
If I Die by Rachel Vincent

camibookish's review against another edition

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Ok, heartbeat slow down... Didn't see that one coming. Good book, good story, though it got really messed up for me on the cuadrangle relationship thingy. But I've come to terms with it, even though I wish it would have been better played out for the male lead. I feel the author is turning him into the bad guy, when at first he was everything, and though shit like that happens in real life and ppl change, I like Nash's character too much to see him like this. (with or withough Kaylee)... So yeah... what will the next book bring anyway? Lets see

brunettegeekgirl's review

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The cover:

This cover is beautiful and simple. Yet, I have no idea what’s its relation with the story.

The storyline:

So, I’ll try as much as I can not to spoil this review, because If I wrote it yesterday at 11:30 pm, when I finished this book, I would’ve had a record in spoiling reviews. Now that I calmed down from the impact of the new way the story took and I’ve organized my thoughts, you’re going to get a coherent review .

What I liked:

The beginning was perfect and smooth, as usual. I liked how things were normal despite the obvious tension since Sabine is now present (And it looks like she’s not going anywhere, any soon).
The suspense was great, there were a lot twists, heartbreaks, pain that made the story almost realistic.
The writing is great, too. I could almost feel what was going on and understand it.
I loved that this sequel had a small relation to the previous novella Reaper which I read. Because it kind of helped understanding what was Tod talking about with Kaylee.
Emma was more present in this book, which is cool!
The incubus story was totally fun to go thru and I was glad that it continued till the end.
I loved seeing Levi again, and since I read an audiobook, hearing him talk like a small child was priceless. I wish there was more of him :s. Maybe in the next sequels?!
What I missed:

I missed Avari’s presence and constant annoyance. Yep, I’m a fan girl of hellions in this book because they add different twits to the story more than incubus do.
I also missed the old Nash and the poor naïve Kaylee who was totally in love with him and couldn’t breath without him. Of course, that changed too…
What I hated:

This one tiny thing, which most of you will think it’s ridiculous, almost stopped me from finishing the book. When you’re about 60% done with the book, you’ll be slapped in the face with a new turn the story takes. I hated how Kaylee was suddenly done with Nash, how in minute she was totally in love with him and adores him and in the next one she was done with and in love with someone else. I hated the cruelty, irresponsibility and immaturity in these few chapters. I didn’t like seeing this part of Kaylee.
The characters:

I don’t actually want to talk about any of them, to be honest, but I’ll do it fast.

Kaylee was impossible. She was strong, scared, caring for her best friend and even starting to like Sabine. But then, I hated her for acting like a selfish banshee.

Tod is Tod. I still think of him as cool and funny and mysterious but I hated how he contributed even as little in Kaylee’s new behavior and in his brother’s pain.

Nash is my hero in this sequel. Although he didn’t do anything heroic, just by enduring all of this by himself, and going thru hell, he’s been really courageous and hurt.

Sabine is one hell of a mara. I really like her. She’s direct, she knows what she wants and she doesn’t go around and make lies.

Emma is wonderful and trustworthy best friend.

Levi is sweet. Despite his young age, he has a mind and logic of a grownup man. I like him ^_^.

Mr. Beck is pathetic.


If you’ve been this far reading the series, reading If I Die is inevitable. Whether you’ll like it or not, you have to read it to know what changed and what didn’t so you can later read Before I Wake when it’s released!

This is not my favorite book in the series but I did enjoy it, especially the ending.

I’ll be fair and honest and give it the rate it deserves from my point of view.

charms1976's review against another edition

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Just when I thought my heart would collapse from the torture of My Soul To Steal, the author ripped my heart out of my chest and fed it to the Hellion's for a new chew toy in If I Die. Talk about an emotional roller coaster of a series! I have read about Banshee's, Hellion's, Reaper's, Demons Breath and now love that can break your heart into pieces. The author brought it for this book and knocked me down hard!

I am having such a hard time writing a review on this book! Everything I want to say or point out could be taken as a spoiler alert. I do not want to ruin anything for everyone. You will laugh, you will yell and you will cry -- sometimes all at the once. Kaylee has grown so much from book one and she has grown into a heroine to be proud of. She has backbone, she has love and most of all she has the strength to carry everyone's pain when they need her.

