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Read Nonfiction Books about Butterflies

Hosted by diane_m

These books present a variety of approaches to butterflies, from history to travel, true crime to memoirs and nature studies. Three children's books are also included. They were all screened to have a good chance of being interesting based on t...

11 books | 1 participant

Springathon 2024

Hosted by curiousreader

Springathon is a readathon dedicated to celebrate nature writing. In our fifth year running, we're focusing on the (optional) prompts of the four seasons. Join us in celebrating the turn of a season in reading all things nature! 

5 prompts | 6 participants | 12 books added

May(ish) Nonfiction Challenge

Hosted by hashtag_alison

I just want to read a bunch of nonfiction in May. Let's say 5? 5 sounds good.

5 prompts | 3 participants | 11 books added

Quest to Lighten My Non-Fiction TBR

Hosted by misfitmoxie

Try different categories of non-fiction to change things up and learn something new... Or just ignore the prompts and slot in from your non-fiction TBR list.

16 prompts | 16 participants | 87 books added

History Prompts

Hosted by alanacca123

prompts for different types of history books to read different types of history 

22 prompts | 13 participants | 81 books added