
Deeper into Darkness by Maria Ann Green

lauren_soderberg's review against another edition

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The second installment in Maria Ann Green's Darkness series, Deeper Into Darkness takes us deep into the mind of Bee Iverson, mild-mannered writer by day, ruthless serial killer by night. Throughout the novel, Green expertly weaves a tale between Bee's past and present that create a fully-formed, wholly unique female protagonist.

This book is delightfully dark and twisted, and is perfect for those who enjoy a few plot curveballs and surprises. Green's adept storytelling skills are evident not only in the plot, but also in the way she has us rooting for the protagonists, even though their actions are morally reprehensible. You can't help but want Bee and Aidan to live happily together, even if that means two serial killers go unpunished. The ending of this book creates more questions than it does answers, and I, for one, cannot wait to see what happens next.

**I received an ARC for my honest review.**

jessjade's review against another edition

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Well Maria has done it again. This book was incredible.

Just as dark as the first book in the series and just as gripping. I literally read it in one sitting because I could not stop - and believe me I tried, I had a million other things I needed to do but nothing was getting this book out of my hands. Literally there wasn't a single page where I felt I could pause for a bit, I needed to know what was going to happen and my god, it blew me away.

I loved the switch of perspectives in this book - even though both characters are serial killers and I really shouldn't like either of them, Bee seriously grew on me, I honestly kept forgetting that she was basically a murderer because they are so well done. You really do get in their heads.

The twists throughout the book were perfectly done as well, I didn't expect a thing, and that ending completely knocked me over. So, so well done, and so cleverly hidden in the book. It was brilliant.

If you like a seriously dark thriller I would definitely recommend this series. It's incredible.

lisa01's review against another edition

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This is one weird story. I struggled with the characters. Not them per say but the idea of them. They were all over the place. The story seemed to choppy and a lot of thoughts put together. One min they are dragging a body through the woods and the next they are having sex. No break in the scene. Then usually it’s back to body dragging or killing. Whenever B goes to a bar. I never really know which what is really happening and what isn’t. Usually she can’t remember either so I get no answer. That ending was just on par with the rest of the book. Apparently this story isn’t for me.

I did listen to this on audio. The narrator, Kim Rossi, sounded a bit nasally at for but either I got used to it or she quit. Either way after that everything went fine.

mstorialvarez's review against another edition

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Do you love suspense, murder, and thrillers? This one is for you. In the first book, Nothing but Darkness, we follow Aiden as he transitions from normal, ultra cocky guy to serial killer. Deeper into Darkness is told through Bee's point of view. She is the epitome of ruthless serial killer.

Let's start at the beginning. Aiden and Bee are engaged, but tensions are running high due to the extra-curricular activity concluded in book 1, their need to engage in 'playdates' & 'rendezvous' which have been put on hold, and the lack of setting a wedding date. Aiden has been questioned many times by the cops and Bee has finally been questioned. The need to be safe, not get caught, is the focus of Aiden, but Bee is jonesing.

We begin to see early on the difference between these two serial killers. His newness has created fear/hesitation versus her experience and need for the release it provides her. Maria did a fantastic job jumping from present to past to explain how Bee came to be. We learn how long she has been partaking in killing.

They are a completely fucked up couple and I was rooting for them. This says so much about the writing if you want them to win. While they have their sweet moments, the stress in their relationship is palpable for most of the book.

There is one part of the story where Bee gets herself into a bind and the whole time while reading you are wishing for her survival. How messed up is that? You are wanting the serial killer to make it. She is a certifiable psychopath with no sympathy. She figures out who the mark will be and has no qualms following through with the need she has. While she has this fierce side, you also get a peek behind the curtain of her human side. Her doubts, fear, and love are witnessed when her actions become careless.

The ending!! I never saw it coming and kept thinking I don't have much left, how is it going to end! OMG.... I am already wondering what is to come. Warning: It does leave you with a cliffhanger. I'm hoping to see further into her past with the next story.

theliteraryhooker's review

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**Full review HERE at The Literary Hooker.**

Review excerpt:

Well here’s a first. I never thought serial killer romance would be a niche genre I’d be into, but here we are. I enjoyed Aidan’s story in the first Darkness book, even with its extremely violent and sexual undertones which I’d normally shy away from in non-horror books. So I had fairly high hopes for the sequel. Hopes that have been completely blown away, because I completely loved this book!

I seriously devoured this book, I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next through the plot’s twists and turns. I found myself just a little bit in love with Bee, and, charismatic as Aidan was in the first book, I felt that Bee’s perspective lent itself better to providing more depth to the story. And, obviously no spoilers but UGH, that ending! THAT ENDING. A fantastic page-turner of a thriller, trust me when I say that you’re going to want to get into this series before the next book comes out.

kerrygetsliterary's review against another edition

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"The best sex Aidan and I have is after one of us, it doesn't matter which, has killed someone." - Well, damn! If that isn't one hell of an opening line that punctures its fangs into your limbic system, I don't know what is.

Green has done it again. She's taken me into the darkness, guided me through the sick thought processes and behaviors of an unsympathetic murderer, allowed me access into the twisted mind of a deranged killer, and left me craving more. Just when I thought she'd satiated my need to desperately turn the pages, suddenly I'm longing to continue the saga of these demented characters. Seriously, these people are completely unhinged.

This is the second book in the Darkness series, with the first being from the perspective of Aidan, and this one being from Aidan's fiancé, Bee's perspective. (Go back a few posts to check out my review of book 1!) It begins shortly after the first book has ended. Maybe it's partly because she is a woman, but I liked Bee's character better than Aidan's, despite them both being complete lunatics. Bee is just as fucked up as Aidan is. But, she is more likable. She is more complex, and much more badass. Aidan is simple, childish, and preys on smaller, physically weaker women he knows will be easy to take down, while Bee kills men who are always bigger and physically stronger than she is.

Up until the last few pages, I still was unsure of how it would wrap up, thinking a few different things could happen. And I was wrong about every single one of them. That ending - wow! I won't say more than that, but if you read this book, please DM me so we can talk about it!

Once again, fantastic writing, character development, and plot movement to keep me engaged and addictively turning pages until I finished reading the last word. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5/5

Thank you again, Maria, for gifting me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review. I'm so happy to read your work.