Have you chosen Team Tod or Team Nash? Well, I thought I had until I read this book. Be prepared to have shocking discoveries and heartache as you turn each page. There are decisions to be made that can change the outcome for all characters involved that you won't believe until you read about it. Secrets are revealed from numerous characters leaving quite a fallout on others in the book. Favorites of the series return, along with deaths to some you won't expect. You will be cheering for characters you didn't even know you wanted to cheer for.

All I can say is, If I Die before I wake-- thank goodness I got to read this book first!

michalice's review against another edition

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Kaylee has days to live, it is her time to die, but before she does she needs to find a way of getting rid of the new teacher, Mr Beck, who is an incubus and is looking to find a good body to carry a child for him.  Not only is Kaylee dealing with her death, but is also trying to keep it from Emma so she doesn't worry, and is having troubles with Nash.
On her quest to find out what Mr Beck is Kaylee visits school colleague Danica in hospital who has just suffered a miscarriage, and lost Mr Becks child, and also pays a visit to Lakeside to speak to Farrah, who is carrying Mr Beck's child, to find out more information about him and ends up helping Lydia, a syphon, escape.

I know in my last review of a soul screamers book I said it was the best book so far, well Rachel Vincent has managed to blow me away with how much I loved If I Die.  From reading what I have just wrote it sounds like there is a lot going on, and although there is it is very easy to follow and keep track off.  I was on tenterhooks reading If I Die, wondering if Kaylee would make it to her last day, or if they would find a way to escape it.
I could not put If I Die down and I think I fell in love with Tod just a little bit more, and completely changed my opinion of Nash with how he acts towards Kaylee.  If I Die is a real page turner and I am loving the new twist in the story and can't wait to see how it is played out in Before I Wake, not only with the new relationship development, but with also the twist that was revealed in the end of the book.  This series just gets better and better and I can't wait to get hold of Before I Wake to see what happens next.

My favourite part of the book is the following quote...

"Did you mean it?"  His eyes churned urgently now, a collision of hunger and uncertainty.  "Was that real, or where you just granting my last wish?"

racheljade100's review against another edition

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Protagonist finally ends up with reaper... She kind of dies and is transformed into something supernatural... Disappointed with the turn of events... but I suppose she couldn't outrun death forever...

rikerandom's review against another edition

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Diese und weitere Rezensionen findet ihr auf meinem Blog Anima Libri - Buchseele
Rezensionsexemplar, zur Verfügung gestellt vom Verlag im Austausch für eine ehrliche Rezension ♥

Und weiter geht’s mit Rachel Vincents Geschichte von Banshees und Co… Mittlerweile bei Band 5 (von insgesamt sieben wenn ich mich nicht irre) angelangt, weiß ich ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr so ganz, was ich von der ganzen Geschichte wirklich halten soll. Serien sind für mich sowieso immer so eine Sache. Mal ganz abgesehen davon, dass ich den aktuellen Trilogie-Wahn im Jugendbuchbereich einfach nur nervtötend finde, muss eine Serie schon wirklich gut und durchgehend spannend sein, damit ich nicht nach zwei Bänden aufgebe. Und die „Soul Screamers“-Serie war leider eben nicht immer gut sondern im Gegenteil eher ziemlich holprig und wenig konstant, was die Qualität der einzelnen Bände angeht. Daher war meine Vorfreude auf Band fünf auch nur mäßig.

Allerdings hat sich das Ganze dann widererwarten als doch ziemlich gut herausgestellt. Das lag vor allem an Kaylee mit der ich vorher hauptsächlich aus einem Grund ziemliche Schwierigkeiten hatte: wegen ihres doch ziemlich kindischen Verhaltens. Mit „Berühre meine Seele“ kommt die Geschichte aber zum Glück endlich an dem Punkt an, an dem Kaylee erwachsen wird – und zwar ziemlich eindrucksvoll. So gibt es in Band fünf der Serie dann auch wieder jede Menge Probleme, mit denen Kaylee zu kämpfen hat, und diesmal scheinen sie sogar noch ein Stückchen schwieriger zu sein, als alles, was sich der jungen Banshee vorher so in den Weg gestellt hat. Das perfekte Szenario also, damit Vincents Protagonistin unter Beweis stellen kann, dass sie ihre Probleme auch auf reifere und erwachsenere Art angehen kann als zuvor.

