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Other American Cities

Hosted by digitaldeckle

I wanted to make a collection of books set in cities that weren’t NYC or LA, which I feel are over represented in literature. No time limit or nothing, add books if you wish. Adding just 10 cities for now, this could change if I get further thr...

10 prompts | 5 participants | 25 books added

A Reading Roadtrip Across the USA

Hosted by sameda

Complete the Goodreads 2024 “Reading Roadtrip Across the USA”. Each book takes place in a different state, plus D.C. Books are listed alphabetically by state, with each book’s state being noted in the information (“i”) for each prompt.Challenge...

51 books | 6 participants

Missouri Reading Challenge

Hosted by iambriam

Show me your books from the Show Me State. I made this challenge to learn more about my home state through history and across perspectives. I hope you'll join me! Feel free to start and finish whenever you want.Some books might satisfy more tha...

7 prompts | 4 participants | 33 books added

Gumptioners read around the world 2.0

Hosted by edulaia

We want to read a book from every region/country :)

35 prompts | 11 participants | 49 books added

Reading Around the Diamond - A Book for Every Major League team

Hosted by enzoisprettycool

These books could be about each team, in each city, or have something to do with the mascot, but there's 30 Major League Baseball teams and I'm gonna read a book having to do with each.

31 prompts | 1 participant | 3 books added