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Every Year of the 21st Century

Hosted by ionm

For each year, the list must include only books which feature texts originally published in that particular year. The 21st century began on  1 January 2001 and will end on 31 December 2100. (So that the challenge can be completed, the list only...

24 prompts | 1 participant | 2 books added

Every Year of the 20th Century

Hosted by ionm

For each year, the list must include only books which feature texts originally published in that particular year. The 20th century began on 1 January 1901, and ended on 31 December 2000. 

100 prompts | 2 participants | 15 books added

Bookemon June Pride Event

Hosted by theknightgarden


6 prompts | 10 participants | 31 books added

Pride Month TBR

Hosted by idk_indigo

This reading challenge will be focused on books featuring LGBTQ+ characters. Since it's me, there will likely be an emphasis on the romance genre, but I'm trying to broaden my horizons as well! 

8 prompts | 1 participant | 13 books added

2024 Reading Prompts

Hosted by lexithomas

For each month of 2024 I will set aside a book to read that accomplishes that month's prompt but you can do them in any order you like! The prompts I chose are themes I really enjoy. I want to continue to challenge my usual reading habits while...

12 prompts | 4 participants | 17 books added