
Between Now and Always by Dylan Allen

labwa_0712's review

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If you value your time and energy then do not read this. It is not worth it.

Like I mentioned before, I really hate myself so i continued to torture myself by completely reading this book. I dont know why i didn't skim read it. I have a couple of days I can kill before I need to start studying for my exam so I was in the mood for trashy romances. God, I need a palette cleanser read now.

As the previous book, Carter and Beth are still siblings. They start new phases of their lives but still madly in love with each other. They find each other after some time, agree to be friends but it is hard to bury those feelings. Heck they dont even try. It is so disgusting, they know that they are related but they keep toucing each other and then got each other off at their thanksgiving gathering, in the living room where anyone could have walked in. DISGUSTING. I want to rinse my eyes and brain with any kind of disinfectant available. The characters are completely aware that they are related while the readers know that there is a possibility that this is just a plot device planned to create conflivt. I mean, otherwise how are you gonna drag this into three long books?

They were so freakin sad everytime they had to see each other walk away. I'm sorry but do you want me to feel fucking sad that they can't be together despite the fact the they are related? At this point I am thinking back to the prologue where the live a happy married life that they are actually related and it was not a plot device. because i dont think they care about being related. They are gonna throw caution to the win, thinking hey who cares that we are fucking related right? Love is love. It doesnt matter if it is incestuous. Fantastic.

Then everyone in the family loves everyone. Penn and Nadia hugging Beth as if she was their best friend. Bro you only met once. And then the complicated drama piled together at the end was a major clusterfuck. I dont understand what was going through the writer's head at this point. It was a forbidden romance and suddenly it turned into a lame-ass suspense. Right.

I will admit that there are moments this book was really sweet. Had it been written differently and handled differently it could have been great. But alas here we are. Also the fact that so many grammatical errors? Even an unobservant fool like me could detect them. It was too much. Too many mistakes blatantly staring at me. I was like who cares at this point.

Well, not the worst book but it does rank pretty low. This series was not well thought out or planned or written. It was weird as heck and the plot grated on my nerves but the characters were not the worst. Now that I have finished reading this useless series, lemme go and regret the time that I have wasted.

caseroo7's review

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I couldn’t wait to get my hands on the final book of Dylan Allen’s Forever Trilogy, Between Now and Always! This book felt as necessary to me as breathing after reading the first two books in the series! These aren’t standalones and must be read in order, but trust me when I tell you that these three books are absolutely amazing, and you won’t regret reading a single word here!

Beth and Carter have been through so much, yet their connection is unbreakable and undeniable. While they are clearly connected in a way that is rare and special, life has been unkind to both of them and circumstances have them wondering if things will ever go their way. I felt so much for each of them over the course of this series, and that was especially true here. I can honestly say that these two felt like more than just characters in a book to me, they were easy to root for and I really felt like I was right there with them through every triumph and every heartbreak. I loved them both and their journey is one I won’t forget anytime soon.

I won’t say how things turn out or what happens here, but I honestly felt like Dylan Allen did a fantastic job with this book and how everything played out. I couldn’t get enough, and didn’t want to put their story down. It was hard waiting for more after each of the first two books, but so worth it. Carter and Beth are fantastic and multi-layered characters that are so genuine and real, they are easy to relate to and fall in love with. While I have loved everything I’ve read from Dylan Allen, the Forever Trilogy is hands down my favorite so far. I look forward to seeing what she writes next, and can’t recommend this series enough!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

jennyluvlitbooks's review

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Whew! This series, specifically this book is one hell of an emotionally crazy ride. My heart is crying for Beth and Carter's love. I was thinking, this couldn't possibly be it. There must be a way! Their love story had me so emotionally involved, I was stressing. But as I go through it, as secrets and lies came to light, and oh that shocking revelation gave me hope. That this kind of love and what they went through, deserves a happy ending fit for a fairytale.

My heart is full and I loved every moment of this story. A definite must read and a perfect end to this trilogy!

stormiclouds's review

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The Forever trilogy has become my hands down favorite Dylan Allen story so far. Beth and Carter's chemistry is undeniably electric. Their story is filled with pain and angst and so much love that my heart was repeatedly torn then put back together again. This story is an absolute must read for romance lovers.

timitra's review

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Rated 4.5 Stars

Between Now and Always was full of twists, turns, drama, betrayal, sexy times and so much more. While I enjoyed the conclusion to Carter and Beth's story I had a few issues mainly with Carter, the way he ran hot and cold irritated me so much so that I wanted to reach between the pages and shake him. However, it was awesome story that I definitely recommend.

