
Courage by Carrie Butler

magencorrie's review

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4.5 stars!
My Thoughts:

I have so many feels for this book, so many emotions all tumbling around. Okay, so I adore this series, I adored this book, I adore the characters. A lot of adoring going on! And I feel that Courage was a perfect second book in the series. It didn't have that second book drag, or feel like nothing important was happening. Oh no. Courage was filled with intense situations, powerful powers, and wonderful, much needed character development.

What first drew me in to read this book (other than the amazing things I heard), was the mythology. Carrie throws in her own delightful mythology. Made it feel real, and very believable. She created a world that could sustain it, and then wove a brilliant tale around her mythology. I love mythology, and I feel that Carrie did an amazing job creating her own mythological world.

Now, I do love that the book is told from different POVs. Getting inside Wallace’s head, dear lord almighty, did that make me just fall even harder for the guy. But it also allowed me to understand him, to really experience just what he feels. However, I didn’t really care too much for Aiden’s or Corryn’s POV. Though it was nice, and brought a nice element to the story, I just didn't really care about being in their heads that much. It did help, though, for me to understand their actions and situations.

Wallace and Rena really surprise me in Courage. And, boy, do they get tested in more ways than one. But I felt the challenges they endure really helped them, and it was something they needed. I felt that they are stronger in so many ways now. Their love is still beautiful to me, maybe even more so now.

I also saw a lot of character growth in both Rena and Wallace. I am very proud at where they are by the end of the book. Rena is still stubborn and very strong, a girl who can really handle herself. And Wallace is still that lovable guy, though I can tell he is really coming into his own. Though there where some things that happened that made me want to shake them, ripped my heart out, and literally had me yelling at my e-reader, it was all worth the experience!

Even though I know Corryn played an important part in the book, I just couldn’t really like her that much. Though she didn’t get on my nerves like Gabby does, she still isn’t my favorite. I also got to get inside of Aiden’s head. Which helped a lot to see who he is as a character, but in all honesty, I can’t really like this character either. No matter what happened to him, some of his actions made me want to get a piece of board and jam it into his eye.

I also have to mention Cole! I think I adore that guy even more now! He’s so funny and every scene he appeared in, made me happy. I did see some character growth with him as well, and I loved it! And I cannot wait to get to know Cole even more :)

Carrie also throws in some great twists to the story, and a few things are clearer now. I really enjoyed the twists, along with the action. It kept me flipping the pages like a crazy person. And , like I have mentioned, I just love the mythology Carrie plays throughout her story. I also liked that a lot of the supernatural is explained more in this book.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Courage. I felt, in a way, that it was even better than the first book. It was a great adventure of a read. Rena and Wallace’s love is beautiful. And the emotions this book brings out of me, had my feels all over the place!

I definitely recommend this book if you love a great New Adult with a supernatural twist. A book that challenges characters, and delivers a great adventure to the readers. Courage brings all the feels.

lifeandliterature's review

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She knew the rumors, knew the supposed danger I posed, but she didn't back down. For the first time in my life, I felt like a man. Just a man. And that stirred something inside me.

Wow!! What a fantastic read Courage was!!! The whole time I was reading it my thoughts kept going to the fact of how amazing this series is. Of how much I love Carrie Butler's writing and her characters. This book needs to be taken to all corners of the globe so that everyone can fall in love with this author's amazing writing skills and her characters just as I have.

I'm not going to go into the storyline too much. The synopsis is pretty descriptive and I don't want to give away too much. Courage is the second book in the Mark of Nexus series and is told from the point of view of four different characters. Rena, Wallace, new character Corynn and Aiden. A lot of the time, that just doesn't work. It's too much jumping from one voice to another. But this time it was perfect. It was needed so that as the reader we were able to understand the choices that each character was making. And since Aiden and Corynn play such integral parts in this story I think the story would have lacked without getting their take on things.

When I first read the synopsis for Courage I admit to being worried. I was a worried about the role that Corynn would play. I knew that Wallace and Rena loved each other. But that love is new and filled with challenges. Could someone come along and place a wedge between them? Well Corynn turned out to be so different than what I expected. I ended up really liking her. She was pushed to make some decisions that I didn't like but her heart is good.

