
His Million Dollar Risk by Robin Bielman

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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This was a quick and easy read and I felt like I finished it to quickly because I didn't really want it to end.
It starts off with a familiar story line, right down to the vehicle the hero drives and I caught myself rolling my eyes and wondering if the book was just going to be a redo of another very popular book. If you read it and feel the same way, don't let it stop you from continuing on, it's not anything like the other book. Connor was super swoonworthy and sweet but it was Charlie's easy-going, live in the moment attitude that made the book that much better. The story was a bit predictable but not in the way that makes it boring. Especially not boring is the grand gesture that you won't really see coming. It was so cute and perfect for this couple. It was a total sigh-worthy moment.
The writing was on point and it's definitely a book worth picking up!

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

jasmyn9's review

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Charlie was the star of the story. She was full of life and energy and took each stop along Route 66 and made it into something magical. Living the road trip through her made me really want to go visit all these places along the way. I think these are the same reasons that Connor fell in love with her as well.

They get off to quite an unusual start which had me chuckling, but it also led to a big old lie - and those I'm not a big fan of, but once Connor starts talking about what he thinks of Charlie's dad - I at least sort of understand why she didn't speak up earlier.

It was a very fun journey, with a bit of a rushed ending. But I enjoyed every minute of it.

*This book was received in exchange for an honest review*

jaimereadsromance's review

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This was a quick and easy read and I felt like I finished it to quickly because I didn't really want it to end.
It starts off with a familiar story line, right down to the vehicle the hero drives and I caught myself rolling my eyes and wondering if the book was just going to be a redo of another very popular book. If you read it and feel the same way, don't let it stop you from continuing on, it's not anything like the other book. Connor was super swoonworthy and sweet but it was Charlie's easy-going, live in the moment attitude that made the book that much better. The story was a bit predictable but not in the way that makes it boring. Especially not boring is the grand gesture that you won't really see coming. It was so cute and perfect for this couple. It was a total sigh-worthy moment.
The writing was on point and it's definitely a book worth picking up!

*I received an ARC from the author/publisher in exchange for an honest review

booksuperpower's review

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His Million Dollar Risk by Robin Bielman is a 2015 Entangled: Indulgence Publication. I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

When Charlie's friend Ashley requires emergency surgery, she asked Charlie to take over her latest assignment as a reporter. This is the chance Charlie has been waiting for, an opportunity to impress her father, the owner of the publication she is reporting for. Although, Charlie isn't really all that into reporting, she wants to please her father and make use of her high dollar eduction. So, what's the gig? She will be traveling along Route 66 with Connor Gibson the billionaire preservationist. The hitch? Charlie decides to introduce herself as Ashley- and...Connor Gibson despises her father.
However, as the two embark on their journey, it becomes apparent they have something pretty special going on between them, but sooner or later Charlie will have to tell Connor the truth....

Road Trip! This is a short novella length contemporary love story with a lot of heart, humor and heat. Connor is tightly controlled but being around Charlie really has him seeing life from a more carefree and fun perspective. Charlie is hilarious and someone we can all relate to. Connor is a guy sort of weighted down by his wealth and the inability to trust women because they all want to get their hands on his money. He's all business, very serious about his work, and a pretty straight arrow, but Charlie gets under his skin and pretty soon he's feeling things beyond basic attraction and it was fun to see him slowly loosen up and start having fun. You know there is going to be a day of reckoning for Charlie because the one thing Connor can't stand is a liar. But, is there a way to he might be able to find room in his heart to forgive Charlie and realize she is not responsible for her father's deeds?
Short, cute, sweet and steamy, released just in time for Valentine's Day!

cheryls's review

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Connor Gibson was giving a week long interview with a reporter from a magazine he didn't like. The only reason he was doing it was that it would be good for his company's restoration project. The owner of said magazine allowed one of his reporters to slander Connor's mother, without apology. Ashley was supposed to do the interview but she got sick, so Charlie agreed to do the interview instead. Charlie never imagined Connor Gibson would be the guy she met by the pool the day before and that he hated her father for the article about his mother. Charlie's father owns the magazine that's doing the interview. Is it any surprise Charlie told him her name was Ashley and when is the right time to tell him the truth?

Loved it! This is a complete, well thought out story with strong characters. How can you not be drawn to a character like Charlie? She takes care of business but also very spontaneous and takes the time to enjoy the little things. She teaches Connor to appreciate life again. These two have chemistry in spades! I truly enjoyed reading this book and I look forward to reading more from this fantastic author.

Received a copy in exchange for an honest review.

tina_feaster's review

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I received an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is another really great novella by Robin Bielman! I always look forward to reading what she has to write and can't wait to dive into them! This book was no exception. I started it last night at the gym (go figure) and when it was time to leave, I didn't want to! I wanted to keep reading! So I then came home and jumped in bed and finished it.

Charlie is a fun character and I really like her personality. She seems so carefree, but at the same time, very serious about her work and what she wants to do in life. Connor on the other hand, seems so serious all the time. But thankfully, Charlie brings out the fun, playful side of him. I just couldn't put this book down till I finished it! Bielman's writing is really great and so easy to get sucked into. I highly recommend that you grab it as soon as you can. I'm highly anticipating another novel or novella by her!