Die Handlung selbst hat mich – wie eigentlich bei fast allen vorherigen Bänden – erneut überzeugen können. Allein Rachel Vincents vielfältiges Mythenkonstrukt mit all den fantastischen Wesen, die sich rund um das Thema Tod scharren, ist schon wahnsinnig faszinierend und wirkt auch im fünften Teil der Serie noch frisch und innovativ, nicht zuletzt deswegen, weil die Autorin immer wieder neue Figuren und Wesen einführt und weitere mythologische Geschichtsschnipsel enthüllt. Für Mythenfans wie mich lohnt es sich daher schon allein deswegen bei dieser Serie am Ball zu bleiben, auch wenn die Charaktere bzw. ihr immer wiedermal nervig kindisches Verhalten den Lesespaß bislang leider etwas gedämpft haben. Ein Problem, das aber – wie bereits ja schon gesagt – in diesem Band endlich, endlich ein Ende nimmt.

Zwar gibt es nach wie vor Verbesserungspotential bei den Charakteren, gerade auf Ebene der Nebenfiguren, aber das Hauptproblem, das ich bislang mit Kaylee und Co. hatte, hat die Autorin erfolgreich angegangen, wofür die Geschichte der „Soul Screamers“ alles in allem 4,5 Sterne von mir bekommt. Denn nach diesem Band habe ich dann doch wieder richtig Lust darauf auch die weiteren Bände zu lesen.

justlily's review against another edition

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So up until now... I really haven't liked this series that much. For some reason I kept going, something (aka Tod) kept bringing me back. But I mean this genuinely... This was a good book.

The pacing was awesome, the mystery/thriller part of it was great, Tod was a blessed angel baby of sunlight and love, Nash was his usual douchebag useless self... All was right with the world.

I can't say anything without spoilers as almost this entire book is just sppppppppppppppoilerrrrrrrrrrsssssssssss... But it's by far the best of the series and I'm actually excited for #6!

evanipatel's review against another edition

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I LOVED THIS ONE! This really elevated the soul screamer series for me. Really enjoyed this book!!

booksandbedtime's review against another edition

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For some odd reason, I actually want to write reviews lately. To sum it up…I loved it. One of my Goodreads friends need to read this series immediately so we can discuss.

This may be more of an author review than a book review, but Rachel Vincent has quickly become my new favorite author. I don’t believe I’ve ever granted anyone that position because there are so many great authors out there. I tend to like who I’m reading at that time, but it’s been a month since I read Blood Bound, and I’m still analyzing it. The only other book that I did that with was the Hunger Games series.

Not only does Rachel get points in my book because she’s from Texas, but she mentioned my Alma Mater (UNT) in her Shifter Series. North Texas can’t win a single football game, be we can get a mention in a wonderful novel. I’ve read all of Rachel’s books and each one is better than the last.
Now on to this series. It took me a couple books to get hooked. Don’t get me wrong it is a great series, but I think mostly because it’s young adult, and I’m passed that stage in my life now. But don’t let that persuade you, because each book has a major theme that anybody at any age can relate to, and as a whole, the series is amazing!

Rachel’s very creative with these titles. It may make you think figuring out, but I’ll help you out, since I didn’t get it until this last book. They are based off a children’s prayer:

“Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I shall die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take.”

If I Die was by far the best one of the series. It has the same great witty characters, and all of these characters learn and develop in this book. For the first time Kaylee isn’t worried about consequences, and she just lives. She realizes what must happen with her relationship with both the Hudson boys. I’ve been torn about Nash the whole series, but this book made me finally pick a side. Kaylee grows up a lot in this book. I can’t wait for Before I Wake and Kaylee’s new adventures.

I recommend you all pick up this series today!

heyjudy's review against another edition

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