
Prokletý trůn by Joelle Charbonneau, Alžběta Kalinová

sarahp85's review against another edition

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Oooh this I liked. And that ending... I now need to read part 2 asap (sorry big tbr pile... you'll have to wait a little longer)

succeedead's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 3.5 for my girl Carys.

OKAY. So I had different expectations for this book, particularly with the characters and the Trials, but I can't say I didn't feel some emotions while reading this.

Honestly, I expected more challenge and intensity from the Trials. It sort of lacked the type of excitement I'm looking for when I hear "Trials," you feel? The way each challenge was described, as if they were extremely difficult and life-threatening, felt kind of trying-too-hard for me. I would have enjoyed the book more if I were catching my breath with every new challenge, but I merely found myself flipping to the next page without even batting an eyelash. That was such a big let down for me because I was looking forward to some intense twin-on-twin battles.

As for the characters, WELL. I particularly loved Carys, but ANDREUS. BOY, OH BOY, ANDREUS. I expected an intimidating, quick-witted, somewhat cold-hearted guy, but what I got was a hopeless little ass. I cannot believe how easy it was to manipulate him, and how stupid he can be during the most dire circumstances! He was so easily blinded by temptation and pride and greed, his morals were so weak I just couldn't handle his POV! He is everything his sister is not, which is why I sided so much with Carys the entire time.

There are some parts, I believe, that left me a bit confused. I'm not sure if it's because of the wording - it felt like the author was trying too hard to make the sentence complex even if it was irrelevant to the main thought - or because the world-building was a bit rushed and/or lacking. I did find myself tearing up during Carys's speech because of how nicely it flowed, like it was truly from the heart. Other than that, though, most of the emotions I felt was frustration and indifference.

I'm not sure if I would still read the sequel. I guess if I want to pass some time while waiting for more awaited book releases, I would, but I wouldn't consider it as my priority right now.

abbyl819's review against another edition

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2.5 - 3 stars
I was not a big fan of this book. It felt like it took forever for anything to actually happen, and it’s pacing was super slow. It was such a drag to read, and took me a long time, even though it is such a short book. The synopsis was intriguing, but while reading it it really wasn’t that interesting. I’m a bit confused about why they have electricity and yet no other form of technology in the slightest. It doesn’t make any sense to me. The Trials didn’t actually start until at least halfway through, and they were not really full of much action or intense moments. They felt very laid back and it didn’t feel like it was even a real challenge because each one was so short and there was almost no build up or anticipation to them. The only mildly surprising thing that happened didn’t come until less than 50 pages from the end. Andreus is a terrible person and brother, and Carys was the only thing really keeping me interested.

lenaoknihach's review against another edition

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harleyrae's review against another edition

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I love a good competition book! This was a lot of fun and I’m excited for the next one!

hibashakes's review against another edition

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tldr; if this book just had Carys's POV, I would've given this book 5 stars. Andreas was an annoying little shit that I utterly despise.

annettebooksofhopeanddreams's review against another edition

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Jaren geleden, toen ik aan het revalideren was en veel moest rusten op het bed in de woonkamer van mijn ouders heb ik de hele test-trilogie verslonden. En ook het boek tijdbom ging er in een sneltreinvaart doorheen en wist me op een hele mooie manier te verrassen. Dit boek kreeg echter zoveel gemixte reviews, dat ik het een tijdje op de plank heb laten staan. (Als ik zeg dat ik niet gevoelig ben voor reviews, is dat dus een leugen...)

Maar vandaag vond ik het een goed idee om dit boek weg te lezen. En weglezen, dat deed het zeker. Het boek is geschreven in de kenmerkende vlotte schrijfstijl van Charbonneau. De dialogen zijn kort en krachtig en er worden geen zinnen verspild aan zaken die niet echt van belang zijn. Dit rechttoe rechtaan schrijven is een kwaliteit, maar ergens ook een valkuil.

