
Tyler & Stella by Heidi Joy Tretheway

snoopydoo77's review

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I really liked the first book Tattoo Thief but I like this one even better. I liked everything about this book, its characters, story, world building just everything also like that we got a closer look at the band and how they are with each other. Since we didn’t get a lot of that in the last book.
You can find my full review here:

caseroo7's review

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Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

Tyler & Stella is the second book in Heidi Joy Tretheway's Tattoo Thief series. I will admit that going into this story I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to get behind the heroine after meeting her in the first book. I am so glad that I gave this one a shot though as she completely changed my opinion of her. This book can be read as a stand alone, but the characters are linked. I highly recommend that you start with Tattoo Thief in order to get to know the characters better though and see how the events from that book really set into motion the plot for Tyler & Stella. It isn't necessary though, but I think it definitely adds to the experience of this book. I am really enjoying this series, and I already can't wait for the next book.

After betraying her best friend, Stella is determined to earn Beryl's trust back. When Tyler offers to let her see their practice space for help with a story on the band Tattoo Thief, she jumps at the chance to redeem herself. She plans to write a story only telling the information that they provide for her. As Stella is around Tyler, the attraction and chemistry between them is undeniable and has Stella making a move. Tyler shuts her down quickly though, and Stella is left reeling. Stella trys to keep her distance, but they keep running into each other and every time Tyler ends up rescuing her. Stella has her reasons for keeping men at arm's length, and Tyler is determined to have all or nothing when it comes to her. The closer they get, the more the begin to feel for each other. But when a story comes out of nowhere that threatens everything growing between them, will they be able to find a way to get through it together?

I liked Tyler. He was sweet and a bit shy, and completely unlike any rockstar I have ever read about. I loved that he was so much more than you get at first glance. He was funny and a great friend, always looking out for others before himself. I liked that he was so down to earth and was so determined when it came to Stella. He really helped her to be a better person, and he never came off as judgmental or arrogant. He genuinely just wanted to help her and see if they had a chance to take their feelings and attraction and have something real. Stella had a lot of ground to make up after the end of Tattoo Thief. I honestly wasn't sure how she could possibly do it and really make it believable. But Stella seemed to truly be sorry for what she had done and I loved that she immediately opened up to Beryl and gave her her own deepest darkest secret to show that she trusted her. Stella was a bit broken after everything that she had been through, and it explained a lot of her actions. She had been through so much and hadn't had anyone to really lean on. It's not an excuse for her character, but it really showed just how lonely and down she had become. I really thought that Stella and Tyler were great together. They seemed to be a great balance for each other, and were pretty much the perfect example of opposites attract. They had really great chemistry together and were hot, but I really loved their sweetness the most.

Overall, I really enjoyed Tyler & Stella and thought that they were a great couple. I loved how they stood by each other and supported one another. I wish that Tyler and Stella had chosen to reveal their secrets to each other rather than having them found out because of others. That was my one complaint with this story. I just felt like it would have meant so much more between them if they had chosen to give the other that information without it only coming to light because it was thrust on them. But it was great to see how Stella really evolved from the character we first met with the help of Tyler and the rest of the Tattoo Thief family. I love how close this group is and how they really go all out for each other. Their camaraderie is really special, and I think that they have some of the best chemistry as a group that I have ever read about. They are all so different and that is what makes them so strong. I also really liked getting to meet Violet. I liked seeing her and Stella become friends, and I can't wait to get to know her better. I think that this series is one that is definitely worth reading, and I love how unique these stories are. They are not your typical rockstar romances and I think that is what makes them so enjoyable. I think that these characters are extremely easy to relate to despite the fact that they are rockstars and I highly recommend checking this series out if you haven't read it yet.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review

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Having not read the first book in this series, I wasn't sure what to expect. But I found it was very easy to follow the story or Tyler and Stella, even if you haven't read the first book in the Tattoo Thief series.

This book centers around founding Tattoo Thief member, Tyler and Stella, the journalist who took a private message between her best friend and Tattoo Thief lead singer into an article that could help her career. To say Stella is a bit selfish is an understatement. She broke her best friend's trust for the opportunity to get ahead at the paper she worked at. I immediately put Stella in the "dislike" category because of this. I apparently was much more unwilling to forgive than other, because Stella seemed to get off pretty easily for a pretty crappy stunt.

