
Enter The Dark by Chris Thomas

noveldeelights's review

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Bloody hell! Wait, let me do that again. BLOODY HELL!!!!!!

This book is like nothing I’ve ever read before and it’s absolutely mind-blowingly brilliant! It is genius, unique, highly original and incredibly captivating! I can’t find the words to describe the awesomeness here, people, but I highly recommend you pick up a copy of Enter the Dark as soon as you possibly can!

When Joe is introduced to a whole different side of the internet by his friend, Billy, he has no idea what he’s getting himself in for. For the web is dark and full of terrors. Never thought I’d be able to use an almost exact quote from Game of Thrones in a book review. Thank you Melisandre!


In the dark corners of the dark web lurks the Brotherhood of the Righteous who have turned punishing criminals, who they feel have gotten off too lightly, into a freaky quiz show. I should probably warn you that this is not for the faint-hearted reader. This Brotherhood is the cruelest of the cruel and some scenes are quite disturbing and stomach-churning. Yet, it’s also immensely thought-provoking as you ponder who the bad guys really are. In case you wondered, I loved every second of this super intense ride!

There are multiple threads, one of which I failed to see the significance of until the reveal near the end, which was fabulously done! This is a brilliantly executed plot which had me glued to the pages throughout. Utterly gripping, compelling and absorbing. I don’t really know how Chris Thomas will be able to beat this one (no pressure!) but I’ll be first in line to find out!

ljwrites85's review

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So I’ve read at least three of these ‘vigilante justice’ themed novels in the past six months but what I love is when an author takes a tired old idea and makes it their own, and this is the case with Enter the Dark.
It was one of those rare novels that once I started I just didn’t want to put it down.
There’s a fantastic array of characters from the naive Joe to the evil Saeed Anwar to the steadfast Detective Pete Harris.
It also has multiple POV’s, something I’m not usually a fan of but it really works for this story.
There are some great twists and turns within the story and stay tuned for the last one it’s a doozy!
My only issue, I’ll try to not give away any spoilers here, is that early on we find out that Detective Harris has been off for a significant amount of time and then that he is a single dad. It doesn’t really explain what happened to his wife until near the end and in my opinion should have really been brought up sooner to making the ending that bit more plausible.
I’d recommend this to fans of James Patterson, Tony Parsons or just anyone who enjoys a good edge of your seat thriller.

meloches's review

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 I have always been fascinated by the concept of the dark net; a place for the worst undergroundling to trade and explore their sick fantasies.   It is one of those concepts that you want to ignore but can’t help but approach with strange infatuation. This summer, one of my most anticipated reads is the August release of The Dark Net by Benjamin Percy so, needless to say, when Bloodhound Books sent me a synopsis of this Enter the Dark, it soared to the top of my TBR pile.

 The novel opens in a killer way- pun intended! As soon as I flipped through the first pages, I knew that this novel would be taking me on a wild read. I dare you to read the first chapter and put this book down. It simply cannot be done. Dark, twisted and ominous, Chris Thomas knows exactly what to do to draw in his reader and hold onto to them tight!

 As mentioned, the concept of this one was fascinating and the characterization of our protagonist, Joe, was spot on. Exploring the idea of the “bystander effect” and morbid curiosity, Joe is just your everyday guy who gets himself in too deep. I also loved the horrifying concept of how deep the inter-webs can actually go and how dangerous involvement with it is. Realistic and raw, the idea that you can click one too many times and end up in such a disaster had me wanting to retire my internet browsing.

 I did find a few issues with the execution of the novel, but nothing major. I found the POV switched randomly occasionally and some of the many characters had me confused. But, by the end of the novel, Thomas made sure things were made clear.

 If you like a thrilling read that teeters on the edge of horror, this one will interest you greatly.

sarahs_bookish_life's review

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I will just start by telling you how much I loved this book. I loved it, loved it, loved it.

Right from the very first page I knew that I was really going to enjoy this novel and I wasn’t wrong.

The Red Room is somewhere that you hope to goodness you never find yourself. If you do, it’s going to be painful and you certainly have no hope of ever coming out of there alive. To a certain extent to start with I actually liked the logic behind the brotherhood and what they were doing. As a reader it certainly thrilled me but as a human being the further I got into it I wasn’t so sure whether I truly agreed with what they were doing, but to be honest who cares as this is fiction, which meant I could enjoy every moment for what it was.

The story reminded me slightly of The Running Man, apart from there is nothing that the prisoners can do to get out of the position that they find themselves. Don’t get me wrong, the crimes that these people have committed are truly horrible ones and in a way I didn’t want to read about what was happening to them but then on the other hand I did as I wanted to see them suffer. Obviously for the police, they can’t see people taking the law into their own hands so they need to find out who is behind it all and put a stop to it.

Enter The Dark is a brilliantly dark and disturbing read. It’s one that will have you well and truly hooked from beginning to end. It has quite a futuristic feel to it though it is very much set in the here and now. Not quite sure if there is going to be a follow up to this book as there easily could be. I’m really hoping there is as detective Pete Harris is someone that I would like to see again. Brilliant book and highly recommended.

bibliophilebookclub's review against another edition

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I’m a big fan of cyber crime type books so I was looking forward to reading Enter The Dark. Dealing with the seedier side of the internet, the dark web, and those that dwell there made it a promising read.

Imagine if you could decide how to punish people who have committed heinous crimes, and watch the punishment being meted out on a live stream. Well in Enter The Dark, The Brotherhood of The Righteous will let you, but for a price. With Bitcoin being an untraceable way to pay, these vigilantes will take your money in return for letting you watch people being tortured.

At times gruesome (it doesn’t bother me, but it can be graphic), Enter The Dark is a good addition to the cyber crime genre. It has some horrible characters, an interesting plot, and is quite current in terms of the technology used.

I enjoyed this one. A quick read, and a decent opener for a series, but possibly not for the faint of heart.