Want voor mijn gevoel miste dit boek een beetje ruggengraat en fundering. Het voelde alsof het verhaal, de personages en hun ontwikkeling niet goed genoeg verankerd waren. De world building voelde niet sterk en stevig genoeg aan. De weinige informatie die we hadden, zorgde er niet voor dat ik precies begreep wat er aan de hand is. En ook de personages leren we niet echt heel goed kennen, niet dusdanig dat hun beslissingen altijd goed te volgen zijn. Vooral Andreas had meer achtergrond nodig gehad om ECHT invoelbaar te worden.

Hierdoor komen de toffe elementen aan dit verhaal, de politieke intrige, het achterbakse gedrag, de gewetensvraag wie we nu wel en niet kunnen vertrouwen en wie de waarheid spreekt, niet helemaal lekker uit de verf. Ik kan soms de uitgebreide world-building en ellenlange aanloop om de personages te leren kennen van sommige schrijvers wel eens vervloeken, maar ik zie hier wat er gebeurt als hij ontbreekt.

Het is jammer, want ik denk dat er best potentie in het verhaal en de karakters zit. Er waren genoeg dingen die me intrigeerden. Ik weet alleen niet of het genoeg is om ooit het volgende deel op te pakken.

emluvbooks's review against another edition

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4.5 stars.

I loved this book. It’s full of love, betrayal, secrets, and lies. It tells the story of the royal family in Eden, and the curse that haunts them. The city is supported by windmills which give it power and light. The one place always lit is the palace. Yet, after a weakness is exploited it goes dark, and foreshadows the end of the happiness unity of Eden.

The main characters are the twins Caerys and Andreus; Prince and Princess of Eden. The perspective changes throughout the story giving the reader a view of how the siblings see themselves and their actions, and how they interpret each others.
In the beginning of the novel they have a strong relationship in which they protect each other from everything else in live. Caerys especially makes tons of sacrifices for her twin. The main reason for such sisterly love is her brother’s supposed curse. While suspense builds up throughout the novel eventually it’s revealed that Andreus simple only has a breathing problem. But, both siblings try to remain hidden when it comes to their people, by showing the court only what they want to see. The twins only show their true selves to each other.
They’re lives change forever when their father, the King, and their older brother, the heir, is killed. After finding out about the horrible loss Andreus starts to have an episode (panic attack?) because of his “curse”. Caerys distracts the public in order to protect her brother. In the process she disobeys her mother. She get 3 lashes, and in return she gets nothing. Andreus doesn’t even come to check on his injured sister! Instead he “comforting” Lady Imogen, a seer who was supposed to marry his, since diseased, older brother.
Not only is Caerys constantly worrying about an ungrateful brother, but she is also worrying about her own demons, including an addiction problem started by her own mother.
After their mother fails so be crowned Queen due to madness the twins must compete against each other for a crown that neither admits they want. Throughout the trial Caerys does her best to help her brother to win the crown, and in return he falls for the lies spewing for Lady Imogen’s lips. Even as Caerys continues to protect her brother he becomes more and more adverse. As Andreus proceeds to betray his sister, Caerys continues protecting him, and even reveals her own closely guarded secrets to save his life. More veiled truths come to light about the curse, and the reality about king and crown prince's’ death.

This novel is well written and addicting! I couldn’t put the book down, and the ending is suspenseful enough that I NEED to read the second one. It doesn’t have very much romance, but I can see the potential for a love triangle in the next book. I highly recommend it if you like a strong female character who can take care of herself and babysit her brother at the same time.

slsj_'s review against another edition

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Honestly I have no concept of anything even after finishing this book. Why is the city called Eden, why is everything referred to by wind? Wtf does the orb do? Who are the winter creatures by the tombs? Like ZERO. I got no concrete information about the setting. The characters were no better, even the ones I liked I didn't like enough. The only reason I finished was so I could add it to my reading challenge without guilt, so I didn't feel like I wasted my time or money, and so I could finish it and figure out who won this damned competition. Even the ending was subpar. I had no clue as to anyone's backstories or secrets. If all this plans to be explained/ revealed in the next book it's going to be a hell of a long book because I got no real information from this one.