
Purpose by Al Daltrey

carleneinspired's review

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ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.
*Goodreads and I had a bit of a disagreement about how to best save this review aka I had to start over from scratch, sorry!*

Purpose, the conclusion to the incredible Pleasure Pain or Purpose series, follows the three best friends first introduced to us in Pleasure as they continue facing life's hurdles. We have seen the girls go through the loss of those closest to them, take grand adventures, experiment with their sexual preferences, and find just who they truly are, never losing sight of the friendship that ties them together.

Pleasure Pain or Purpose has been a unique reading experience from the very start; Biljana, Jasmin, and Vicky's stories are told independently, but intertwine together when the girls spend time together. The bonds of their friendship are strong, built up over years of time and experience. The hardships they face are not unlike those we face in our daily lives, at some point we have lost someone, we have experienced a friend or ourselves going through a debilitating illness, and love has taken our sanity. Jasmin's story line had me laughing constantly and while some of the believability was a bit sketchy, I enjoyed her quirky desperation for romance. Vicky, oh how my heart ached for her. In some ways she is like the mother of the group, though facing trials in her marriage she continued to be so grounded, but her battle with cancer was so hard to watch. I have always liked all three girls, but my emotional connection with Billie was on unsteady ground until Purpose. I was so impressed with her character development and her strength as she finally looked at the world moving on after the death of her husband. As the series comes to an end each character has the closure they deserve and, without giving anything away, I was totally happy with how it all worked out.

I try not to pick favorites in a series, but Purpose is hands down my favorite of Al Daltrey's. I really loved how everything circled back for the women and the amount of time spent with each other as they really faced hurdles together as a team. This story of three best friends has stuck with me, their lives are unforgettable and emotional, and shared with the readers so brilliantly in Al Daltrey's unique prose.

nean's review

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An amazing conclusion to the story of three best friends. Al Daltrey has he’s own unique writing style which draws you in from the very beginning. Each book in the series draws you in to the characters feeling what they are going through, waiting in anticipation for the next book to be released.
Pleasure certainly has everything, the kinky sex, the ups and downs and an amazing ending, it brought out everything the happiness, the sadness, the feelings that the girls went though. Throughout it all the three friends as each other's support, and they had support from others as well.
We follow the journey of Billy, Jasmin and Vicky as they go through the events that make them stronger women and they look toward how they can get their HEA. You journey with the three friends as they become more confident with in themselves and know exactly what they want from life and their relationships.
Purpose starts of where Pain finished with Billie moving into her new house. Chad comes over to help Billie with some renovations that she wants to do and lets her know that he has feelings for her and how he shows her that he is more than happy to wait for her to be ready to date. After David’s death Billie is still hesitant to date and let someone in.
Jasmin decides to go on a pilgrimage of her own to clear her head of Gladstone to the Camino de Santiago. Jasmin meets several people along the way, each one with their own reasons why they decided to embark on the pilgrimage.
Vicki starts her battle against the cancer and you can feel what she's going through the ups and downs and how much things are annoying her. Throughout it all she has Andrew's support as well as Billy and Jasmin's.
Book Two Purpose left me wondering so much – What would happen with Vicki’s Cancer and with her husband, what happens after Jasmin realizes that she that she took too long to let Gladstone know how she felt, and lost him to someone else and right at the end with Billie and Chad – what was going to happen there.
The questions were all answered brilliantly in the amazing conclusion to Pleasure Pain or Purpose.