askiddo's review

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This book is really tough to read, purely because hearing these important stories about how atrociously these women are treated is hard. To listen to these stories, to question our biases, and to help make the world a more equitable place going forward is an important thing for us to do as people. If we want to call these places correctional facilities then we need to treat people like humans inside of those places and help them find the resources they need to live a good life after they've served time, not psychologically or physically impair their likelihood of future success. The rampant sexual abuse inside these prisons was just awful to hear about, to think people can be so twisted to use their power in that way and then have no punishment for their actions is frankly embarrassing. I have a lot to say because of this book, but mostly this book is well put together, thoroughly researched, and an important read for anyone and everyone, but mostly for everyone.

uniqueenie's review

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When we started a program for female ex-offenders at my library, I knew we were doing a good thing. The women sometimes open up a little bit and talk about the circumstances surrounding the crimes they committed, and maybe we'll hear bits and pieces about their lives.

I had a pit in my stomach the whole time I was reading this book. Knowing what I know now, about addiction and sexual abuse and violence against women, I am not at all surprised by the stories collected here. I am disappointed in this society that does not recognize addiction is not a weakness or a personality flaw, but a real, physiological condition that can only be cured with care and reflection and nurturing. It's no wonder addicted women, many of whom also suffer post traumatic stress disorder following sexual assault, recidivate and become unable to stay clean. The prison environment is not at all conducive to healing. These women have almost no chance.

And yet there are hopeful stories too. Some of the women have organized support groups in their prisons. Some have left prison and now work with female ex-offenders, gang members and addicts on the outside. They're making a difference.

This is a tough one to get through, but an amazing book nonetheless. For anyone working with ex-offenders, it's a must-read.

veronique5199's review

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This was a very interesting and hard topic to read about. I felt the injustice for these women, some doing crimes only to survive and then getting life sentences with more abuse in the prison cells

I haven't read all the appendices so far, but might in the future. I just feel a bit drowned emotionally after reading it

rach_simone's review

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Very difficult and necessary read. I found myself shaking my head and having to put this book down because it is extremely upsetting and completely aggravating. We need criminal justice and prison reform and we need it yesterday. I hope these stories are read far and wide.