wolf in sheep's clothing, but that wolf is still always there. The book also pointed out that sometimes the good people are the wolf ;) Anyway, bad people are out there, but if you keep even a sliver of hope alive, the good people will come save the day.

I really liked the theme of second chances that ran through the book as well. All of the adults at Homestead (and the kids to an extent) were trying to atone for things in their pasts. They all felt that they had to make up for what they'd done wrong and they were doing that by helping these kids. I especially liked Ben's comment when he was giving his story to Jazz:
"But it is and always should be the ultimate goal of humankind to walk that closer path. Our mercy, compassion and love are all we really have, other than free will. With free will, we either damn ourselves and spread sorrow, or find the path and learn to walk it. It's the only thing that can redeem us. And because God blessed me with Marlena, and she showed me the path, I walk it. When I lost Marlena and felt as if the path was lost forever, God blessed me with Tinga, Cody, and the children. Together they led me back on the path."

There wasn't as much in the romance department, but what was there was done wonderfully. Specifically, I loved Amanda's romance
Spoilera lot of people have told me the true definition of love is doing the greater good for the other person, basically when you truly love someone, putting their wants and needs before your own, even if it means sometimes letting them go. The fact that she was willing to let Jazz have Cody because Cody had been in love with her forever was so amazing! Love like that is so beautiful. Of course, now hopefully Amanda can find the guy who loves her like she deserves (maybe she should look towards Chaz? ;)

All that being said,
SpoilerWhy did you kill Kino?! That was horrible! Here I was going along, happy for Kino being healed by Chaz and he and Roberta could finally be together and then BANG! Kino's falling out of a helicopter. Yes, I was happy that he was willing to sacrifice himself to save Chaz, knowing what would happen, but STILL. WHY?! Ok, rant over now

One issue that I had was when he'd be specifically using Kaylee's POV, she'd do things that were very stereotypically (and usually mocked (phrases like "all up in her grill")) teenager one second and the next she'd be wise beyond her years. Kaylee was a bright girl who realized Taja wasn't the angel she pretended to be, so I don't think she needed to be quite so stereotypical, at least when she wasn't around Taja. Doing that around Taja was a good thing because it kept her thinking Kaylee was just an angry teenager.

*In exchange for an honest review, I received a free copy through a Goodreads giveaway*