
Elements of the Apocalypse by Ryan C. Thomas, D.L. Snell, R. Thomas Riley

sinisterhorror's review

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Four stories by D.L. Snell, Ryan C. Thomas, John Sunseri, and R. Thomas Riley that foretell four apocalyptic scenarios, each involving the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water). An interesting and original idea.

The first two stories Remains by D.L. Snell (air) and Silence in Heaven by John Sunseri (air) were okay. They featured interesting scenarios, but weren't as enjoyable as the last two stories. However, they were interesting enough to make the purchase of this book worth it. And I'm sure others will get more enjoyment out of them than I did. Forgive me for not being more detailed about what they are about.

Remains deals with people beginning to spontaneously combust. Silence in Heaven deals with people living underground and trying to survive the polluted air and the limited oxygen supply they have.

The last two stories: Phrenetic by R. Thomas Riley (earth) and With a Face of Golden Pleasure (water) were amazing.

Phrenetic dealt with animals (under the direction of the Earth herself) rebelling against humans. We follow several different characters who eventually wind up in the same place, trying to figure out how to survive this new world order. You quickly come to care about the characters and what they are going through. And if you think about it, if a similar scenario ever occurred, humanity wouldn't stand a chance. Even the most docile of creature (such as a prairie dog) could do some real damage, especially if dozens of them attacked at once.

With a Face of Golden Pleasure was easily my favorite of the stories. It deals with water suddenly drying up everywhere for no explicable reason. We focus on one guy in particular, Cam. But we also get to know his estranged wife, Becky, their son, Cobalt, and his brother-in-law, Scott. We witness their struggle to stay alive and figure out how to find water. And they witness the world dying around them.

Of all the things in this world, water is the most essential. We use it for so much, beyond drinking it: cooking, washing our clothes, washing dishes, showering, flushing the toilet, watering the lawn, washing the car. We truly take it for granted. Riots and wars have broken out in other countries over access to water. In California, who gets how much water and where it goes is tightly regulated. Water, more than anything, makes the world go round. And water is essential to keep our bodies working. People die everyday from a lack of water or from drinking polluted water.

Because of all that, Ryan C. Thomas's scenario is the scariest and potentially the most realistic. If water started to disappear what would you do to survive?

The last two stories make the money spent on this book worth it. And you might enjoy the first two in a way that I didn't. Give it a shot. You won't regret it.
