
Turnabout by Laury A. Egan

popthebutterfly's review

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emotional slow-paced


Disclaimer: I received this e-book from the author. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Turnabout

Author: Laury A. Egan

Book Series: Standalone

Rating: 3/5

Recommended For...: young adult readers, historical fiction, romance

Publication Date: November 29,2021

Genre: YA Historical Fiction Romance

Recommended Age: Can’t recommend, DNFed

Explanation of CWs: Can’t recommend, DNFed

Publisher: NineStar Press

Pages: 212

Synopsis: The summer of 1964. Four teenage lives intertwine as each searches for love, identity, and a passage through painful family conflicts, social isolation, and the confusion of sexual orientation.

During a sailing class, four teenagers meet. Jessie Schaffer is fourteen, an intelligent and solitary girl, who dreams of becoming a writer. When she sees nineteen-year-old Lindsay Ames, the instructor, standing on a dock, sunlight illuminating her blond hair and blue eyes, Jessie falls in love but is too afraid of her feelings and what they mean. In an attempt to reassure herself she is “normal,” Jessie becomes involved with two boys in the class: Kenny Crenshaw, also fourteen, a darkly handsome and flirtatious guy, and Calvin Brayburn, a year younger, who will be in their freshman class because he’s academically brilliant. On the first day of sailing, Cal is smitten with Jessie, though he is hindered by shyness. As the romantic relationships take unexpected twists, Jessie, Lindsay, Calvin, and Kenny relate their individual stories, their hopes, fears, and longings, all the while being buffeted by intense pressures. Set in coastal New Jersey, the plot roams from its beautiful rivers to lush scenes in St. Thomas and Vietnam’s jungles during the war.

Review: DNFed at 30%. I was interested, though cautious due to the character's ages, about the premise due to the love story and the potential LGBTQIA2S+ storyline, but the story felt too slow for me and the writing wasn’t doing anything for me unfortunately. I felt like if the story was sped up a bit or even if the story was more centralized it would have worked better for me.

Verdict: It was ok, just not for me at the moment.