
In Search of Forever by Patricia Lee, Patricia Lee

bookslesstravelled's review

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*I received an ecopy from the author. This does not affect my review. This review is voluntary.*

Once again, I'm reading the last book in a series. Am I ashamed? Nope! I used to hate reading a series out of order, and the horror of considering only reading the final book! But after the last few years, that's really changed, and I'm so happy I'm able to enjoy books I'd otherwise probably never read. Why? Because, I've found for whatever reason, the last books tend to be my favorite anyway. So, one, I get to enjoy an amazing read the deserves all the love an attention as any other book I read (or really, let's be honest here, many I will never get to as well!)
Two, is that if the last is my favorite, I may never even get to it if I try to read ALL the books in EVERY series, simply due to time or even that I really dislike one of the earlier books and naïvely give up on a series, completely missing a book that I would have LOVED in the process. And ya'll, life's too short for kind of thing!

Now, on to my thought on this one. Wow, I really should have taken those notes, I thought about it halfway through, but rarely do when reading because well..I'm so into the story that it's a hassle, lol. But also, maybe that's a good thing? I do highlight some (especially in ebook!) so those help, but this one has a lot going on, and for the most part, I loved it!

There were a couple pop-culture jokes and references I could have done without, I know this is mostly just me here, but I really wish I could find authors who believe a little closer to what I do, or at least who don't feel the need to add names, brands, well known references (or any actual references) into their stories. Totally a /me/ thing, but yeah. The longer time goes on, the more I dislike them. Oh well...

But overall I LOVED the story in this one! Jayden, precious Jayden! I loved his character from early one, but the part where he is determined to help Baylie, knowing that sometimes talking things out and having a listening ear is the best medicine, it's so me! I never used to be this way, and I know people HATE it, at least until it's over, it's a painful and humiliating process, but oh so worth it! I have seen others with a similar approach, but hearing his thoughts and seeing him actively and consciously thinking like this was beautiful!

I also adored his relationship with Parker, and with Kurt. I loved seeing them working together, supporting each other, just being a wonderful group of guys and some of the best of friends. Healthy relationships, let's make that a priority again, shall we? Likewise, the ladies in this one were also great, and I adored Melanie and Baylie's teasing banter and easy relationship. And seeing Baylie with the children, especially her attentive care with the twins. Such a special bond!

This book has so much going for it, and while at the heart of it all is relationships, it branches out in so many different areas of these characters lives. I loved seeing how they came to the ranch, often broken, discouraged, perhaps feeling worthless, ruined even, unloved. Why? Because something special happens at the ranch. They are reminded that we serve a Good God, A Mighty God, a Loving God, and I adore how this is reflected in every relationship we are introduced to here at the ranch! From the children, to the teens, to the adults and their family, even the animals! It's a beautiful picture!

I also have had similar feelings Baylie deals with. In different ways, but both her relationship issues and her concerns for her elderly grandmother, I could relate and it really got me thinking. Which in turn became a needed heart-to-heart with God. Now THAT's a goal for Christian Fiction. To really be able to connect with readers and point them back to the Source of all Love, all Knowledge, all Wisdom. To point readers back to God, to encourage that relationship with Jesus. That's what we should all strive for, to live in such a way that we point people to HIM. With our words, with our actions, with our prayers. And with our gifts and talents. To HIM to the glory. Amen.