A review by osamatheauthor
Animal Farm by George Orwell


Solid 4.6/5!

Animal Farm is indeed a masterpiece - It was my first time reading a novel related to politics, and the whole tale, I can say I could actually see the current situation of many countries like George Orwell wrote in this novel.

The following points I could draw to make a crux of the novel:
Challenging the prevailing regime is equal to making himself silenced with surprising effectiveness.
Spreading false doctrine through any source is toxic to a democracy.
Freedom is a long struggle, and it shall remain with a consistent approach.
The value of freedom can be lost once we start praising it rather than maintaining it.
Being obedient is more important than being brave.
The essence of words should appear through their actions and their tone.
Law and order can be altered for the supreme leaders upon their choice.
Say wisely - it is easy to use your own words against you.
The harmony of a regime can be killed via jealousy and lust for power.
If they say something, don't just believe them with a shut-eye, but decode the sentences yourself to know the truth.

A must-read!