
Slipstream by Alice Godwin

bookswithemily's review

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This book was definitely an interesting read. I thought the theme of sci-fi and dark fantasy worked well together. The first chapter opens with the story of a woman who was found murdered and her baby sliced out of her. This mystery was gripping and I was eager to find out how all the parts came together. I was definitely hooked from this opening chapter. The book is told from many POVs and from different time periods, it did take me a while to get into this layout but I got there in the end. I would describe this book like a jigsaw, the reader is given different parts of the jigsaw but then as the book goes on we can see the bridges between the sections coming together until we see the whole picture.

We mainly follow Raven, a 16 year old who lives in a post apoplectic world which is full of technology. She is a gifted person with seam interesting abilities, we get to learn more about these as the book goes on. A lot of things happen in this book which involve Raven and I was intrigued to see how this was all going to affect her. I think she is a strong person who still has a lot of learn about herself and her past, especially her parent and grandparents.

This book was very descriptive and the world building was incredible. I could fully imagine both the present and past settings of this book and I absolutely loved them. It was good to include this much detail when describing a whole new world to a reader and especially when this book is the first in a series. The world building was told as it was part of the main story of Raven so we wasn’t ever missing out on the main plot line.

I thought the ending was great, it brought everything together but then also left the reader on a cliffhanger. I am wondering what will happen next for these characters and wondering how Raven will discover everything about herself. I would definitely recommend reading this book to everyone who loves a mystery/thriller and a fantasy. It had a strong futuristic feel to it.