
Reflected by Majanka Verstraete

limabean74's review

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My Review:

If you have NOT read the first book, this review will contain spoilers. Please read carefully.

I waited Two years for this book and HOLY CRAP! It was totally worth the wait. I enjoyed the first book but I REALLY ENJOYED this book. The first book gave me goosebumps and when she asked me to review this one just thinking of the end gave me goosebumps again. I couldn’t wait to see what happened to Piper and how Allison was going to handle being Piper.

  • The Story is told in 3 POVs Piper, Allison and Felicia. I really liked it and I think Felicia is fantastic, I thought Piper was my favorite but Felicia totally took her place.

  • Allison I wanted to like but I thought maybe I shouldn’t but then I wasn’t sure, so I still don’t know. :)

  • The story was so very good, I had a very hard time putting this one down. I actually never updated my Goodreads status because I was so engrossed in the book.

  • The characters are well developed and I felt bad for them, it was just a messed up situation they were all in.


I absolutely love this series and I cannot WAIT for the next one. Lots of guessing and a few HOLY CRAP moments this book was fantastic. I HIGHLY recommend this series to anyone, I just think you need to go read it…Go…NOW! You wont be sorry!


Thank you so much for stopping by to check out my review

Hope you have a great day and Happy Reading!

This review was originally posted on Because reading is better than real life