cecesloth's review

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5.1 Pride of the Lampian

A really cool idea for a Doctor Who monster paired with some great development of the Doctor/Benny relationship. Warner in particular has a lot of "clippable" quips.

5.2 Clear History

People stand around and explain the plot, which is fine, but it's too easy to figure where it's going right from the beginning. Everyone sounds bored, especially Warner, and not even Bowerman (who can usually act through anything) can hide it. It has a very creepy ending though!

5.3 Dead and Breakfast

Perhaps the most "Benny" story to ever exist. Wonderfully funny and full of characters that you can't help but care for, Dead and Breakfast has a quality that is rare for Doctor Who, in that it can be read in so many ways. For me, it was the most brutal, yet casual takedown of the British mentality of being unable to mind your own business, but there's plenty here about police states, cultural histories, queerness and so much more!

5.4 Burrowed Time

It's fine. Sort of reminiscent of Twice Upon a Time in places. Gives plenty of meaty stuff to David Warner which is always great. Again, the plot beats are kind of obvious from early on

zimb0's review

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