Aiden plays a much bigger role this time around, The direction his storyline took just blew me away. The choices that he makes were ones that I didn't see coming and the outcomes of those choices... Boy!!! I cannot wait for the next part of his journey.

Cole, as always is a scene stealer. The guy has it in spades!! Charming, witty, hilariously funny, cocky and beyond confident. He just exudes appeal. He needs his own books!!! I simply adore his relationship with Rena. They have an ease about them, yet at the same time they rib each other constantly.

Her heartbeat resonated with mine; her emotions melted into my own. There wasn't a minute of the day I wasn't intimately aware of her presence.

And that leaves us with Rena and Wallace. How can a relationship work when your strength is so strong that you can barely touch? Touching is such a huge part of a relationship. Is love enough to get you through? Rena and Wallace encounter a few bumps in the road this time around. There were times I wanted to scream at Rena to stop being so stubborn. But for the most part she is so strong. She's not whiney or whingey. She just decides what needs to be done and gets on with it. And there is no denying her love. Not just for Wallace, but for her friends as well. Wallace!! He is just so perfect. As a couple they are perfect. But Wallace holds my heart.

"Don't wake me up, don't wake me up..." he muttered under his breath.

"Baby, this isn't a dream." I looked up at him through a film of tears. "This is normal"

This part of the book had me all teary. This whole scene was perfection. Beautifully written and emotional. It's such a big part of the story, so unless you read the book, you won't really understand the significance of those two lines. This guy is just so incredibly special.

I felt that the characters really grew throughout the story. They faced changes and challenges and came out the other end as better, stronger people. I think Wallace's growth has had the biggest impact. He was so alone before Rena came into his life, but he's evolved into this confident, loving man.

One of the main things that I love about Carrie Butler's writing is that no one aspect of her story overpowers another. The romance blends perfectly with the paranormal. Everything fits together seamlessly. If you haven't started this series yet, please do. And then tell everyone how much you loved it so that they too can get the same enjoyment that we have.

5/5 Wallace Owns My Heart Stars.

authorheatherw's review

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Courage was a fantastic sequel! I really enjoyed seeing Wallace and Rena back and the continuation of both their relationship story and their fight against ERA. I really love the author’s writing style and would definitely read more from her.

Courage picks up after the events of Strength. To be honest, it took me a bit to remember who each character was and although the blurb suggests it can be read as a standalone, I would not recommend it. However, once I had a clearer picture of who the bad guys and good guys were, I was hooked on the story again.

Wallace and Rena faced a lot of the same challenges as the previous book, namely dealing with her augmenting his strength and potentially killing one another. I love them as a couple and I was glad to see them work through their issues as a team. They hit some bumps on the road and Rena was driving me crazy with her stubbornness. Wallace continued his awesomeness in this book and his brother Cole even grew on me.

The book is told in four POVs and I kind of wished the author had just featured Rena and Wallace’s stories. Aiden’s POV especially irked me and I felt like the crush storyline was a little unnecessary. Corynn’s part in the story was interesting and I worried about her tearing apart Rena and Wallace.

I highly recommend this series. It’s very original and the characters feel very realistic despite the supernatural aspects. The dialogue is fun and witty and the pacing is terrific.

Rating: 4/5 Stars

I received this book as part of the Courage blog tour.

becxreadz's review

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I wanted to review “Courage” just because I read and reviewed the first book in the Mark of Nexus series, “Strength” as well. I really enjoy this series. It’s well written and the storyline is creative. This book is written from four different pov’s including; Wallace, Rena, Aiden, and Corynn. Wallace is like a modern day Superman without the dorky tights and cape LOL. He and Rena are a great couple. I liked seeing how they were able to embrace their connection. I enjoyed getting to know Wallace’s brother, Cole, more in this story. He seems like a great character who I hope gets his own story. Corynn was an interesting addition to the storyline. I wanted to hate her for being willing to break up Wallace and Rena, but I understood her motives. I wish I could have connected with Aiden’s character more which is sad because that is exactly how his character felt…not connected with and invisible. I give “Courage” 4/5 stars. Carrie’s imaginative world is captivating and with a character like Wallace…HOT!!!!