
April Foolishness by Teresa Bateman

misspippireads's review

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Tricky and clever! Grandpa is making breakfast while his grandchildren tell him story after story about the farm running a muck. It's not until Grandma comes in that the truth is revealed.

A wonderfully dramatic story with a clever embellishments while making breakfast. The story is excellent as read aloud for a large group. In a smaller setting or one-on-one sharing, the readers can notice the clever illustrations and text about farm products while Grandpa makes breakfast.

Theme: grandparents
Additional themes: April Fools, farm, breakfast

Reviewed from a library copy.

jmitschke's review

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Very funny story in rhyme about a farmer who gets tricked by his grandkids and wife on April Fool's Day.

mnstucki's review

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Such a fun and funny book for April Fool’s Day!

oliviak07's review

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One of the ELA books included in my field experience practicum, Teresa Bateman's "April Foolishness" puts the reader into the 'holiday spirit' as the start of the month approaches (and nothing more). A call and response book to expand on a student's concept of movement, humor, and the figures (both animal and human) that connect both, it will be a fair addition to a story time at most.

Compared to other children's books I have interpreted, the is a level of ease with call and response books due to the 'cruise control' that sets in when you are consistently switching out the subject or object and nothing else. You can have fun with how you show the different animals escaping, and Grandpa's sarcasm when he learns about them from his grandchildren, and that potential variety will make each individual story time performance one of a kind for the audience.

While not my personal favorite, but also not one of the worst books to share or interpret, this reader would like to warn future readers before signing off: Should this title make an appearance on your shelf, or on your story time rug, make sure to be careful when you open the never know what trickery can be hiding inside!

shanny1366's review

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This is a very cute story for April Fool's day. . . Or year round if you have a child who loves pranks! The Grandmother's trick at the end is delightful. I don't know if really young kids will catch onto this, but I also found it amusing how the Grandpa pulled out milk when he heard about the cows, eggs when he heard about the chicken, bacon for the pigs, and so on.