
Jane Austen: A Life by Carol Shields

bibliovino's review

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informative medium-paced


An engaging biography interspersed with criticism of her works, this well structured exploration of the woman and her writings is expertly done and easily accessible. I loved the easy manner of delivery and the obvious admiration of the author toward my favorite writer of all time!

lelia_t's review against another edition

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Having read other biographies of Jane Austen, I didn’t learn much new here (and didn’t expect to), but I did enjoy Shields’ exploration of Austen’s novels and writing life. Shields opened my eyes to the effect not having a tribe of fellow writers might have had on Austen’s work and she also offered a new (to me anyway) perspective on Austen’s home-bound lifestyle. I always assumed Austen wrote to fill the void, but Shields suggests the structure and stability of orderly home-life were necessary to Austen’s writing life.

The book did have some organizational issues - some subjects were brought up more than once and there’s a strange chapter tacked on at the end about Austen and the body, which seemed out of place following the chapter about Austen’s death.

But overall, I enjoyed spending time with both Carol Shields and Jane Austen.

lexcellent's review against another edition

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informative reflective fast-paced


melissa_medina's review

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I was a little disappointed in this slim biography. It felt more like a lecture given at a Jane Austen festival than a biography. I felt like I did not learn anything about Jane Austen that I didn't already know. Carol Shields often discussed aspects of Austen's books, claiming insight into Austen's life through her writing. While I understand that little is know of Jane Austen's life (she lead a secluded life, plus her sister Cassandra burned most of her letters upon her death), I feel like there must be a better way to gain insight into the author's life than to just discuss her novels.

Despite my personal misgivings about the book, Shield's biography is well-written and an enjoyable read. I would recommend it for a light read. However, the book has left me craving more knowledge of Jane Austen and I plan to read another biography on her to satisfy my curiosity.

margaret21's review against another edition

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A sympathetic biography by one author on another. The facts of Jane Austen's life can be picked up in any number of other biographies, but the strength of this short book is in Carol Shields' appraisal of Austen's influences and writing processes. Her research is tempered with empathy for her subject, making for an absorbing read.

lobo1tomia's review against another edition

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Jane Austent én csak mint írót ismertem, vagyis csak a regényeit. Persze olvasgattam róla valamennyit, sőt talán még szigorlati tételem is volt egykor, de részletesen nem különösebben foglalkoztam az életével, csak amennyi tanulmányaim meg a könyvklubunk után rám ragadt. Na de mivel megszereztem a mindenfelé hirdetett Jane Austen naplóját, úgy gondoltam, végzek előtanulmányokat. Az Ulpius ház pedig tavaly a nagy Jane Austen életmű újrafordítások és -kiadások sorában megjelentetett egy életrajzi könyvet is. Különlegessége, hogy populárisabb, mint az átlag, hiszen a Pulitzer díjas Carol Shields igazi ismeretterjesztő könyvként írta meg, a szélesebb közönségnek szánva. Nem kétséges persze, hogy utánajárt a témának, maga is nagy Austen rajongó lévén, de nem bocsátkozik semmiféle spekulációba. A tények és az írásai, fennmaradt dokumentumok alapján próbál meg képet adni erről a nőről, aki 6 befejezett regényt hagyott maga után, néhány töredéket. Ahhoz képest, hogy Austen milyen korán kezdett írni, ez nem is tűnik olyan nagy teljesítménynek.
Nem lehet egyszerű Jane Austenről életrajzot írni, hiszen mai szemmel nem volt túl hosszú, izgalmas vagy éppen tartalmas az a 41 év, amit megélt. Carol Shields azonban mint író nagyon is szimpatizál Austennel, akit igyekszik embernek beállítani és megmutatni, hogy ő is volt gyarló, bár a családja miután meghalt és híres lett igyekezett igazi “szentként” beállítani. Ott vannak például a megsemmisített levelek, amiket Jane a nővérének írt, akivel ha távolt voltak egymástól szinte naponta váltottak leveleket. Ráadásul gyerekkoruktól kezdve együtt laktak, szóval tényleg ismerték egymás legapróbb titkait is, s Cassandra volt az, aki aztán erősen szelektált ezek közt, s nem mindent bocsátott a köz javára. (Innen származik a sok találgatás és persze regény meg film is, Jane Austen titokzatos kettős életéről)
Shields a kötetben sokat foglalkozik a regényekkel, az elemzésekkel és becsülöm, hogy nem igyekszik bebizonyítani, hogy egy ilyen származású, neveltetésű, életvitelű stb. vénkisasszony, aki mindennél jobban kedvelte a vidéki életet nem írhatott olyan kis remekműveket, mint amilyeneket megtett. Ezt szoktam utálni az összes Shakespeare-t övező nagy titok leleplezésében is. Miért nem lehet elhinni, hogy azokat a drámákat, egy vidéki kereskedő fia is írhatta? Hisz a tehetségek bárhol megteremhetnek, mert 1 a millióból akár egy főkötős vénkisasszony, vagy egy volt színész is lehet.
Szóval a kötet mindenféle Jane Austen kedvelőnek ajánlott nagyon is korrekt kötet: nem unalmas, szájbarágós és száraz, hanem jól megírt és érdekes.


sarahcoller's review against another edition

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I've read a lot of great biographies on Jane Austen, but this one was truly excellent. First off, I would not recommend this for someone who knows very little about Jane Austen or her books, as a lot of basics are assumed in order to get on to things that better interest the knowledgeable "Janeite". I think that's why I enjoyed it so much---it was a refreshing take on the details behind that "Jane Austen Fact Sheet" that a lot of biographies seem to be drawing from.

I love Shields' metaphor of "glances" on page 3-4. She discusses how Austen never really goes into detail about some of the things that were so newsworthy in her day: the Napoleonic wars, changes in societal structure and the Church, advances in science and medicine. She describes Austen's dealings with them as "glances"---an implied commentary.

Another thing the biographer brought to my attention, in respect to the writer in me---and in Austen---was that Jane Austen never had that quiet place that I seem not to be able to write without. "The encouragement of her imagination did not arise from conditions offered her by others." I am always looking for that place of solitude---the "Perfect Place to Write." Yet, Jane Austen just wrote wherever she was and however she could---no matter what was going on around her. I can't expect others to pave the way for me. If I really want to finish that story that I'm working on, I need to make it happen.

After reading this short bio, I'm more encouraged to track down some of her published correspondence. Maybe I'll have the chance to find some on my trip to England next month.

ricefun's review against another edition

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A wonderful little biography of Austen, written by a writer that can really empathize with Austen-as-writer. It acknowledges how little we actually know about the writer and her family, but tries to explore the bits we do know of her life in a constructive way.

maplessence's review against another edition

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I so wish GR had half stars!

This wasn't quite a 4 star read for me, but was too good to put down as a mere 3!

Shields has a very easy to read writing style. Due to the paucity of information about Jane Austen's life, a lot of the writing is speculative, but Shields gave good reasons for her theories (such as why Austen appeared to have stopped writing whilst living in Bath) & I found myself agreeing with a lot of Shields ideas.

the_bookish_musings_of_mari's review

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It was so enjoyable to learn all about Jane Austen’s life. Carol Shields gives key insights into her life, relationships and writing in such an enjoyable way.
The highest compliment I could give is that this read like fiction- it was a page turner.
A must-read for Austen fans.