
We Are The Road Crew by Ken Barr

karend's review

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Would have benefited greatly from editing; the lack of possessive apostrophes in particular distracted me, especially coupled with instances of apostrophes where they did not belong (for instance, "on it's own"). It was also frustrating when the author would allude to things he wasn't writing about. "South America back in the eighties was a wild place. There is a lot I would like to talk about, but I don't think this book is the right place." Really? A book about your experiences traveling with bands is not the right place to share stories from those travels? Or this: "There were things that happened at the last show that I think we all could have done without. I don't think it merits details, just to let you know the road isn't all sunshine and roses." I don't get it. Either tell us or don't, but "vaguebooking" is just annoying. Even the stories that were told didn't have enough detail for me--I want to know what was in the author's workbox, and what the reasoning is behind the advice on which side of the bus to grab a bunk on--yet I got way too much detail on the two gross poop stories that were included.