
The Bridesmaid & the Jerk by Kayla Tirrell

eamelyk's review

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3.5 stars. I really liked the characters wasnt expecting a cliffhanger though.

snarkywench's review

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Every character is supremely annoying (or just a list of attributes) and there is too much adherence to the reality show narrative structure versus actual character development.

mermaidmomma's review

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This book was just as lighthearted as I was hoping it would be. After all of the craziness of being an essential worker, I really just wanted something that I could just fly through and enjoy and this book delivered. One part mistaken identity, one part secret past, and one part stubbornness made for a great time that kept me turning pages. My only complaint about this book was that it ended before I was ready for it to be over. I cannot wait to read the second book to find out how the Wedding Games will turn out.

justanothergirl_23's review

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Arc provided by the publisher through Netgalley in exchange of an honest review

Excuse me what? It's over?
The story was just starting and then BAM the book is over!

This was a fun, fluffy little story, and I enjoyed going through it, but as I mentioned it was too short.
I understand what the author wanted to do with that ending, but it could've been done better. I mean, I would've liked it more if the author established the relationships between the characters better. I'm not just talking about Sienna and her love interest, but literally everyone else.
All the interactions and relationships were glossed over, and it made everything that happened (other than what included the MCs) seem unimportant.

But overall, it was quite enjoyable and I had fun going through it.

vera_allbookedup's review

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Reality TV mixed in with a wedding and two people who rubbed each other the wrong way at their first meeting. It doesn't bode well for a happy ending. But, opposites attract and all that. This is my first book by the authors and I found it funny with many laugh out loud moments coupled with some frustrating WTF moments between the two main characters. The story ends with a cliffhanger, but the two main characters get their HEA. It's like the authors gave us bites and then left a trail of crumbs to follow into the next story. Now I'm off to find the next one.

I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

blithesquesttoread's review

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(3.5 stars)

I was provided with a review copy by the publisher.

As the title suggests, it's a story of a bridesmaid in the TV reality show who wants nothing but a) have a decent and beautiful wedding for her sister and b) make sure that she finally gets her big chance. The jerk here is a mysterious man (not that mysterious except you don't really know what goes in his head most of the time).

I really enjoyed the reading and it was sure one that hooked me up in the starting. For me, it was kind of a different plot with TV reality show being into action. It was written through the perspective of both the characters which made it even better to read.

"He wasn’t, but something about her brought out the teasing schoolboy in him."

I really enjoyed the pair of Sienna and Fox. Sienna was a character that I really liked despite the fact that she might be a bit 'too' much because honestly, she didn't seem too much. Fox had me thinking between the lines of killing and adoring him. In the starting it didn't make sense why he was being portrayed as the jerk but as the story progressed, it was evident that he was kind of 'too' much. For me he just sometimes behaved like a big boy. But in spite of this, I really liked both of the characters as they had a deeper understanding running between them.

It was a quick read for me and I sure had a pleasant time reading it.