
All That I Am by Rachel Brookes

beckyrendon's review

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Sassy fun mouthy chick
Hot filthy talking cop

Guarded 20 inch steel wall around her heart
Married to his job

Left adrift by family
Surrounded by loving family members and then some

Crimes popping up all around and hot cop is on the job, but he never expected the fiery Sassy to take up his time, mind, or any other organ...

Funny things happen when you least expect them. This sweet story brings smiles and warm fuzziness to the reader. I'm excited to read Austin's story next. But there is a long list of HEAs I need from this town...(hint, hint, hint Ms. Brookes)

reviewed for Sweet Spot Sisterhood

treparker73's review

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Too much

I liked the characters and story- but just felt like too much sex for my taste. I’m an angst girl.

laurenm2111's review

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Great start to new series from Rachel. Looking forward to meeting some more Monroe Men!!

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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A great find. I don't remember how this ended up on my radar, but I'm glad it did. Ben was Alpha maleness at it's best.

thegraduatedbookwormblogger's review

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Alright, so clearly I've been slacking lately, because this book definitely gave you everything... and I mean everything between the two characters! It was definitely a page-turner!

Okay so getting in, the reason why I didn't give this a higher rating, is because I felt some parts were a little slow for me. I also kind of wished that there was a little more action/drama happening to heighten the feelings between the characters. Don't get me wrong, there was definitely a lot going on, but for me, that's what I was hoping to be more of.

The connection that Sasha has with her best friend as well as the up and down with her brother was great! I loved the interaction between all of the characters together, as it just made the overall feel more realistic.

I loved that this was more than JUST a romance. It played into parts of action and suspense, and if there was someone that I could totally hate and feel gross towards, there is definitely one person that does that for me here, but I am totally not going to spoil it! Of course it's also in dual perspectives, so you get to read from both Sasha and Ben's perspective which was awesome.

morganbrown2900's review

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This was my first book by Rachel Brookes and it certainly won't be my last! I loved this book it is now one of my favorites. The Sasha and Hunt were so good together it wasn't just about sex between them. The side characters were so funny I loved Gigi and Austin. I found my self laughing so many times while reading this book. Hunt is super Alpha which I loved. But he had a gentle side when it came to her. It also had dual POV which in my opinion is way better. Ben Hunts family is super awesome. Sasha girlfriends are a hoot and they make the book more fun and interesting. I am looking forward the next book which will be Austin's:) I hope we get a story on Paige! (her daughter was so cute).
I would totally recommend this book!!:)

bookedandbusybookblog's review

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I have been a fan of Rachel since I read Be My December. I then went and purchased every single one of her other books sight unseen. I absolutely adore the way she writes…plenty of fun, angst, love, sadness and some drama thrown in for good measure with some pretty outstanding happily ever afters. All That I Am was no different.

In review after review, I keep reading “we’ve been waiting so long for this book”. Well, that’s just fine by me because this story is nothing short of perfection. Rachel Brookes can take all the time she needs because she wrote the hell outta this one! Sasha, Ben and the people of Monroe are a force to be reckoned with!

Sasha Hamilton owns a home décor boutique called Sass and is as single as they come. She is also owner of Hamilton’s with her brother, Drew, who is all the family she has left. Being abandoned and then her father passing away has left a void in her life, but one that she has built walls up to protect.

Detective Ben Hunt is tall, dark, handsome and has been noticing Sasha for years. He finally decides to pursue Sasha with all he’s got but she is determined to look past his bossiness and sexy alphamale-ness and keep living the life she knows so well.

“You look like a woman who would be the best kind of forever.”

Until everything falls apart. Life isn’t what Sasha thinks it is at all. With so many secrets, lies and danger, can Sasha figure out what is really going on? Can Detective Ben Hunt put all of the pieces together before the woman he’s falling for gets hurt?

“Mess with my family, and you had me as an enemy. Mess with my woman, and you had a death sentence.”

I adore Sasha and her unfiltered, fun loving self. Her banter with Ben, hell, with just about everyone in town made me laugh out loud. And Ben? Swoon worthy, sexy, confident, gorgeous, and the list goes on. I love how he knows exactly what Sasha needs even when she’s pushing him away.

Gigi, Missy, Crazy John, Austin, Drew and so many more people from Monroe will just steal your heart. Every single one of them brings their own dynamic to this story and makes it all that much better. I look forward to book #2 in the series!

cdallistair's review

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this was a pretty good book, but i felt like i could guess each scene that was about to happen or guess the next word before i read it.

paddlefoot55's review

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Copy received for an honest review

Yes, we have had a bit of a wait for All That I Am, but Ben Hunt is worth every second of the wait.

When Ms Brookes said that ATIA was going to be different to her previous works, I was excited as well as a little bit worried - Change is a good thing, but sometimes it doesn't quite work for an author.

I should not have worried. She has knocked it out of the park with this one.

In face, I want to know if Monroe is real, or why all the hot guys are there and not where I live?

Sasha is all kinds of strong and sassy. Doesn't want nor need a man, she is successful in her own right and gives the big middle finger to those that didn't believe in here.

Until Ben.

Seriously, he and all his alphaness are every kind of swoonworthy. I want one of my own!

There is a bit of suspense and mystery running through the story, and I gotta say, when things came to a head I kinds had an idea about some stuff but was completely shocked when other things were revealed - and I loved it being like that.

I really had a hard time putting this book down, and now I am all impatient for the next alpha-Monroe-man to find his woman.

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nic_w's review

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All that I am by Rachel Brookes is book 1 in the Men of Monroe series. It's a contemporary romance book with a touch of suspense, exactly how I like them.
I was glued to this book, the more I read it, the more I got into it and was harder to put down. I loved each and every character. Their personalities were so strong, defined and varied, especially Sasha and Ben. Told from Ben and Sasha POV, there was so much to enjoy with this book.
It keeps you guessing, the revelations slowly revealed were intense and intriguing, the interactions between the characters were funny, swoony, creepy, had it all. I especially enjoyed how it easily flicked between lighthearted to intense in a matter of sentences.
What a wonderful piece of writing and a great start to what is going to be a fantastic series.