
Crash Ride by T. Gephart

sonja_ahrb's review against another edition

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T. Gephart totally knocked it out of the park with Crash Ride! She once again made me lose myself in the story, made me laugh my butt off, broke my heart and then put it back together. I never got tired of reading it, time flew by, and I didn't feel the need to constantly check my progress in the book. I just completely loved it!

Megs is now officially my favorite female character in this series! She's so funny and smart and playful. She's really fun and impulsive, but she is also serious, kind, and has a heart of gold. Megs is just awesome to be around; I would definitely want to be her friend and I absolutely loved her!

Oh, Troy Harris, if Dan hadn't stolen my heart so completely in High Strung, there's no question that you would be my favorite. Now don't get me wrong, I really did love Troy, he's an amazing guy! He's sweet, has a great sense of humor, he's protective and possessive. He is also super sexy and he will steal your heart!

Crash Ride is, for the most part, a light read, but not all the time. I knew going into this book that it was going to be fun, but I knew that at some point T. Gephart was going to make my heart ache. I was still unprepared when the time came though, and it felt like I was stabbed in the heart and punched in the gut. It made me cry and I worried about Troy and Megs, but it wasn't long before Ms. Gephart had me laughing again and made me feel silly that I ever worried in the first place.

I can't tell you how much I loved this book! I loved the characters, the steaminess (oh my gosh, it was so HOT!), and the humor. It was a beautiful, fantastic book and I can't wait to read the next one!!

Crash Ride is a standalone, it's told from both Megs and Troy's POV, and they do get their HEA!

nannyf's review against another edition

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We met Megan I book 1 of this series, High Strung. I personally loved her antics with Ashlyn, and I couldn't wait to see what happened to her when we weren't watching.

Megan is hilarious in her pursuit of Troy, or Troy Harris as she insists on calling him, to his face! She has listed after him for years, and couldn't believe her luck when best friend Ashlyn gave her the 'in' she needed to gain entry to the inner sanctum of the band.

And once she is 'in' she doesn't want out, as much as Troy would like her to be out. Megan does everything she can to persuade Troy to give her a chance, Troy does everything he can to persuade Megan he is bad former and to leave well alone.

When circumstances conspire against them both how will they deal with the consequences! Will it make them stronger or destroy them before they have had a chance to truly get started?

I loved this story as much as book 1, and can't wait for what comes next.

gems_31's review against another edition

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To quote Megs, one of the main characters in the book "Sweet Baby Jesus!"

I LOVED this book, even more so than High Strung. For me it just had such a natural flow and not once did I feel pulled out of the story, unlike what happened in the first one. Everything was just sheer perfection itself. The characters. The Plot. The smexy smexy times. Just.... Everything.

Back Stage has a lot to live up to

paddlefoot55's review against another edition

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This is the second book in this series, however it could be read as a stand alone - but why would you want to miss any of the goodness that is Power Station.

We first met Megs and Troy in Dan and Ash's book - since they are Ash and Dan's respective best friends.

Right from the start there has been that spark between them, though neither of them wants to act on it.

Oh boy, when they do act on their attraction - BOOM - man it is HOT!

I love the banter between Megs and Troy Harris (you have to use his full name!) It is funny, it is sexy, it just makes you smile.

As fun and sexy as Crash Ride is most of the time, there were a few tears from me at times.

I loved that we got more of Dan and Ashlyn - Dan just cracks me up!

Now I neeeed to know more about the other boys, Stat!

description Smokin Hot Book Blog Email

aflv_reads's review against another edition

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Crash Ride is another well-written sexy story featuring the Power Station characters.

It’s intriguing, unpredictable and takes many twists that make this book more mysterious. You can’t really see the finish line with this one, because things constantly change. I loved this part!

Decisions, actions, reactions, situations and life hitting you on the face are all wrapped up in a Crash Ride. You may crash and burn, but have the ride of your life, too!!

Another thing I loved is the blurb. It led to a great story that I did like and enjoy immensely, but did not really love, because some details were inexplicable to me. I don’t agree and can’t really see the reason behind the couple’s decisions.

It’s a great story, with brilliant characters, but I didn’t really get their behavior at times. I can’t really say more without giving spoilers. After a revelation at some point, everything was clear and nice and there was nothing I would like to change after that point.


What I loved the most about is the couple’s chemistry! It’s off the charts, scorching hot!! Besides their sinful chemistry, they have this understanding, this deep connection that only true love can give you. It was mesmerizing!!

And let’s just say that Troy is panty-melting!!! He could be the very definition of the word!

So, Crash Ride receives 4 Gorgeous Stars, because even if it can’t rival Dan’s story, it is amazing!

reading_with_2_book_lovers's review against another edition

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troy Harris's is omg so amazing.
This has to be my most fav addition to this series.
ms Gephart has such a way with words.

jessiquie's review against another edition

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Crash Ride is the high adrenaline sequel to T. Gephart's High Strung.

