
Spider's Lullaby by James R. Tuck

yodamom's review

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DNF read to 50 %. Were-spiders (ICK) There was just too much, 'man talk', engine types, vehicle types, gun/weapons discussions..... it just did not interest me.

vikingwolf's review

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"Have silver bullets, will travel"

Charlotte's eggs are getting close to hatching but has time for one last night out with Deacon and Tiff before the birth. But when they get back to Charlotte's house they find blood, bodies, a missing egg sac and no sign of Ronnie. Deacon hates it when his friends are kidnapped and knows he must find the egg sac before it hatches and unleashes dangerous brown recluse spiders on the local population.

Deacon uses his supernatural contacts to find out if any new players are in town and is told about an assassin in town with no contract who could be what Deacon is looking for. But taking on a Yakuza hitman who is also demon possessed is going to take everything he has got. There is no time to call for extra back-up so Deacon, Charlotte and Tiff are on their own.

I liked having a story that featured Charlotte and I hope this means that she is going to be a regular feature in the books. Spiders totally creep me out but I love this character with her creepy spider to human changes and her venom filled bite! You really want to be on her side. Tiff gets the chance to show the training that Deacon has been giving her and she turns out to be very kickass and brave. It was also good to see Ronnie featuring in this book as a main character.

As always it is hard to review a short story without giving away the whole plot but it is a tense race against the clock to find the spiders before they hatch. The battle is typical of a Deacon fight-interesting, exciting and hard work, and I very much enjoyed it. I just love Deacon as a character and if the rest of the series keeps up this standard, I'm going to be a very happy chuckles!

rclz's review

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He's certainly got an interesting imagination. Good short with a whole story. Can't ask for more than that.

avoraciousreader68's review

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Deacon Chalk is an Occult Bounty Hunter. He’s the guy you call when monsters need killing. Not all monsters are bad though and when Deacon, his apprentice/friend Tiffany and a Were-spider named Charlotte get back to Charlotte’s place after a night on the town they find all of the Were-spiders in her cluster dead, her egg sac gone and Ronnie, the egg sac babysitter for the night, missing, too. With Charlotte predicting the egg sac of spiders will hatch around dawn they have only a few hours to find who took it and where it is. Because if the spiders hatch with no one to bind to they will kill until they can be killed. However, if the person who took them binds them to him and he has evil intent then he has gained a shitload of little killing machines. The clock is ticking…

This short story takes place after Blood and Bullets, but it can read as a standalone. It’s nicely written with a plot that quickly proceeds from Point A to Point B to Point C and has characters that are well-developed. The copious amount of detail tends to bog the story down just a touch though it is nice to be well-informed. I’m still enjoying this series very much and look forward to more of Deacon Chalk.

*Many thanks to the author for providing me with a review copy. Please see disclaimer page on my blog.