Copy provided by author

mrsjhelms9910reader's review

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Woowww.. so for a moment in book 2 i was like oh snaps. But this ended beautifully and i loved the characters.

profromance's review

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Overall Grade: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Voice. A person’s writing voice is as distinct as their speaking voice. It’s indelible, and it’s the thing that sets them apart from other writers. It is also my favorite part of teaching writing. While I have the pleasure of learning my students’ speaking voices, I also learn their distinct writing voice. If anyone ever asks you how you can read romance when it’s “all the same,” any romance reader can tell you that isn’t true. It’s the voice of the romance writer that distinguishes their work from the others. It’s the reason that so many of us read a variety of writers even when tropes or subgenres or sub-tropes are so similar.

I learned Dylan Allen’s writing voice in The Sun and Her Star aka Envy. It’s where I fell deeply in love with her storytelling. It was clear that this author’s writing voice involves epic storytelling. She imagines these broad, sweeping tales of love and angst that wrap around your heart and pull on it until the tension seems like it will break it. Then, she infuses your heart with a wrap of healing emotions that leaves it repaired and reinvigorated in the end. This journey stays with you through every single one of her books, and it is what sets her apart from other romance authors. Her writing voice carries her readers away on clouds of epic romantic dreams.

It would be easy for me to sit here and say “read Dylan Allen’s newest book, Between Now and Always because Carter, the hero, is amazing, Beth, the heroine, is divine, and their story is transcendent.” Yet, when you read this last book in her Forever Trilogy, you earn the last piece of the puzzle for this sweeping story of salvation. Because that’s the essence of this story: finding salvation in the unbound depths of love. Between Now and Always provides the finality to Carter and Beth’s story, but it unlocks the understanding that love is transcendent, moving beyond space, time, and trials. Carter and Beth’s story is truly an epic epoch, and it divinely illustrates the gravity of Dylan Allen’s writing voice.

In Between Now and Forever (BNF), Allen introduces us to Carter and Beth’s story. In that book, these two are individuals who are finding themselves within the confines of challenges. They find and figuratively mark each other before losing their connection. This book is meant to start their story and introduce us to them, to their challenges. It also offers the catalyst for Beth’s journey. Without this book, there is no future Beth. In Between Now and Heartbreak (BNH), Allen develops Carter and Beth’s love story. It’s their foundation. While BNF is their introduction, BNH is their awakening and their downfall. When BNH ends, Carter and Beth’s relationship is fractured, yet the individuals aren’t. In BNF, the individuals are broken, and the relationship has yet to truly exist. Both of these tomes exist for the purpose of Between Now and Always (BNA). Without the actions of the first two books, BNA could not be, which makes this book this trilogy’s frosting. Yet, this book isn’t a sugary sweet covering. No, it’s a concrete reward for the hard work of the first two books, but Allen doesn’t make it easy for her readers with this book. The resolution of Carter and Beth’s challenges comes near BNA’s end, so don’t go into this book thinking these two will resolve their trials quickly. In true Dylan Allen form, she makes us work for it. In doing so, it elevates Carter and Beth’s story, and it adds gravity to it.

The true gem, the jewel of Between Now and Always, is the character of Beth. I had messaged with Allen after reading Between Now and Heartbreak, and she was insistent that Beth would be Carter’s inspiration, the motivation for his continued emotional growth. We find this temporarily in BNH in that Carter is Beth’s muse and Beth is Carter’s influence on his creativity. Yet, the motivation behind this is their soul-driving interest in each other. In Between Now and Always, Beth’s strength is illuminated in her belief in herself. This is a woman who has come into her own, and she uses it to inspire everyone around her. For me, she is the most enlightened character. Yes, she still struggles with her beauty mark, but she fully accepts herself in this book. She becomes the fully realized Beth, her strength exuding from her characterization. As a woman who is always looking for strong heroines, this is exciting. Carter is still handsome, he finds his place in music, he’s successful, and he loves Beth, but he still flails in his emotions. His inconsistency of emotion and actions is a frustration. As a reader, you need him to stand in his conviction and knowledge, not his emotion. However, through Beth’s example and strength of character, Carter becomes more grounded; he becomes a better version of himself by the book’s end, and Allen’s prologue from Between Now and Forever can be realized. It is Beth’s example in this book that acts as a shole to Carter’s character. As a reader of romance, this is important. In so many romances, the hero is the impetus for change. For a genre that is continually evolving, seeking out better versions of itself, we oftentimes still get it wrong. In Allen’s book, it’s clear that Beth’s characterization is its feminist message on feminine strength of character and evolving standards of beauty.

