A review by moonpiereads56
Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah


This futuristic dystopian work of fiction is built on modern day facts. It’s a reflection of a plausible future of our current prison system if reform never comes. Very eloquently written, the plot was engrossing and made my heart hurt. It’s not the most ground breaking concept but the form, flow and content is unique and well fleshed out. The varied POVs adds to the caricature of human kind and how disgusting we all can be, how disconnected people are from pain and loss and how “entertainment” is a capitalistic war zone that destroys more and more of our humanity with every minuet of content. It makes you think and analyze your involvement in events, entertainment and others lives.

The ending being abrupt lends a hand to the fact that everything in life is uncertain, in flux and through love near anything is possible.

It’s not a happy book, it’s shows you hope but leaves you weary. I highly recommend you read it.