
Blood of Innocents by Mitchell Hogan

malvvina's review

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There is literally nothing special about this series. A few sexually explicit scenes and much more brutality and it would be perfect for a fantasy hbo show (derogatory)

songwind's review against another edition

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Five stars for solid plotting, wonderful character development, and deft handling of a complex and unusual setting.

(audiobook only, spelling of names in question)

This book builds on the foundation laid by the first book to great effect. The conflicts are well established at this point, and the major players are on the board. Now the details start to emerge, and the plots, as they say, thicken.

This is one of the best "middle books" I've read recently. So many times, middle books feel like they're all middle with no development or resolution to call their own. Hogan does a good job combining these two aims, giving us a couple of different immediate storylines while also continuing the wider story.

Characters do a lot of changing in this book. **Mild spoilers for Book 1**

1. Caldan learned in book 1 that the common belief that sorcery cannot be used to destroy is false. His fascination with destructive sorcery, and his need for coercive sorcery to save Melinda, drive a lot of his character development. His frustration with arbitrary rules and his enjoyment of the sense of power (which we see first in Book 1) continue. His eventual fate remains a mystery, which I like.

2. Amardon doesn't change much, but we learn a lot more about his back story and what goes on in his head.

3. Vasiel continues to be sucked deeper into the affairs of the Five Oceans Trading Concern, testing his strength and his new minted sobriety.

4. Felicienne is pretty well set at this point, but remains a major mover of the plot.

On top of all that, Hogan continues to parcel out information about the world. Caldan, with his sheltered upbringing, and Vasiel with his outsider's perspective are perfect vehicles for these revelations. They're handled well, without feeling like infodumps or "As you know, Bob..."

A thoroughly enjoyable book that left me hungry for book 3.

lundos's review against another edition

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Terrible pacing. Way too many repititions. Nothing big happens in the overall plot until 95% in. And almost all story lines becomes boring, including the main protagonist.

A huge disappointment overall after a good first installment.

jalleyn's review against another edition

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I just read both books back to back and I have to say I'm really impressed! The author builds a really fascinating world and he really shines when writing about the magic system in particular. You may ask if it was so great why only four stars and not five? There were a few times where the novel felt a little unpolished, and the character development may have been a tad heavy handed. Over all though I really enjoyed both books and would happily recommend this book to any fans of the fantasy genre who love rich world building and three dimensional characters.

llona_llegaconlalluvia's review against another edition

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una merda
La dimostrazione di come i premi letterari si possano comprare

coqui2k's review against another edition

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It comes with a heavy heart to say that I did not like the way this book ended. The beginning has a promising start and was engaging, towards the end of book felt like a deflated balloon. I did not like the actions of the characters as they were established in the first novel (which I loved by the way). The book could have been a lot shorter as the main character Caldan is constantly talking about Miranda and nothing ever progresses. Overall I was excited for the 3rd book but after this one I might give it a break and wait a little bit before proceeding.

kitvaria_sarene's review against another edition

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I quite enjoyed this one again - it did manage to live up to the first book in the series!

The story gets more complex and the cast grows.
It sucked me in again right away, and kept me well entertained all the way through!

There were some parts that felt a bit slow and the monsters that show up in this one didn't feel to real to me - yet. They have potential to grow though.

There were also action packed battle scenes, character development and a deeper insight into the magic system to balance my few gripes out though, and so overall it was once again a really good book.

If you enjoyed the first one this series is definitely worth sticking with it!

ferrisscottr's review against another edition

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Before I get into anything I didn't care for let me just say that Mitchell Hogan can write and I enjoyed this book.


It was a flawed book.

I loved the first book in the series and this book picks up pretty much where the last left off. This series is really just one big story split into three books.

The characters were f'ing amazing and that's why I kept turning those pages and couldn't wait to get back to it. Read the book. It's good.

Why not 5 stars?
It was flawed.
We spend a lot of time following the adventures of a couple people doing really exciting things but there is a big story arc and 99% of this book ignores the bigger picture even though the bigger picture story should be what is driving the plot.

Not sure if I'm articulating it how I would like.

The characters should do fun interesting things to move the story along and the story is a grand sweeping fantasy adventure. But all too often in this book the characters are doing fun interesting things but it isn't moving the plot along.

Make sense?

At the end of the day I love this series and I enjoyed this book, just not as much as the first in the series. I can't wait to read the next book and let's be serious - I really recommend this series and this author.

Go buy it.

Go read it.

Good stuff.

lyndiane's review against another edition

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Having read and enjoyed "A Crucible of Souls", I couldn't wait to get my hands on a copy of this equally amazing sequel.

"Blood of Innocents" is even more captivating than the 1st novel, and at more that 500 ePages, provides a solid number of hours of reading time.

Re-read: May 2018: As with so many middle-of-the-series stories, this one has a tendency to drag a bit, and there are several inconsistencies that marred the story and left me wondering why I found it so enjoyable the first time I read it.

aquinas's review against another edition

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Good book. A little slow in the beginning and middle, but ending was great.