Tyler was a very sweet guy, but he seemed to trust a little too easily. He was quick to offer a helping hand to Stella and befriend her. He stood up for her when everyone else wanted her head because of the stunt she pulled. It was commendable to see him willing to forgive and forget, especially since he truly liked her, but it felt like he was a little too naive...especially given the situation he was in.
I really wanted to like this book more, but I didn't. I didn't like Stella, no matter how far she went to redeem herself. It felt like the relationship between Stella and Tyler rushed along without any real development. Sure they had a few talks, but given everything that happened with her and Tyler's big secret, I felt like it should have taken a bit longer before their relationship could move forward and be solid. It wasn't a bad read, it just wasn't one that connected with me.

carleydanielle's review

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3.5 stars

heatheray's review

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Review To come

lovehollyxx's review

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4.5 Stars

Well what can I say about TYLER & STELLA? This book was fab!! After giving the first book in the series 3.5 stars, and not being a fan of Stella at all, I wasn’t too sure how I would find this novel, but I was very pleasantly surprised from the get go.

We start back during the last chapter of TATTOO THIEF. Stella has screwed over Beryl and Gavin, and she needs to make it right. When the sexy bassist of the band Tattoo Thief offers her a look into their rehearsal space, she can’t refuse. As Tyler and Stella start to spend more time together, they quickly realise they have a connection. But Tyler is holding back. They both have big secrets, and when it comes to Stella, he wants it all or nothing.

From the brief role of Tyler in TATTOO THIEF, I knew he was going to be a good guy. He was cheeky, and caring, and you could tell he had a heart of gold. In TYLER & STELLA, the more I read, the more I loved him and didn’t want to have to say goodbye. He may be a rock star but he definitely hasn’t abused his title when it came to the ladies.

Stella completely turned herself around for me. I didn’t like her at all to be honest during the first book, but in this one I thought she was great, and even found myself feeling slightly protective of her at times, as no one seemed to give a damn about her feelings. I actually wasn’t so much a fan of Beryl in this book. She seemed to be the person who said hurtful things to Stella the most, and even though she had also only just met the rest of the band after starting a relationship with the lead singer, she came across like she had known them all for years. I won’t lie, she definitely annoyed me.

And I am VERY happy about the fact that we get to know more about the other band members in this book, because I mentioned in my review of the first book that I would have liked them to be more present in it. It’s definitely made me even more excited to read their books when they get released.

TYLER & STELLA had me drawn in and invested in the story from the very beginning, and considering I went into this book not liking the main character, this just shows what a great book it is. It was easy to read, and had plenty of things happening to keep me interested throughout the whole book, and it wss a great introduction to the characters and the story that the next book in the series will be following.

It was one of those books where you wish the full series was available so you can read it all in one go, and fall in love with each of the characters as they let you in on their lives. TATTOO THIEF is definitely a series to watch out for.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

kaziteega's review

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Cute story, I am not really sure how I felt about this on until I got about halfway through it. It was more dramatic then Tattoo Thief. I did still enjoyed it

stenaros's review

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Our adventures with the band Tattoo Thief pick up where the first book left off, this time focusing on Beryl's friend Stella and the bassist in the band, Tyler. Here we subvert the bad-boy reform plot because it's Stella who is going off the rails. Luckily for her, the tall, built bassist is ready to lead her back to a straighter path, though there will be the trials and tribulations along the way. And the sex is hot, having the advantage over the first book of the couple actually being in the same space, not communicating via computer.

aflv_reads's review

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Oh My God...It's the first phrase that comes to mind,regarding this book...

I really really loved this book....The writing,the story,the characters...Everything about is unique, real, pure and utterly amazing...

But the most remarkable attribute this book has is its truth..Tyler & Stella is a real story with real characters that have real problems...It could be a true story,in fact..I loved that the characters aren't perfect..Stella is not the innocent who does no wrong and she's not the sexy vixen who manipulates people etc...She's a real person who makes mistakes and tries to fix them..She's a real person who tries to be a better person...

Tyler is a great guy..And that's ALL I'm going to say about it...

Tyler & Stella is one of the best books I've read...It gets to you..It speaks to you..And it sure as hell stays with you....

Tyler & Stella is a MUST-READ....

Your library is seriously lacking, if it isn't in there...

And personally,I cannot wait to read more of Heidi Joy....

kcoutin2021's review

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4.5 yummy Tyler stars! There were times when I wanted to smack Stella right in the face and say: "Get your s*#t together!!!!!!seriously girl! Thank god for Tyler and Tattoo Thief!!!

I thought it felt a little rushed towards the end, but I loved the overall story. I also loved the bits we got to see of all the characters we met in the first book.

Thanks for a great second installment, can't wait for #3!!!