
Appendix A by A.M. Homes

xterminal's review

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A. M. Homes, Appendix A: An Elaboration on the Novel The End of Alice (Artspace, 1996)

What an odd little book this is. The End of Alice is Homes' magnum opus, a tale of Hannibal Lecter as written by Franz Kafka, Jack the Ripper addressed by John Dryden. Appendix A consists of a confession, a number of photographic pieces of evidence, and copies of a few of the letters referenced in the book but never shown. Having it is not a necessity for enjoying The End of Alice, but it does without doubt add some atmosphere to the hijinks therein. From the other side of the coin, though, it's quite doubtful that anyone who hasn't read The End of Alice is going to get anything out of this at all. Thus, start there; while, or just after, hunt down a copy of this. ****