We first met Megan Winters, fondly known as Megs, in High Strung as Ashlyn's lovely sidekick and best friend who has a somewhat unhealthy obsession with Power Station's drummer Troy Harris. After a drunk chance meeting that subsequently paved the way to becoming close friends thanks to Ashlyn and Dan's relationship, Megan Winters life is forever changed. For the man she has not so secretly coveted her entire life is now within her reach... the only problem, he doesn't appear interested. Or so she thought.

He had made it clear from the start; he wasn't interested in dating me. Stupidly I had convinced myself that it didn't matter. Like this girl could suddenly be OK with having feelings for a guy that weren't reciprocated. Not likely.

Troy Harris loves the attention Megs showers him in, not because he is a jackass, but rather because he has developed feelings for the loveable best friend of his best friend and bandmate's girlfriend. Sound complicated? You bet your ass it is. Given the friend code, Troy isn't suppose to reciprocate those feelings that Megs constantly throws his way and so he keeps his distance and insists on being friends. Until the lines between friends and more begins to blurr.... The night in the club when Megs suggests a one night stand with absolutely no strings attached he thinks he has died and gone to heaven. No woman in her right mind would offer a deal like that given their history, and so he is certain that it's too good to be true. Megs is adamant that they are adults and can do this without feelings getting involved and so they do... and things turn really complicated then!

I didn't say a Fucking word when she told me she had started dating some dude. The chair I threw at the wall, well that couldn't be helped.

Personally, I really liked the Josh storyline. He was a sweet character - but no match for our Troy Harris - that I kind of fell for, but he also reinforced the two characters feelings for each other when they were too stubborn to do anything about it. In fact the scene at the speakeasy bar was hands down one of my favourites. The way Gephart negotiated all those feelings and characters was astounding and so raw and poignant... I loved it!

Like the first Power Station novel, Crash Ride is highly addictive, entertaining and full of laugh out loud moments. It's a hilarious joy ride that will keep you laughing and flipping/swiping pages as fast as you can. But it also has a more serious side that comes out in this book (of which I'm not going to spoil here), showing a darker and greater depth to both the characters and their commitment to one another, but also Gephart's writing. If I thought I fell in love with her writing in High Strung, then I was head-over-heels-screaming-from-the-top-of-the-building in love with Crash Ride.

There's a great little gender switch up in this novel that I absolutely loved Gephart for doing. In many 'secret' relationships it's the man, or the person who is more high profile, who doesn't want to let it out who they are dating/seeing and is thus somehow able to convince their partner that it's better off if no one knows about them. Because it makes their relationship more about them: more private, more intimate, just more. Well this narrative flips that all on it's head. For when the pair get over their continuing one-night-stand arrangement and decided that they should be together, it's Megs who puts up the walls and keeps the relationship between the two of them. Partly this is because of the media presence, partly because of her job and the fact that she doesn't think she will be taken seriously if it's known that she's dating a high profile rockstar and partly because she doesn't want to ruin her best friends relationship or wedding by announcing that she's with Troy Harris. I just really enjoyed the fact that Troy Harris was the one who wanted to broadcast his relationship to the world, but Meg's who insisted it was kept a secret. Don't even get me started on the little power games they each play with each other. There were a million little things about the relationship between these two that just made me love them even more: their easy comradeship, their playfulness and seriousness, the way that when they were together they were together one hundred and ten percent regardless of whether it was a packed room or their relationship was still a secret.

As far as characters go, I liked - read loved - Troy Harris so much more than I did Dan. He's kind of aloof at times, but he's romantic and just dreamy and... cue my sigh. Meg's was also a fantastic female lead in this book as she was smart like Ashlyn, but funny and witty and just a go getter really. Something I admire in a strong female characters.

It wasn't like I didn't have an amazing life. My quote of great was straining against the maximum. A loving, supportive family, a beautiful apartment, wonderful friends and a fulfilling job, how did I get so lucky? Sure, Prince Charming hadn't shown up yet, but I hadn't had to give up one of my shoes either, so it wasn't all bad.

Dialogue was once again on point, and I'm beginning to recognise the narratives humour and witty banter between it's two leads as a trademark of Gephart's work. I also loved that way Megs would only address Troy as Troy Harris; it was cute quirk that was original and just so totally them. It shouldn't have worked - using a full name ALL the time - but it did and you really got a feel for Meg's character because of it. Especially since even though the two words remained the same, you really got a feel of her emotions and playfulness and personality through the way she said it; and boy did she say it different ways (playful, seductive, serious, desperate, desolate...).

I'm really looking forward to reading Back Stage for it's release blitz blog tour, as it looks to be Jason's story, the final Power Station bachelor.

This review was originally posted over at The Never Ending Bookshelf on the 8th June 2015 and can be viewed here:

lovefades's review against another edition

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This book was epic. I loved it. I´m sad it´s over. What more to say?
Troy was amazing, I adore his character and he was just the perfect guy.
Megs also was super cool and I loved her so much.
Also one thing I just found epic was how the characters talked to eachother and there weren´t any stupid misunderstandings.
The writing was great and I couldn´t put the book down.