Is this book still $exy like her others? Yes. Is the story compelling? Yes. Are Carter and Beth a match made in heaven? Yes. Yes to all of the parts of romance we love incorporated in Between Now and Forever. It is all here. Crucial, though, is Dylan Allen’s voice. It’s comforting. We know that, while she will take us through the fire, she will deliver respite and care at the end. When her heroes and heroines struggle to find their way to each other, she will make it so, but she will need to teach us important lessons about the difficulty of living because, while writing should entertain, it should also ring true to our own experiences or we can’t find ourselves in it, making it less palpable, more transitory. For a book, one like Dylan Allen’s, to be profound and necessary, we must lose pieces of ourselves in it. We must find ourselves embedded in its pages. And this, readers, is Allen’s superpower. Her ability to cull the experiences of her readers, transform them into the beautiful words of her story, and leave us panting for more lies at the heart of Allen’s writing voice. The Forever Trilogy beautifully illustrates the power behind Dylan Allen’s writing voice. Most importantly, Beth and Carter’s journey to forever is a necessary read in a world of processed, filtered Instagram ideals.

bibliophile90's review

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**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**

Between Now and Always is the conclusion to Beth and Carter's love story. These two have been on a long, heartbreaking, and difficult journey and I was looking forward to their HEA. I had to read my highlights of book #2 because I have a bad memory. And I needed those to put all the pieces together, especially after all the twists and turns in the previous books. The big reveal in the last book had me on the edge of my seat to find out what was going on. My heart broke for both Beth and Carter, but I think Beth needed time to finally figure out who she really was. I was so proud of her accomplishments and the woman she had become in this book. She was finally free to do whatever she wanted and it was really great seeing her grow stronger and more fierce.

What I loved most about this book was the mystery and not knowing what was going to happen next. There were some things that I felt were rushed. I would've loved those scenes to be a bit longer and more detailed. Beth was definitely my favorite character, and Carter was a good guy, but there were some instances I wanted to hit him. The side characters were great, and I definitely hope for two of them to have their own story told by Dylan Allen (you'll know who I am talking about when you're done with this book). The Forever Trilogy was a beautiful, emotional, mysterious, and sexy contemporary romance. I am glad I went on this difficult but heartwarming journey with Beth and Carter.

ninadonata's review

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After the end of book tow I needed to go on this journey with Beth abd Carter as badly as need to breath.
This final was pure perfection!!!! The most I waited for after boook tow and nothing thought off!!! It was so great to see how this characters had become better versions of thereseleces over the whole series and how strong they got.
This story gave the characters room to develop even if saw them grow in the last to books also.
I totally love it when you open a romance book and while reading the first pages ask myself how in haven or hell are they going to end up together!!!! Because I wasn’t able too see things coming and changing.
There was an amazing dynamic in this boook!!!! All this magic is in this book make brake me havbirs and i couldn’t lay me phone down!!!!
Ahhhh totally loveee and absorbed this magic words. Our hero is a talented young man. He searches for important things in his life. He doesn't take a risk if a person in his heart. He has good humor and is a strong character.
Beth still needs to find out how she can be the person who she wants to be. The young women always tries to please herself while trie to live the truth. She developed a lot and is able to fly!!!
To conclude I can say that this final of this series rocked my last reading days of 2019. So much well chosen words and a really really fantastic composition of story made me addicted. I laughed and cried with this characters sometimes I wanna shake this characters!!! But I loved ❤️ every secrcobf abd so any hot scenes!!!
All possible stars!!!!

kodom251999's review

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This book was the perfect ending for Beth and Carter’s story. The author pulled no punches from the very beginning. I was on pins and needles waiting for this book. The first two books were a rollercoaster ride that felt like we were going up and down, but this one added so many twists I felt dizzy.

I loved that Beth finally decided to take charge of her life. I found her strong and even more beautiful. Her inner beauty touched so many people. I love that she didn’t let the past color how she saw the world. She made new friends, and can I just say, I loved Joe. There was something about him that you couldn’t help but love him.

Carter loved Beth from the beginning. He finally took some responsibility for his actions. He was still impulsive, but he was also our broody, sweet, and romantic man. He finally discovered who he was, and it settled him in a way.

I could spend the rest of the day carrying on about how these 3 books touched my heart. They made me think about inner beauty. How we should treat others. How I was completely shocked when the truth started coming to life. These books were beautifully written from the beginning to end. I would love to tell you everything about them, but that would spoil your fun. If you haven’t started this trilogy, WHAT are you waiting for? I will say you will cry, you will laugh, and you will need a fan because they are HOT! OH, and you will want to throw your kindle at the wall (Don’t do that lol). This story is worth the frustration and the tears. Now go read! ❤️