
All the Broken Pieces by Cindi Madsen

anikajewel's review against another edition

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I was really enjoying the book until the very end. I guess I kind of knew there was going to be something for it, but I wasn't fully prepared and it was just incredibly strange.

slc333's review against another edition

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Hmmm. Not sure about this one. It certainly kept my attention and i enjoyed reading it but i was left feeling unsatisfied by the resolution.

justjess1025's review against another edition

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This was a really good book with an ending i wasnt expecting!

faerie_dust's review against another edition

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Liv wakes up from an accident with no memories. Nada. Not her parents, her friends , not herself. She wakes up with 2 different voices in her head, distinct and always opposing each other. Her family moves to Arizona for a fresh start. As she goes through her junior year , she has dreams which seem very much like reality.

In her new school , she makes friends with Kiera and kinda has a rough beginning with Spencer. But they eventually get into a relationship. And Im pretty sure id have gotten diabetes seeing how sweet their relationship and Spencer was.

The ending was predictable and unpredictable at the same time. That makes absolutely no sense now that I read that line again but it is what it is..shrugs .. Anyway...I loved the book...

lostinagoodread's review against another edition

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This review and others can be found on Cozy Up With A Good Read

This book had an interesting premise, Olivia wakes up in a hospital with no memory of her past and what happened to put her in this situation. Add to all that, Olivia now has two voices in her head that are warring with one another and makes Olivia's decisions more difficult.

This story has a great mystery aspect to it, Olivia's parents are very protective of her and have up and moved her to this new town where no one knows her so that her life before remains a mystery. It was interesting how Madsen added the voices into the story, really making readers wonder what happened to Olivia in the accident that has made her like this. The dreams that Olivia has every so often is a really great build-up to the big reveal at the end, which though I saw coming was still a bit shocking.

The best part of this was the interactions between Olivia and Spencer, this romance is slow building they have this adorable love-hate relationship that grows over time into an adorable friendship. Spencer is known as the bad boy but you can tell right away that there is more to him (a bit of a cliche in books, but I still enjoyed it). The one thing I did find was that once they became friends there was still a little too much of the on-again, off-again happening, it seemed like the characters were a little bi-polar with their feelings.

All in all, I did enjoy the story, Madsen added in a great mystery element and a really adorable romance (that wasn't immediate love at first sight can't get enough of each other type of thing). Though a lot of pieces of the story give away the idea of what happened to Olivia, it was still an interesting read with a really great premise!

jeanz's review against another edition

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I received an e-arc of this book directly from Entangled Teen (thankyou) in exchange for my honest review and this post is also part of the official blog tour.
So, I have already done a "My thoughts on the cover" post, which is still relevant but has anything changed now I have actually read the book? Prior to reading the book, I admit the cover did make me want to read the book, and I must add that the book does not disappoint at all! The Broken Pieces on the cover, do actually represent the main character Liv. At first I thought of the girl being schizophrenic but is that the case, or is it something totally different and perhaps much much darker.
The main character Liv, or rather Olivia at the beginning of the book. Liv is the nickname the first friendly girl at the new school she is attending gives her. Keira is so bubbly and friendly that Liv readily accepts the nickname and feels more relaxed at her first day at school. Everything feels new and strange to Liv as she has recently recovered from a car accident and woken from a coma. Liv keeps hearing warring voices in her head, one is good and the other is quite a nasty one.
Liv is intrigued by one of the guys at the school his name is Spencer and he was once part of the "in" crowd but now hardly speaks to anyone at all.
This book is really well written, it flows so well and keeps you interested the whole way through. You want to put all the broken pieces together and solve the mystery of Olivia. what was she like before her accident, why can she not truly remember things. What are the flashbacks about? Who is Elizabeth, the little girl from Liv's dreams?
We also want to "fix" Spencer, know why he shuts himself away from everyone else.
Then there's the whole fitting in hassle at school. Sabrina is the "queen" of the "popular's" and she seems to have taken an instant dislike to Liv. Should Liv conform to Sabrina's "popular rules"? Then Liv has all the mystery going on at home, why don't her parents speak to her about the past? Why don't they answer her questions and whats in the locked box in the office drawer?
I really loved the book, it had me totally hooked. I admit to having an inkling as to the mystery surrounding Liv, but there were still twists and turns and the odd red herring to make you second guess if you were right or wrong.
So did I enjoy the book? Loved it! Would I recommend it? Definitely Would I read a bk #2 if there is one? There could be a second bk I suppose but then most things were wrapped up at the end of this one. Would I read more by Cindi Madsen? I would certainly look out for more books by her yes.

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Oh, this was a really great book, loved these characters, and the mystery, and the cover, it is very apt!

dukesangel002's review against another edition

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Find more of my reviews at Reading Angel

When I first started All the Broken Pieces I wondered just where the story was going, I had no clue it was a modern remake of Frankenstein. Although with a name like Olivia Francesca Stein, you think I would have got the picture pretty quickly. It seemed to just be the story of a girl with amnesia from a car accident, if not for the fact that her parents were completely nuts every time she would ask any questions about her past, or the accident. I caught on pretty quickly that all was not well in the land of Liv's home, but could not figure out just what had happened since we are getting a narrative from a very unreliable source, that of the girl with no memory.

Liv also has two other voices in her head. Whether this is a result of the trauma, she's crazy, or if it's something slightly more supernatural going on, is unclear. They are both very distinctly different personalities and at times are like an angel and a demon sitting on Liv's shoulder as she starts in to public school. I found this part of the story to be very mysterious and really enjoyed one of the personalities in particular. I got several giggles out of the internal monologue that would go on between Liv and the voices.

As Liv joins the world of public school she meets Spencer. While Liv is feeling like an outcast she somehow really likes this boy, even though he is sometimes a jerk who sends her very mixed signals. Lets just say that Spencer has a bag of his own problems to work through. I think his bucket list that he worked up for Liv was one of my favorite romantic things about him, though. A bucket list of things like, eat a McDonald's Happy Meal, since she couldn't remember doing any of the awesome little things.

All the Broken Pieces is a fun mystery that kept me the pages to find out exactly what happened to our forgetful heroine. While there were some basic logic things that bugged me, it was still just a very enjoyable story and I give it a solid 3.5 stars.

spatlese's review against another edition

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....a 4 to 4.5* rating!! This one was a really good read & something a little different. Although I did figure out some of the "mystery", I didn't get all of it. All in all it was an engaging & quick read.

jlytle1025's review against another edition

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This was a really good book with an ending i wasnt expecting!