boredomandwordsofbooks's review

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I had to read this for school, and I didn't even really finish it because to be honest. I got really bored with it after a while. And I felt like it just dragged on for FOREVER! And I had like so many other things that I was reading at the time that I read it the first time, and other things to focus on that this didn't really grab my attention.

I'm not saying it's horrible and that you shouldn't read it, but I'm saying for me it was boring and not my style. I can't read historical fiction either... or MOST realistic fiction. Even though I can write them quite well... I feel like the whole "We have to read books that deal with racism cuz it's bad" thing is a little old. I mean yes, it is bad, and yes we should reinforce it every so often but after a while most of us tend to get the point...

I feel like people are going to yell at me for saying that but really I don't mean it isn't important I just mean that not ALL of us are horrible to people and the world is NOT going to end if we skip a year of racial tolerance reinforcement in English class.

So that is what I think made me not like this book as much. Maybe if I read it again I will like it better but as of right now, it wasn't my favorite....

pagesfullofstars's review

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"I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks."

I finally read this classic which is loved by many and I have to say that in my opinion, it's a truly sad book. I will never understand how one human being can be so hateful and malicious towards another. It is a very important read, though, and I'm glad I have finally read it.

jade_'s review

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although i did read this for school, i enjoyed it a lot! i liked the characters the most (especially atticus). i like how this story shows scout and jem as they grow up and learn some of the harsh realities of the world. it was a great journey and i'm glad i got to experience it. :)

ellieroth's review

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Publicado originalmente: El Extraño Gato del Cuento

Lo curioso de esta lectura es que me pase un gran tiempo buscando "To Kill a Mockingjay", la influencia del Presidente me está haciendo mal, y no ayudó nada todos los fanarts ¬¬ No sé si soy la única pero le tengo un tremendo terror a los clásicos, supongo que tiene que ver con que a mí me pidieron leer clásicos en el colegio y no era ese el momento adecuado para mí leerlo. Además que cuando a mí me obligan a hacer algo que no quiero, ese algo no tiene buen futuro en mi aprecio xD

No me arrepiento no haberlo leído antes porque creo que si lo hubiera hecho muchos años atrás no hubiera podido apreciar este libro como lo hice ahora. Es de esos libros de los cuales necesitas experiencia para poder identificarte o conmoverte con los personajes. Estoy casi segura que si me hubieras dado este libro en la secundaria lo hubiera odiado a muerte, porque así era yo, bastante fastidiosa. Ahora que estoy más grande (en realidad mayor, porque no crecí nada), la ternura y inocencia de este libro me ha dejado encantada.

Gracias a la perfecta narración de Scout, no recuerdo nunca haber querido tanto tener la necesidad de abrazar hasta ahogar a alguien, los personajes secundarios y principales son extremadamente adorables. Hace un tiempo cuando en el página de facebook hicieron un comentario sobre el libro "Querido Atticus", no lo había entendido porque en ese momento no había leído Matar a un Ruiseñor, ahora sí y sí, el personaje de Atticus es del tipo por el que temes en todo el libro, sobre todo nosotros que ya nos estamos acostumbrando a que los escritores sean sanguinarios.

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jediknightmuse's review

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Freakin love this book.